Chapter 842 Unspeakable Hidden
"Old man, my name is Su Yi, thank you for your help this time."

Su Yi introduced himself, and then thanked him again.

Without Jing Jiaxiang's guidance, he would not be able to cultivate [Seven Transformations of Awakening Insects] so easily.

A thank you is also due.

"Su Yi, if you want to say thank you, I should thank you." Jing Jiaxiang said embarrassedly.

Su Yi not only saved him, but also killed Du Hao, and avenged him, which was tantamount to reinvention.

"Old man, let's not be polite."

Su Yi smiled, then took out a Yunling Pill and handed it to Jing Jiaxiang.

Killing Du Hao was because of Du Hao's attack on him before, and had nothing to do with saving Jing Jiaxiang.

And Jing Jiaxiang did give him help, every yard counts for one yard, and there should always be something in return.

In addition, Jing Jiaxiang's cooperation is needed whether it is collecting Poria cocos flowers or Eight Desolation Tingyan Stones.

By giving away a Yun Ling Pill, it is right to leave a good impression on Jing Jiaxiang.

"Su Yi, what kind of pill is this?" Jing Jiaxiang asked curiously, having never seen Yunling Pill before.

"This is a Yunling pill, which can quickly heal injuries." Su Yi said briefly.

"Yunling Pill!"

Jing Jiaxiang was shocked.

Although I have never seen Yunling Pill, I have heard of it.

Yun Ling Dan can definitely be regarded as a holy medicine for healing, and its value is also very high.

"Su Yi, Yunling Pill is too precious, I can't take it." Jing Jiaxiang evaded.

"Old man, you are injured too badly. If you don't take the Yunling Pill, it will be difficult to recover. Besides, I have something to ask the old man for help." Su Yi said indifferently.

"Just say anything, and I will help if you can." Jing Jiaxiang promised.

Su Yi pondered for a while and said, "Old man, Du Hao is dead, can you regain control of the barbarians?"

If Jing Jiaxiang could control it, there would be no need to fight the barbarians in the future.

Otherwise, it will be a fight.

"Du Hao attacked me at that time, and he did it very secretly. Those of my tribe were completely deceived and didn't know about it at all. As long as I show up and tell the whole story, my tribe will definitely believe me." Jing Jiaxiang vowed Said.

"That's good."

Su Yi was overjoyed, and then talked about the business, "Old man, I want to exchange some Poria cocos flowers and Eight Desolation Ting Yanshi with you."

Jing Jiaxiang said with some embarrassment: "Su Yi, poria cocos is just a food crop to me, so it's no problem to exchange it with you. But the Eight Desolation Tingyan Stones have been forged into weapons, and there are no more in the clan."

"Old man, it doesn't matter if it's made into a weapon, we can still exchange it." Su Yi said.

Even if the Bahuang Tingyan Stone is forged into a weapon, it can still be refined and reforged again. There is no problem with this.

Hearing this, Jing Jiaxiang fell silent.

It stands to reason that Su Yi has a great kindness to him, so he should answer this request.

But the weapons made of the Eight Desolation Ting Yan Stone are too important to them.

In the forbidden area of ​​death, there are three forces, besides the barbarians, there are demon plants and alien beasts.

In terms of strength alone, the barbarians are the weakest.

And the reason why he was able to fight against it was the weapon made by the Eight Desolation Tingyan Stone.

If you lose your weapon, you won't have the ability to fight against Yaozhi and other beasts.

Then, the barbarians would not be able to gain a foothold in the forbidden land of death.

"Old man, do you have any unspeakable secrets?"

Seeing that Jing Jiaxiang was silent, Su Yi said tentatively.

(End of this chapter)

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