Chapter 871 Snatch
But at this moment, the ground under the feet of the Mieshi Huoyang Tree suddenly shattered.

Immediately, a figure rushed out of it, and before the Mieshi Huoyang Tree could react, it grabbed the holy tree of the elves and soared into the sky!

The figure that appeared was none other than Su Yi.

"Su Yi succeeded!"

Seeing that Su Yi rescued the holy tree of the elves, Ling Nianyao was inexplicably surprised.

Others also looked excited.

"According to the plan!"

With a loud roar, Su Yi took the holy tree of the elves and flew towards the opposite direction of the portal of the planting demon tower.

The previous plan was that once he rescued the holy tree of the elves, everyone would immediately exit the Demon Planting Tower.

If he also flew towards the Zhiyao Pagoda, he would definitely be blocked by the Mieshi Huoyang Tree.

And if he fled in the opposite direction, Mieshi Huoyangshu would not be able to take care of other people.

"Human, you are courting death!"

Mieshi Huoyangshu was furious.

The holy tree of the elves is used to control Yaozhi. Once the holy tree of the elves is lost, those Yaozhi will not obey her orders.

This is something she absolutely does not want to see.

The Huoyang Tree of Mieshi moved its huge body, carrying a monstrous killing intent, chasing and killing Su Yi.

"Elder Ji, are you okay?" Ling Nianyao flew to Ji Xiaoning's side.

Just after the sacred tree of the elves was snatched away by Su Yi, all those Yaozhi stopped attacking and stood there blankly.

There were only a dozen blood plants left that continued to attack.

This also reduced the pressure on the human side, and Ling Nianyao was able to get out to check on Ji Xiaoning's situation.

"I can stand it."

Ji Xiaoning gritted her teeth, and said anxiously: "Hurry up, do as Su Yi instructed, and immediately withdraw from the Demon Planting Tower."

Before, Su Yiqian told Wan Wan that he must leave as soon as he snatched the holy tree of the elves.

And now is the opportunity.

"Can Su Yi do it?" Ling Nianyao was a little worried.

Although, bickering with Su Yi all day long.

But from the bottom of his heart, he regarded Su Yi as a friend.

Once they leave, Su Yi will face the Huoyang Tree alone. Is there really a chance of survival?

"Since Su Yi said it, there must be no problem." Ji Xiaoning became a little anxious.

If they continued to stay here, not only would they not be able to help Su Yi, they would even become Su Yi's burden.

Because Su Yi has the supernatural power of flying, the Mieshi Huoyang Tree cannot catch up with Su Yi.

After they left, Su Yi would be able to get rid of the Mieshi Huoyang Tree and leave with him.

But if they don't leave, Su Yi will certainly not leave in order to take care of them, which will bring great danger to Su Yi.

"it is good!"

Ling Nianyao helped Ji Xiaoning up, and shouted to the others: "Let's follow Su Yi's orders and get out of here."

Zhao Zixuan and the others had great trust in Su Yi and believed that Su Yi had the ability to escape, so they retreated towards the portal without hesitation.

Bai Shengju Xiaohu also crawled out of the pit at this time, and gathered with the crowd in a mess and blood stains.

Without Yaozhi's help, he was powerless to stop it with only a dozen blood plants, so he could only watch Ji Xiaoning and others leave.

On the other side, Su Yi was flying desperately, but he was dragging the holy tree of the elves, which seriously affected his speed, and he was about to be overtaken.

At this critical moment, Su Yi had an idea, quickly opened the [Langya Ring], and threw the holy tree of the elves into it.

[Langya Ring] is the planting space. The holy tree of the elves belongs to the spiritual plant. If you let him stay in it for a while, there should be no problem.

(End of this chapter)

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