Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 854 I happen to be a soul cultivator

Chapter 854 I Happen to Be a Soul Cultivator
"I want to live." Yaozhi replied weakly without thinking too much.

"If you want to live, then follow me."

Su Yi smiled faintly, and then gave Nannan a wink, "Nannan, look at it. If it dares to make any abnormal movements, kill it on the spot."

"It's on me."

The girl raised her fist towards Yaozhi, which made Yaozhi tremble violently.

Seeing that Yaozhi was timid, Nanni curled her lips, jumped up, jumped onto the canopy above Yaozhi's head, found a branch and sat down.

"Number 2, go back."

Su Yi returned to the car and gave the order.

[Smart Chariot] Started and drove towards the barbarian territory.

Yaozhi followed closely under the control of her nannie.

Not to mention, Yaozhi's speed is not slow, even if it is not as fast as the [Smart Chariot], it is still faster than ordinary base vehicles.

[Smart Chariot] Slowed down a bit, Yaozhi could barely keep up.

"Old Mu, how are you hurt?"

Seeing that Mu Guangping's breath was very weak, Su Yi asked worriedly.

"It wasn't really injured, it's just that it was a little weak after being sucked some blood." Mu Guangping explained.

It sounds simple, but it is not.

Depletion of essence and blood is very serious, and it takes at least several months of rest to recover.

During this period, you must not do anything with others, otherwise you will burn the root of the disease.

"I'll help you refine some elixir to replenish blood essence when you go back. You should be able to recover soon." Su Yi comforted.

When he was in Jiang's house before, he asked Jiang Cheng for some pills, among which were supplements of essence and blood.

It is not difficult to refine this kind of elixir, and the spiritual materials needed are not too precious, so it is easy to get together.

"Su Yi, thank you!"

Mu Guangping was overjoyed.

"We are friends, why are you being polite to me?" Su Yi chuckled.

Mu Guangping's mood was a little complicated, and he was also a little moved.

Su Yi said so when he was in Tiancang City.

At first, I thought Su Yi was just a joke.Never thought that Su Yi really came to save him.

It can be seen that Su Yi did regard him as a friend.

With such a friend who risked his life to save him, Mu Guangping felt warmth in his heart for the first time.

At the same time, he secretly swore that he would treat Su Yi with all his heart in the future!
But at this moment, he suddenly thought of something, and looked at Su Yi in a daze, "Su Yi, are you still an alchemist?"

Su Yi smiled, noncommittal.

Mu Guangping immediately opened his mouth wide with shock on his face.

It's incredible that Su Yi is so young. He is not only powerful in combat, but also an alchemist.

Su Yi didn't say anything more about this matter, but instead asked, "Old Mu, why did you enter the forbidden area of ​​death?"

He knew exactly why Mu Guangping entered the forbidden area of ​​death.

The reason why I asked this was because I wanted to find out about the Wunian Flowing Soul Wood, but I was too embarrassed to say it clearly.

A hint of anger appeared on Mu Guangping's face, he gritted his teeth and said, "I was forced into the forbidden area of ​​death by those bastards from Xuantian Continent."

"Why did they force you?" Su Yi asked.

Mu Guangping hesitated for a moment, and said truthfully: "I reached a piece of No Mind Flowing Soul Wood in a secret place, and they all wanted to snatch it. I had no choice but to run away, and finally I took a risk and fled into the forbidden place of death."

"I see."

Su Yi suddenly realized, and murmured thoughtfully, "It is rumored that Wunian Flowing Soul Wood is a top-level spiritual material that can condense concrete objects of the soul system, and I happen to be a soul cultivator."

(End of this chapter)

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