Chapter 851 Blood Planting

Among the people present, only Cao Qinglang and Huo Tiancheng knew that Su Yi had the ability to fly. Sha Wenxuan had heard of it, but it was the first time he had seen it.

Therefore, when they saw Su Yi spreading his wings, they were all inexplicably surprised.

"This guy has a lot of hidden methods!" Ling Nianyao looked at the direction where Su Yi was leaving, and muttered in a complicated mood.

"Su Yi is really amazing!"

Zhang Tianhua's eyes revealed a look of deep thought.

Not only is Su Yi extremely powerful in combat, he also possesses an explosive spiritual pet, and now he has shown the ability to fly.

It made him deeply feel the unfathomableness of Su Yi.

At the same time, he also strengthened his idea of ​​making friends with Su Yi.

"As expected of Uncle Su, that's too fierce!"

Zhao Zixuan and Bai Yuxuan became excited.

"It turns out that Su Yi has such a means!" Jing Jiaxiang breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Yi possesses the supernatural power of flying, so even if he encounters Yaozhi, if he wants to escape, he won't have any problems.

At this moment, I also understood why Su Yi dared to enter Yaozhi's territory alone.

On the other side, Su Yi used his speed to the extreme. In less than 10 minutes, he was less than [-] kilometers away from Yaozhi's territory, and he had already entered the detection range of the [Smart Chariot].

"No. 2, check and see if you can find any trace of Mu Guangping." Su Yi ordered.

[Smart Chariot] After searching for a while, he quickly said, "Su Yi, I found it."


Su Yi's eyes lit up, "Where is it?"

Now that Mu Guangping has been found, at least it means that Mu Guangping is still alive.

This made him breathe a sigh of relief.

"I can't tell. In short, his current situation is very bad. Why don't you take a look?" [Smart Chariot] said.

"Then let's have a look."

Su Yi flew from the sky to the ground, and then took out the [Smart Chariot].

If you want to see Mu Guangping's situation, you can only use the screen transmitted from the central control screen.

When the [Smart Chariot] became the size of a base vehicle, Su Yi walked into the vehicle and swiped at the central control screen.

However, at the foot of a huge mountain peak, there are hundreds of tall trees gathered.

Each of these trees is more than ten meters high. The most peculiar thing is that there is a human face on their trunks, and they can move freely on the ground.

Su Yi could guess that these trees should be demon plants.

"No. 2, where is Mu Guangping?" Su Yi asked.

The picture on the central control screen is a long shot, all occupied by Yao Zhi's figure, and there is no trace of Mu Guangping at all.

"On that blood plant." [Smart Chariot] reminded.

"Blood plant?"

Su Yi muttered, and looked at the central control screen again.

However, the screen on the central control screen turned and landed on a tall red tree.

This tree is 20 meters high and is blood red all over. What's even more weird is that its body is covered with red vines, like the tentacles of an octopus, which is both evil and disgusting.

Moreover, Su Yi also noticed that there were more than a dozen tentacles entangled with a human being, including Mu Guangping.

At this moment, Mu Guangping and the others were in a coma, their faces were pale, and their breathing was very weak.

"Number 2, why does this blood plant control Mu Guangping and the others?" Su Yi asked puzzled.

He knew that Mu Guangping and others were in a very dangerous situation, but he didn't know Xue Zhi's purpose.

[Smart Chariot] explained: "The blood plant is a very evil and powerful fighting plant in the Yaozhi Continent. He controlled Mu Guangping and the others in order to suck their blood and replenish himself with energy."

(End of this chapter)

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