Chapter 853

It is very difficult for Nannan to find this kind of opportunity to fight heartily, even if Yaozhi doesn't make a move, she will not let it go.

Rushing up is a real massacre.

With every punch, a demon plant would be torn to pieces and died on the spot.

In an instant, dozens of demon plants had died under his fist.

All the Yaozhi killed were terrified.

On the other side, Su Yi cast [Liuyun Fengying], caught up with Xue Zhi like a hurricane, swiped two swords, and killed him cleanly.

With the death of Xuezhi, the Yaozhi gathered around retreated in one direction like a tide.

"Don't run away! I haven't had enough beating yet!"

Nannan was in a hurry, and quickly chased after him.

"Ninny, catch a live one!" Su Yi reminded.

Yaozhi's overall strength will definitely not be as vulnerable as the ones in front of him, and he can be tortured if he catches one.

"Okay big brother!"

Nannan rushed up, knocked a monster plant that fell behind to the ground, and then dragged it to Su Yi.

At the same time, a strange beast hovering in the sky turned and flew away when it saw this scene.

"Ninny, look at it, don't kill it."

With a warning, Su Yi quickly came to Xue Zhi's body, swept his eyes, and soon found Mu Guangping.

At this time, Mu Guang's face was bloodless and he was still in a coma. Fortunately, he was still breathing, which meant he was still alive.

"Old Mu!"

Su Yi tore off the bloody tentacles wrapped around Mu Guangping's body, and called softly.

Mu Guangping seemed to be aware of it, and opened his eyes slightly. After seeing Su Yi's appearance clearly, he said weakly, "Su Yi, am I dead?"

Su Yi's face was dark, and he said angrily, "How can you see me when you're dead?"

"I'm alive!"

Mu Guangping raised his spirits a little, excited, "Su Yi, you saved me?"

"Who else will save you but me?"

Su Yi smiled lightly, then looked at the others.

There are more than a dozen human beings controlled by Xue Zhi, but apart from Mu Guangping, there is only one handsome young man who is still breathing.

The rest of the people have completely lost their breath of life.

"Old Mu, do you know that person?"

Su Yi pointed at the handsome man and asked.

"His name is Dong Xuefeng, and he is a disciple of Po Yuanzong." Mu Guangping said.

"How is Po Yuanzong's strength?" Su Yi continued to ask.

"It's just an unpopular small sect. The strongest is only in the Illusory Spiritual Realm, and the number of people is very small. Except for Dongxue Peak, everyone else in Po Yuanzong was killed by this blood plant." Mu Guangping sighed Take a breath.

Speaking of which, he had crossed paths with Po Yuanzong, and the relationship was pretty good.

Seeing that Po Yuanzong was almost destroyed, I was still very sad.

"It's pitiful, so let's help him."

Su Yi muttered, and took out the [Smart Chariot].

When the [Smart Chariot] became the size of a base vehicle, Mu Guangping and Dong Xuefeng were moved to the vehicle.

"Big brother, what about this big tree?"

At this time, Nannan asked.

Su Yi intends to take this monster plant back for interrogation, but the monster plant is too huge, and the [Smart Chariot] can't fit it at all.

"Can you understand me?"

Su Yi stared at the face on the trunk of Yaozhi, and asked in a cold voice.


Yaozhi's face was filled with fear.

"Can still talk!"

Su Yi was happy, this way, the interrogation would be more convenient.

Then, he said: "Now I will give you a choice, do you want to die or live?"

(End of this chapter)

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