Chapter 840 Transformation
Jing Jiaxiang carefully looked at the pattern on the token, and said in surprise, "It's actually the token of Baixuan Fighting Ape and Tianshayang Poisonous Grass!"

"Old man, can this token match what you know?" Su Yi asked.

[Seven Changes of Awakening Insects] There are seven changes in total, and the essence of beast spirits and spiritual plants required for each change is different.

The token is the key to open it, and only by matching each other can you get something.

"Exact match."

Jing Jiaxiang took a look at Su Yi, and said with emotion: "I have to say that your luck is really good."

"Really good."

Su Yi smiled.

Originally, I came here for the Poria cocos flower, but I never thought that I found something to practice [Seven Transformations of Awakening Insects] by accident. It really has a lot to do with luck.

"Old man, where are the things?" Su Yi couldn't wait.

"It's in this secret room."

Jing Jiaxiang replied, then got up and walked to the corner, stretching out his hand to press on a certain place.

There was only a click, but a hidden grid about the size of Zhang Xu appeared on the stone wall.

Jing Jiaxiang took a deep breath, reached out and took out a golden treasure box from the hidden compartment, and turned back to Su Yi.

"It contains the beast spirit of Baoxuan Fighting Ape and the essence of Tianshayang poisonous grass. Put your token in the groove on the treasure chest to open it." Jing Jiaxiang reminded.

Su Yi glanced intently, but saw that there was indeed a circular groove on the treasure chest, which seemed to be the same size as a token.

He didn't hesitate, and directly placed the token in the groove.

The next moment, the token suddenly released a piece of golden light, as if it had melted, and merged with the treasure chest.

At this moment, the treasure chest slowly opened.

Su Yi quickly swept into the treasure box, only to see two fist-sized light balls inside, one white and one black.

There is no doubt that these two light groups are the essence of the beast spirit and the spirit plant.

Su Yi didn't know much about [Seven Changes of Awakening Insects]. He just knew that he could practice [Seven Changes of Awakening Insects] by absorbing the essence of beast spirits and spiritual plants.

But how to absorb it is not quite clear.

"Old man, if I want to practice [Seven Transformations of Awakening Insects], how can I absorb them?" Su Yi asked Jing Jiaxiang for advice.

Jing Jiaxiang said with a smile: "Just put them in the palm of your hand, and they will slowly blend into your body."

"So simple?"

Su Yi frowned.

"Absorption is simple, but it takes a long process to completely transform their abilities into your own use."

Jing Jiaxiang explained: "Of course, the stronger the physical fitness, the faster the transformation process will be. Your physical fitness is quite strong, and it will not take long to complete it."

"Then I'll try."

Su Yi nodded, and held the two light clusters in his hands.

Suddenly, he felt two strange energies entering his body.

Su Yi lowered his head and swept his hands, and saw that the two light clusters were rapidly dissipating, while more and more energy entered his body.

When the two balls of light disappeared completely, an inexplicable feeling flooded his heart.

At this moment, he has a feeling that he is completely integrated with the two energies, and he can use these two energies with just one thought.

"Could it be all transformed?"

With a move in Su Yi's heart, these two energies were activated.

clack clack.
Suddenly, his body swelled up rapidly, reaching a height of five feet in a blink of an eye.

Moreover, the body is covered with a layer of white fur, which looks like a white giant ape, full of power and domineering aura.

(End of this chapter)

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