Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 837 Entering the Chamber of Secrets

Chapter 837 Entering the Chamber of Secrets
[Smart Chariot] After searching for a while, he said, "Su Yi, I found it. That guy is in an underground secret room. Besides him, there is another barbarian in the secret room."


Su Yi frowned, "What's the other barbarian's cultivation?"

[Smart Chariot] said with a smile: "Su Yi, you may not have imagined that he is an ordinary person."

"Ordinary people?"

Su Yi couldn't understand it.

It stands to reason that the physical fitness of the barbarians is far superior to that of the human race. Even if they don't practice, it is not a problem to become a martial artist in the blood realm.

So, why is this barbarian an ordinary person?

What is the relationship with the barbarian leader?
"Su Yi, this barbarian was imprisoned in an underground secret room. Moreover, he must have been seriously injured, which led to the loss of his cultivation." [Smart Chariot] explained.

According to what he observed, the barbarian was chained through his limbs and nailed to a cross, apparently suffering from torture.

"As barbarians, why does the leader of the barbarians treat his compatriots like this?"

Su Yi couldn't figure it out, but he didn't think too much about it.

It will be fine to arrest the barbarian leader and torture him later.

Later, Su Yi collected his thoughts and continued to fly towards the barbarian territory.

When the distance was more than 100 meters, he stopped.

At this moment, the barbarian territory is full of patrolling barbarians, and it is easy to reveal their whereabouts if they go further.

"No. 2, where is the leader of the barbarian tribe?" Su Yi asked.

[Smart Chariot]: "It's just under that cobblestone, to be precise, it's a secret room opened among the cobblestones."

Su Yi nodded slightly, then used his digging ability to dig in the direction of the cobblestones.

Since the barbarian leader is in the underground secret room, he can only hide in by digging a hole.

Ten minutes later, Su Yi had already dug under the cobblestone, only four or fifty meters away from the secret room.

But when he got here, he encountered a problem.

The hardness of the pebbles is beyond imagination, even using the digging ability is extremely difficult, and the speed is very slow.

Su Yi estimated that it would take at least several hours to dig 50 meters away at this speed.

After such a long time, the leader of the barbarians had already left by the time they dug through.

Su Yi pondered for a while, then his mind suddenly moved.

Then, he quickly opened the [Qiankun Ring] and took out the mountain-breaking shovel.

The mountain-breaking shovel also has the ability to dig, which is just in handy at this time.

As for whether it has any effect, we will see after using it.

Su Yi didn't waste any time and started digging with a mountain shovel.

Puchi, puchi.
The cobblestones, which were originally as hard as metal, shattered like paper in front of the mountain breaking shovel.

Su Yi was overjoyed and speeded up the excavation in vain.

In just 5 minutes, they dug to the secret room.

Clap la la.
With the falling of a piece of gravel, Su Yi plunged into the secret room.

The barbarian leader was taken aback by the sudden change. After seeing Su Yi's appearance clearly, he shouted inexplicably in horror: "How could it be you? How did you get in?"

Su Yi ignored it, but turned to look at the imprisoned barbarian.

But he was about seventy years old, with a haggard face, scars all over his body, and a very sluggish breath, obviously suffering from inhuman torture.

At this moment, the barbarian old man was also looking at Su Yi blankly, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say it in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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