Chapter 843 Rear Base
Jing Jiaxiang didn't hide anything, and said directly: "Su Yi, those weapons are used by us to fight against alien beasts and demon plants. If we exchange them with you, we barbarians will not be able to gain a foothold here."

"Old man, are the strange beasts and Yaozhi very powerful? Why haven't I seen any of them." Su Yi asked strangely.

It is rumored that besides the miasma, the most dangerous thing in the forbidden area of ​​death is the strange beasts, and there are quite a few of them.

However, since he entered the present, he has never encountered one.

Jing Jiaxiang explained: "The overall strength of Yao Zhi and Alien Beast is indeed higher than ours. As for why we can't see them, it's because they are in the midst of a war."


Su Yi's eyes lit up.

He himself wants to find the seeds of the holy tree, and he will inevitably fight Yao Zhi. If this is the case, can he reap the benefits of being a fisherman?

"Old man, where is the battle between the Yaozhi and the strange beast?" Su Yi regained his spirit.

"Through the nearby jungle, there is a mountain range to the south. They should fight near the mountain range." Jing Jiaxiang replied.

Su Yi thought for a while, then said again, "Why are they fighting?"

Yao Zhi and Yi Beast belong to different species, and they have friction with each other, so it is understandable that there are small fights.

But if there is a big war, it is tantamount to immortality.

It is unacceptable for both parties.

So why do they still do it?

"To compete for territory."

A look of worry appeared on Jing Jiaxiang's face, "In the past, the three of us had our own territory, and we could almost not invade each other. But in recent years, a very powerful existence has appeared on Yaozhi's side, and it is very dissatisfied with the status quo , Trying to completely occupy the forbidden area of ​​death, this is the only way to fight against alien beasts."

"A very powerful existence?"

Su Yi frowned.

For some reason, the shadow of the holy tree seed suddenly flashed in his mind.

The holy tree seed is a sacred object of the elves. Once it grows up, it is indeed extremely powerful.

It is also true that he has the ability to lead Yaozhi and alien beasts to fight.

But whether this is the case or not needs to be experienced before it can be determined.

"Old man, if you put it this way, once Yaozhi defeats the strange beast, you will be the next target?" Su Yi asked.


Jing Jiaxiang nodded solemnly.

"Then you haven't considered cooperating with Alien Beast to fight against Yaozhi?" Su Yi continued to ask.

The lips are dead and the teeth are cold!

He believed that Jing Jiaxiang understood this truth.

So why did the barbarians stand still?
Jing Jiaxiang explained: "It is true that I had contact with strange beasts before, but then I was persecuted by Du Hao, right? This matter is over."


Su Yi nodded and said with a smile: "Old man, you don't have to worry about this matter. I have another purpose for coming here this time, which is to completely wipe out the strange beasts and demon plants."

Originally, he just wanted to get the poria cocos flower and the holy tree seeds, but now he has changed his mind.

He has a bold idea to build the death forbidden area into a rear base.

The reason for this idea is also due to the situation of Blue Star.

It can be predicted that in the near future, there will be a large number of fierce beasts and aliens in the Blue Star.

At that time, it is difficult to say whether Yuancheng can hold on.

And once you can't resist it, you can move into the forbidden area of ​​death.

Due to the inability to use spiritual energy in the forbidden area of ​​death, the strength of fierce beasts and aliens will be greatly weakened.

Standing firm in the forbidden area of ​​death is completely worth fighting for.

This move can be regarded as a rainy day.

(End of this chapter)

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