Chapter 836 Two methods
Of course, with what the barbarians have done, he will definitely not let it go.

Fortunately for other barbarians, the leader of the barbarians has been included in his must-kill list.

It's just that even if you want to do it, you have to think of a surefire plan.

When the car was quiet, Su Yi held the two arrows in his hand and placed them in front of everyone, and asked, "Who of you know this metal?"

Since these two arrows can break through his defense, the metal used is absolutely extraordinary.

But he never saw it.

"do not know."

Everyone said they hadn't seen it.

Su Yi sighed, and when he was about to put the two arrows into the [Qiankun Ring], [Smart Chariot] suddenly said, "Su Yi, this should be metal made from the Eight Desolation Ting Flame Stone."

"Eight Desolation Thunder Flame Stone?"

Su Yi frowned, and asked: "No. 2, what is the function of the Eight Desolation Ting Yan Stone?"

【Smart Chariot】explained: "Bahuang Tingyan Stone is a non-attribute ore, and the metal extracted from it can be instilled with any aura. It is also extremely strong and has the power to break defense."

"Can you instill any aura?"

Su Yi suddenly regained his spirits.

After the fusion of the ten great spirits, it can evolve into the Qi of Chaos, but the Qi of Chaos is too domineering, and it is the fusion of multiple spirits.

Ordinary weapons simply cannot instill.

If you use the Eight Desolation Ting Yan Stone to create a weapon, this problem will be perfectly solved.

Moreover, the strength will also soar a lot.

Su Yi was a little helpless.

The arrows and spears used by the barbarians should all be made of the Eight Desolation Flame Stones. If they were all collected, it would not be a problem to forge them into a long sword.

Originally, he wanted to take a break before dealing with the barbarians.

But after learning about the function of the Eight Desolation Ting Yan Stone, he decided to do it immediately.

And the method has already been figured out.

To capture a thief, first capture the king, and then take down the barbarian leader first.

"You are all waiting for me here. No. 2 and I will go to the barbarian territory." Su Yi said.

"Su Yi, are you going alone? Isn't it too dangerous?" Everyone was a little worried.

Su Yi had a confident smile on his face, "I have a way to deal with it, there will be absolutely no problem, you all can rest assured."


Li Rushuang and the others were still a little worried.

Cao Qinglang looked relaxed.

Among the people present, only he knew Su Yi best.

Since Su Yi said so, he has full confidence.

"Get out of the car first."

Su Yi greeted, waited for everyone to get out of the car, and arranged them on the red chariot.

Then he gave a few instructions, put the [Smart Chariot] in his pocket, and headed straight for the barbarian territory.

"Su Yi, what's your plan?"

On the way, the intelligent chariot asked.

"I have two plans, but first of all, I need to lock the position of the barbarian leader, depending on the situation." Su Yi said.

His plan was very simple. After finding the barbarian leader, he would either fly directly from the air and kill him with thunder, or punch a hole.

In comparison, flying over is more direct, but it takes some risks.

And punching holes in the past, the concealment is stronger and the security is higher.

However, it takes relatively more time.

Up to now, he has not decided which method to use.

"What does the barbarian leader look like, let me search." [Smart Chariot] asked immediately.

Su Yi briefly described the appearance of the barbarian leader.

(End of this chapter)

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