Chapter 862


Yaozhi affirmed, and then explained: "However, Master Shengshu has grown up and possessed spiritual wisdom."


Ji Xiaoning and Ling Nianyao were very excited.

It is very difficult for the seeds of the holy tree to grow, but once it grows and possesses the spiritual plant, it will evolve into the holy tree of the elves.

To become the holy tree of the elves, one possesses various abilities, which is of great significance.

Su Yi's eyes revealed a look of deep thought.

Listening to Yaozhi's tone, he is very respectful to the holy tree of the elves.

In this way, they should obey the orders of the holy tree of the elves.

So, why did the holy tree of the elves let Yaozhi attack strange beasts?
Could it be that he has an ambition to fight for hegemony?

But that's not right either!

I heard from Ling Nianyao before that the holy tree of the elves is very peace-loving.

As long as no one violates the elves, it will never take the initiative.

Also, the blood plant comes from the Yaozhi Continent, and has no necessary connection with the holy tree of the elves.How could it appear in the Planting Demon Tower?What is the relationship with the holy tree of the elves?
All kinds of doubts lingered in his heart, and Su Yi couldn't sort it out in a short time, so he simply asked: "You all obey the orders of the holy tree of the elves?"

"We all obey the orders of Master Shengshu!" Yaozhi affirmed.

Su Yi frowned slightly, "So, it is also the will of the holy tree of the elves to fight against the beasts?"


A look of indignation appeared on Yaozhi's face, and he sighed: "We are also forced to do nothing, because Master Shengshu is under control."


Ji Xiaoning and Ling Nianyao exclaimed, feeling extremely anxious.

The holy tree of the elves is the symbol of the elves, and it is also the hope of whether the elves can rise again.

If something goes wrong, their hopes will be dashed.

"Is it controlled by Xuezhi?" Su Yi asked tentatively.

He had discovered before that Yaozhi always obeyed Xuezhi.

And the blood plant is very evil. Once the holy tree of the elves is controlled, it is understandable to start a war with the outside world.

"It's not a blood plant."

Yaozhi denied it, and before Su Yi could ask, he explained, "Master Sacred Tree is controlled by a World-Exterminating Huoyang Tree."

"World Extinguishing Fire Sun Tree?"

Su Yi muttered.

Since this is the first time I've heard of it, I don't know the origin of the World Extinguishing Huoyang Tree.

Ji Xiaoning's face suddenly became more serious, and she said in a deep voice: "Su Yi, the Mieshi Huoyang Tree is one of the three most famous fighting monsters in the Yaozhi Continent, and its fighting power is very strong."

Su Yi pondered for a while, and asked Yaozhi: "What is the strength of the Mieshi Huoyang Tree?"

It is imperative to rescue the holy tree of the elves, and there will inevitably be a battle with the world-killing fire-yang tree.

Knowing oneself and knowing one another can win a hundred battles.

Naturally, it is necessary to find out the specific strength of the World Extinguishing Huoyang Tree first.

"The Mieshi Huoyang Tree has reached the first level of the Illusory Spiritual Realm, and its strength is unsurpassed! Especially the fire aura it releases can burn everything!" Yao Zhi said with a terrified expression.


Su Yi was stunned.

Isn't it impossible to use aura in the forbidden area of ​​death?
However, he immediately thought of something, and tentatively asked: "Is it possible to use spiritual energy in the Demon Planting Tower? And once you leave the Demon Planting Tower, you can't use it?"

"This is indeed the case." Yao Zhi replied immediately.

"It's troublesome."

Su Yi sighed lightly.

Outside the Planting Demon Tower, he can easily handle the World Extinguishing Huoyang Tree.

And once you enter the Monster Planting Tower, you will not be an opponent.

After all, he is only at the fifth level of Soul Gathering Realm, which is six levels behind the Mieshi Huoyang Tree.

The level difference is too great!

(End of this chapter)

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