Chapter 852 Fighting
"Damn!" Su Yi couldn't help but cursed.

What a cruel way to suck human blood to provide energy for oneself.

Moreover, the object of smoking was Mu Guangping, which made him intolerable even more.

"I will kill you!"

Su Yi looked at Xue Zhi's eyes, full of killing intent.

Afterwards, he quickly got out of the car, put the [Smart Chariot] in his pocket, and flew towards Yaozhi's place again.

Just when he was about to arrive, Su Yi stopped in mid-air and asked [Smart Chariot], "No. 2, are there any traces of strange beasts nearby?"

Although it was Yaozhi who was going to kill, he had to be on guard against strange beasts.

[Smart Chariot] quickly replied: "There is a group of strange beasts ten kilometers away from Yaozhi, with a number of more than 200."


Su Yi nodded slightly, and continued to fly towards Yaozhi.

With the alien beasts so far away, there was no need to guard against them.

Soon, Su Yi flew to the sky above Yaozhi's location.

At this moment, Yaozhi seemed to be resting, completely unaware of Su Yi above his head.

Su Yi saw the opportunity and jumped down.

When the flying shot came close to Xuezhi, a layer of golden light suddenly shone on his body, and he used [Smelting Golden Body] impressively.

Since he didn't know Xuezhi's combat effectiveness, he added a layer of defense to himself to be on the safe side.

Xue Zhi also sensed the danger at this moment, and reacted very quickly.

I saw hundreds of blood-colored tentacles flying all over the sky, like a huge net, completely covering the whole body.


Su Yi descended from the sky, like a god of war, holding swords in both hands, and slashed down in the air.

A cold light stared horizontally and vertically, as if cutting the void into pieces.

puff puff
Due to the cold light, the bloody tentacles were counted in half like paper.

At the fracture, a large amount of blood-red liquid was sprayed out, dyeing the surrounding area blood-red.


Xue Zhi was severely injured, and let out a shrill scream, and his huge body trembled unceasingly.

At the same time, after the surrounding Yaozhi discovered Su Yi, they rushed towards Su Yi frantically.

All of a sudden, Su Yi shot countless thick branches from all directions, which could almost be described as impenetrable.

Seeing this, Su Yi didn't show any panic.

With his current defense power, this attack power can't help him at all.

However, his main purpose was to kill Xue Zhi, and if he was attacked by Yao Zhi, he would inevitably slow down, and if he was not sure, he would let Xue Zhi run away.

In order to make a quick decision, he simply summoned his daughter out.

As for other spiritual pets, since they cannot use spiritual energy, their combat effectiveness is greatly reduced, and they are of no help at all.

"Ninny, kill them!"

Su Yi gave an order, and suddenly rushed towards Xue Zhi.

Those branches that rushed over were directly ignored.

bang bang
A series of thick branches hit Su Yi's body like a pebble hitting a rock. Instead of hurting Su Yi at all, they were all broken.

When Xue Zhi saw this scene, the face on the tree trunk became extremely frightened, and he flew backward desperately.

At the same time, Nannan also made a move.

At this moment, with a look of excitement on her face, she rushed to a monster plant, raised her hand and punched it out.

A loud bang.

However, he saw that the demon plant was cut in two by the smashed waist, and died on the spot.

The surrounding Yaozhi were stunned by the terrific fighting power of the nannies, and they were in a dilemma for a while, not knowing whether to continue fighting or run away.

(End of this chapter)

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