Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 838 The Real Barbarian Chief

Chapter 838 The Real Barbarian Chief

Su Yi withdrew his gaze and turned to look at the barbarian leader, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, "We meet again, do you still want to kill me this time?"

Before, the barbarian leader was so arrogant that he even ordered a group of barbarians to surround and kill him.

But now, there was only one person on the other side, so he wanted to see how arrogant the barbarian leader was.

The barbarian leader's heart trembled violently.

Until now, he didn't know how Su Yi came here.

But one thing is very clear, Su Yi is an out-and-out super strong man, and he alone is by no means an opponent.

Thinking of this, the barbarian leader turned around and ran away.

Just when he ran to the door of the secret room, there was a piercing sound and a roar of a tiger behind him.

The barbarian leader's scalp exploded.

He knew very well that Su Yi must have come after him.

If you want to escape from the secret room, you have to drive Su Yi back first.

Of course, he also knew that he would not be Su Yi's opponent.But at this point, the only option is to work hard.

The barbarian leader gritted his teeth, turned around and punched back, just in time to collide with Su Yi's fist.

A loud bang.

But the fist of the barbarian leader was smashed into powder like paper.

Even the entire arm and half of the body were smashed to pieces.


The leader of the barbarian clan hit the stone wall, spewed out a spray of blood, and his aura quickly faded, seeing that he could not survive.


Su Yi stepped forward and glanced coldly at the barbarian leader, "This is what happens when you want to kill me!"

After saying that, he flew up and kicked heavily on the head of the barbarian leader.


Amidst the sound of bones shattering, the head of the barbarian leader was kicked flat and he died on the spot.


Witnessing this scene, the barbarian old man took a deep breath, his face full of inexplicable horror.

He was amazed by Su Yi's strength, but also awed by Su Yi's cruelty.

Later, Su Yi searched the body of the barbarian leader, but only found a piece of parchment.


A look of surprise appeared on Su Yi's face.

Because what was recorded on this piece of parchment was exactly one of the [Seven Transformations of Awakening Insects], and it happened to be the same as the token in his hand.

"How could the barbarian leader have such a thing? Could it be that there are beast spirits and spiritual plant essences that practice [Seven Transformations of Insects] here?"

Su Yi's mind slowly turned.

[Seven Transformations of Awakening Insects] is a very powerful body training secret technique, once practiced successfully, it will definitely increase the strength greatly.

Especially in the forbidden area of ​​death, it can play a more role.

Of course, the most important thing now is to figure out the identity of the barbarian old man.

Su Yi took the parchment, walked up to the barbarian old man, and asked, "Who is your Excellency?"

"Old man Jing Jiaxiang, originally the leader of the barbarians here." The barbarian old man gave a wry smile.

"Are you the leader of the barbarians?" The corner of Su Yi's mouth twitched slightly.

Since Jing Jiaxiang is the leader of the barbarians, why did he end up in this situation?
Also, who was the barbarian he killed?

Seemingly seeing Su Yi's doubts, Jing Jiaxiang explained: "I am indeed the real leader of the barbarians. I was imprisoned like this only because I was persecuted by Du Hao."

Su Yi could think that Du Hao was the barbarian killed by him, so he asked, "Why did Du Hao do this?"

"It's a long story."

Jing Jiaxiang sighed, with a touch of sadness and anger mixed on his face.

"Speak slowly, I have more time."

Su Yi smiled, and easily undid the restraints on Jing Jiaxiang's body, and released him from the cross.

Jing Jiaxiang is just an ordinary person, even if he has evil thoughts in his heart, there is nothing to worry about.

(End of this chapter)

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