Chapter 863 Plan
Su Yi pondered for a while, then turned to Ji Xiaoning and asked, "Senior, are you sure you can deal with the Mieshi Huoyang Tree?"

To deal with the Extinguishing Fire Yang Tree, he can only rely on high-end combat power, and beside him is Ji Xiaoning, a warrior in the Illusory Spirit Realm.

"The Mieshi Huoyang Tree is too powerful, I am definitely no match." Ji Xiaoning said in a deep voice.

Mieshi Huoyangshu, as one of the three major fighting monsters in Yaozhi Continent, is extremely powerful and completely crushes the same level.

Ji Xiaoning is just an ordinary warrior in the Illusory Spirit Realm, and is not at the same level as the Mieshi Huoyang Tree.

"If I had known earlier, I would have brought Guan Hua and Fang Weize with me."

Su Yi muttered secretly.

At that time, only considering that spirit energy could not be used in the forbidden area of ​​death, I felt that the influence of whether the illusory spirit land came or not was not very big.

Who would have thought that such an accident would occur in the Yaozhi Tower.

And if you go back to the source city to find someone, it will take several days.

His original intention was to make a quick decision, so he naturally didn't want the time to drag on for too long.

"It seems that there are other ways to do it."

Su Yi pondered for a while, and suddenly said: "Is it possible to lead the Mieshi Huoyang Tree out of the Demon Planting Tower?"

As long as he draws out the World Extinguishing Huoyang Tree, he can use the thunder method to kill it with one blow.

"It's not very likely."

Ji Xiaoning shook her head and explained: "Although the Mieshi Huoyang Tree is extremely powerful, it acts cautiously. As long as it feels a little dangerous, it will never leave the Yaozhi Tower."

"Then we can only bravely break into the Demon Planting Tower!"

Su Yi narrowed his eyes, his eyes gleaming with determination.

"Su Yi, I'm afraid our strength is not good enough?" Ji Xiaoning was a little worried.

It is true that she is very eager to rescue the holy tree of the elves, but she must do what she can.

With people like them alone, once they enter the Monster Planting Tower, let alone save the holy tree, they will be hard to protect themselves.

"Don't worry senior, I have a solution."

Su Yi smiled slightly, and called Bai Shengju Xiaohu to his side, "Xiaohu, how is your cultivation?"

The [Smart Chariot] was not allowed to investigate Bai Sheng Ju Xiaohu's cultivation level before, so the level of Bai Sheng Ju Xiaohu is still unknown.

"Master, my cultivation has reached the first stage of the Illusory Spirit Realm." Bai Shengju Xiaohu replied respectfully.

"Illusory Spirit Realm!"

Su Yi's eyes lit up, and he asked anxiously, "Have you ever fought against Shi Mie Yang Shu?"

"I have fought twice."

Bai Shengju Xiaohu replied: "The first time was outside the Monster Planting Tower, and the second time was inside the Monster Planting Tower."


Su Yi raised his brows, "So, you can compete with the Mieshi Huoyang Tree?"

Bai Shengju Xiaohu immediately lowered his head, and said embarrassingly: "Outside the Monster Planting Tower, I can fight with the Mieshi Huoyang Tree for a while, but I won't be an opponent. And if I enter the Monster Planting Tower, I will directly crushed."

"The difference is so big?"

Su Yi frowned slightly.

Bai Shengju Xiaohu said with lingering fear: "The fire aura of the Mieshi Huoyang Tree is too domineering. The last time I was in the Yaozhi Tower, if I hadn't escaped quickly, I would have confessed there."

Su Yi could sense the fear of Bai Sheng Ju Xiaohu, and it would definitely not work for him to deal with the Mieshi Huoyang Tree alone, but Ji Xiaoning was still there.

If they join forces, will they be rivals?
Thinking of this, Su Yi asked Ji Xiaoning: "Senior, can you join hands with Bai Sheng Ju Xiao Hu to stop the World-Exterminating Huoyang Tree?"

The key part of his plan is to stop the World Extinguishing Huoyang Tree. If this cannot be done, the plan cannot proceed.

"It can be blocked, but the time cannot be too long."

The matter is very important, Ji Xiaoning replied very cautiously.

(End of this chapter)

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