Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 864 The whole army is dispatched

Chapter 864 The whole army is dispatched
"In this way, the plan can be carried out." Su Yi murmured thoughtfully.

Ji Xiaoning asked curiously: "Su Yi, what is your plan?"

Facing the terrifying existence of the Extinguishing Huoyang Tree, does Su Yi really have a way to deal with it?

Su Yi smiled slightly, "Senior, my plan is very simple. You and White Saint Ju Xiaohu hold back the Mieshi Huoyang Tree, and I'll just steal the Elven Sacred Tree."


Ji Xiaoning was dumbfounded.

The Mieshi Huoyang Tree will definitely guard the holy tree of the elves, let alone save Su Yi, I'm afraid he won't even have a chance to get close.

Su Yi saw Ji Xiaoning's doubts and explained: "Senior, I have a hole-drilling skill. As long as you attract the idea of ​​the world-killing fire-yang tree, I can carve out a passage to approach the elves in a very short time. Family sacred tree."

"You still have this ability?"

Ji Xiaoning looked surprised, but immediately thought of something, and reminded: "Su Yi, even if you get close to the holy tree of the elves, how can you take it away?"

Once Mieshi Huoyangshu found Su Yi, it would be absolutely impossible for Su Yi to return from the tunnel.

"I still have the ability to fly. The Mieshi Huoyang Tree will definitely not be able to catch up with me." Su Yi said relaxedly.

The speed of [Flying Wings] is faster than the aircraft, as long as it flies into the sky before Mieshi Huoyangshu reacts, escaping will not be a problem.

Ji Xiaoning's expression immediately cheered up.

The speed at which Su Yi used his flying supernatural power was astonishingly fast.

No matter how strong the Mieshi Huoyang Tree is, it will definitely not be able to pursue it.

It can be said that this is indeed a good way to save the holy tree of the elves.

"Su Yi, your plan is feasible, when shall we do it?" Ji Xiaoning asked.

"Today is a rest day, and we will leave early tomorrow morning," Su Yi said.

His plan is not only as simple as saving the holy tree of the elves, but also has a follow-up plan, which is to eradicate the world-killing fire-yang tree.

Because if you want to establish a rear base in the death forbidden area, you must not leave any threat.

As long as he can save the holy tree of the elves, he will have a way to deal with the world-killing fire-yang tree.

The method is also very simple, the Mieshi Huoyang Tree dared to leave the Yaozhi Tower and kill it directly.

If you don't leave, the Demon Planting Tower will be destroyed.

The Planting Demon Tower is a space tower, once it is destroyed, any creature inside has no possibility of survival.

Of course, it is necessary to plan well before taking action to avoid mistakes.

Later, he called Jing Jiaxiang and others together to discuss.

In the early morning of the next day, the warm sunlight poured down, showing a hazy color through the gray mist.

After a night of rest, Su Yi was full of energy.

At this moment, he stood on the top of the cobblestone, looking in one direction.

The place where the eyes are pointing is the territory of Yaozhi, which is where the Yaozhi Pagoda is located.

"Su Yi, everything is ready, when shall we set off?"

Cao Qinglang stood under the cobblestone, raised her head and shouted at Su Yi.

Yesterday, after some discussion, it was finally decided to dispatch all of them to try to annihilate Yaozhi in one fell swoop.

At this moment, the barbarians and alien beasts are all ready and ready to go.

Su Yi flew down from the cobblestone, swept behind him, and said loudly, "Let's go!"

Immediately, all the barbarians and the army of alien beasts marched forward with great momentum.

Su Yi and others sat on the [Smart Chariot] and walked in the forefront.

Due to the need to take care of the barbarians and alien beasts, the [Smart Chariot] does not drive fast.

According to this forward speed, it will take at least two hours to reach Yaozhi's territory.

(End of this chapter)

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