Chapter 841 Successful Fusion
At this moment, Su Yi's most intuitive feeling is that there is a violent force in his body.

The strength is more than double that of before.

Su Yi could imagine that the increase in strength must be caused by the fusion of the beast spirit of Baixuan Fighting Ape.

However, where is the ability of the Tianshayang Poisonous Grass manifested?
Why can't you feel it at all?

Could it be that it has not been transformed yet?

While Su Yi was thinking, Jing Jiaxiang was stunned.

He could see clearly that the changes in Su Yi were exactly the transformation state of [Seven Transformations of Awakening Insects].

And reached the state of great success.

This also shows that Su Yi has completely transformed the essence of the beast spirit and spirit plant.

If you want to completely transform in such a short period of time, you must have a heaven-defying physical fitness.

To be able to do this, Su Yi must have this kind of physical fitness.

Jing Jiaxiang had known for a long time that Su Yi was physically strong, but he never thought that he would be so strong.

Can't help but stunned in place.

"Old man, how hot is my [Seven Changes of Awakening Insects]?" Su Yi asked.

"The Realm of Great Achievement!" Jing Jiaxiang said bluntly.


A look of joy appeared on Su Yi's face, and he asked, "Then what abilities do I have after I transform?"

[Seven Changes of Awakening of Insects] There are seven changes in total, and each change has different abilities.

So far, he only knows that his strength has increased.

"The combination of Baixuan Fighting Ape and Tiansha Yang Poisonous Grass is the most powerful one among [Seven Transformations of Awakening Insects]. Naturally, there will be no shortage of abilities."

Jing Jiaxiang said slowly with envy on his face: "First of all, the strength value is increased by 10000 kilograms, and the defense power is doubled. Secondly, it has the toxin of the poisonous weed."

Su Yi was pleasantly surprised.

According to Jing Jiaxiang, after performing [Seven Changes of Awakening Insects], his strength value will reach the level of 14000 kilograms.

If you use [Tiger Tiangang Fist] together, the power of one punch soars to a terrifying 28000 kilograms, even stronger than Nannan.

Su Yi calmed down and continued to ask: "Old man, is the toxin of the Tiansha Yang poisonous weed very powerful? Why can't I feel its existence?"

"The poison of the Tiansha Yang Poisonous Weed is hidden in your hands." Jing Jiaxiang reminded.

Su Yi looked down at his hands, but saw that the two huge palms were pitch black, which was indeed different from other parts of the body.

Jing Jiaxiang continued: "The toxin of the Tianshayang Poisonous Grass is extremely vicious, and it is known as one of the three great poisons in the world. As long as it touches anything, it can corrode it. This includes the opponent's body, weapons, or Concrete!"


Su Yi took a deep breath.

Even figurative objects can be corroded, and it has to be said that the toxin of the Tiansha Yang Poisonous Grass is indeed vicious.

Su Yi even thought that if it was used to shade people, it would definitely have an unexpected effect.

"Old man, if you say that, once I use [Seven Transformations of Insects], I won't be able to use weapons anymore?" Su Yi thought of this question.

"You don't need to worry about that."

Jing Jiaxiang said with a smile: "All your own weapons have their own aura. The Tian Fiend Yang Poisonous Weed has already merged with you and is a part of you, so it will not damage your things."

"That's good."

Su Yi was overjoyed.

No influence is the best. In this way, the weapon can be used when casting the [Seven Transformations of Awakening Insects], and the combat power will definitely increase again.

(End of this chapter)

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