Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 870 The Powerful World-Exterminating Fire Sun Tree

Chapter 870 The Powerful World-Exterminating Fire Sun Tree
Ji Xiaoning gritted her teeth and was about to continue attacking when a loud roar came from her ear.

It was Bai Shengju Xiaohu who roared.

At this moment, it was covered with a layer of bright golden light, looking majestic as a tiger, and glaring at the Mieshi Huoyang Tree with its head up, without a trace of timidity.

Mieshi Huoyangshu shifted his gaze to Baishengju Xiaohu, and said contemptuously: "Last time, you were lucky enough to escape with your life. If you dare to come to die this time, then I will grant you!"

As the words fell, a tree branch burning with white flames smashed down towards White Saint Ju Xiaohu in the air.

Immediately, the sharp piercing sound swept over first, and the strong wind was mixed with terrifying fire energy!

"Don't be arrogant!"

Bai Shengju Xiaohu raised his head to the sky and roared loudly, and rushed towards this branch bravely.

The last time it had a hand-to-hand experience, it knew that it would not be an opponent.

But Su Yi had already issued an order to entangle Shi Mie Yang Shu no matter what.

Therefore, he did not have the slightest retreat.

The next moment, the two collided fiercely, making a loud noise.

The sound fell, but Bai Shengju Xiaohu screamed, smashing into the ground like a meteor, and the whole ground trembled when it hit.


Mieshi Huoyangshu glanced at Bai Shengju Xiaohu, then shifted his gaze to Ji Xiaoning, when there was a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, he stretched out a branch to look at Ji Xiaoning a little further away,

A white pillar of fire as thick as a bucket rushed towards Ji Xiaoning.

Seeing this, Ji Xiaoning's pupils shrank suddenly.

The energy contained in the white fire pillar was too terrifying, giving her a feeling that she would be destroyed if she fought against it.

However, the white pillar of fire was not only coming fiercely, but also as fast as lightning, giving her no chance to dodge at all.

At this critical moment, Ji Xiaoning quickly took out a multi-colored shield, and after infusing it with wood spirit energy, it instantly turned into a size of Zhang Xu, and stood in front of her.

This shield is exactly [Five Elements Eternal Shield].

Before, Su Yi was worried about Ji Xiaoning's accident, so he gave the [Five Elements Eternal Shield] to Ji Xiaoning to use.

[Five Elements Eternal Shield] Only by infusing the Qi of the Five Elements can it exert its maximum power. If only the Qi of wood is injected, the defense power will be greatly reduced.

However, even so, it was much stronger than ordinary defense methods.

At this moment, the white pillar of fire hit the [Five Elements Eternal Shield] heavily.

Accompanied by a loud bang, Ji Xiaoning was sent flying more than ten meters away, including her shield and her body.

After landing, he opened his mouth and sprayed out a flower of blood, and his breath quickly became weak.

Fortunately, with the [Five Elements Eternal Shield] to help resist, she was only seriously injured, and her life was finally saved.

"Elder Ji."

Ling Nianyao's complexion changed wildly.

The mood of others also became unusually heavy.

Ji Xiaoning and Bai Shengju Xiaohu are the strongest fighters among them.

And with the injury and defeat of this person and one beast successively, who can stop the powerful Huoyang Tree of Extinguishing World?
Maybe they will all be buried here today!

"I said long ago that you are here to die, but I just don't believe it!"

After defeating Ji Xiaoning and Bai Shengju Xiaohu one after another, Mieshi Huoyangshu laughed triumphantly.

Then, he glanced at Ling Nianyao and the others with fluttering eyes.

Originally, she was looking for Su Yi, but found that Su Yi had disappeared.

"Hey, where did that human go?"

The Mieshi Huoyang Tree was a little puzzled.

He even wondered if Su Yi escaped from the Yao Zhi Tower while she was not paying attention.

(End of this chapter)

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