Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 872: Obtained Chaos Spirit Liquid

Chapter 872: Obtained Chaos Spirit Liquid
Without the burden of the holy tree of the elves, Su Yi's speed has increased a lot in vain.

But after a while, the distance between him and the Mieshi Huoyang Tree was opened!

"Human, if you don't want to die, stop!"

Mieshi Huoyangshu was furious when he saw that he could not catch up with Su Yi.

"mentally retarded!"

Su Yi curled his lips, and continued to fly with a satisfied face.

Stop and get killed, that's what a fool would do.

Mieshi Huoyangshu actually made such a request, either mentally retarded or brain-dead.

At this moment, Chen Xiong and Chen Hu even appeared in his mind.

This pair of brothers is definitely a model of mental retardation.

I don't know if the two brothers will keep themselves safe after the last lesson.

When Su Yi was thinking about it, [Smart Chariot] suddenly reminded: "Su Yi, all our people have withdrawn."

Su Yi showed joy, and ordered: "Number 2, show me the direction, and get the Chaos Spiritual Liquid first."


[Smart Chariot] was stunned.

In the current situation, shouldn't you run away?
Why is Su Yi still thinking about the Chaos Spiritual Liquid?Are you not afraid of playing with fire and setting yourself on fire?
If they are caught up by the Mieshi Huoyang Tree, they will all be finished.

"Su Yi, let's run first." [Smart Chariot] persuaded.

"Wealth and wealth are sought in danger, the opportunity is right in front of us, how can we miss it?"

Su Yi said calmly: "Number 2, you are my friend, shouldn't you support me more at this time?"

"Okay." [Smart Chariot] was helpless.

Su Yi was playing with his life this time, and he really couldn't bear it.

But he also knew Su Yi's temper.

Once Su Yi made up his mind, no one could stop him.

Later, under the guidance of the [Smart Chariot], Su Yi easily found the pool containing the chaotic liquid.

Seeing the chaotic liquid again, Su Yi's eyes radiated a fiery light.

This is a rare treasure!
With the Chaos Spiritual Liquid, one can improve one's cultivation by a large amount in a very short period of time.

Every time Su Yi thought of this, he couldn't hide his excitement.

"Su Yi, hurry up, that big tree is about to catch up." [Smart Chariot] reminded anxiously.

Su Yi regained his composure, took out the mountain-breaking shovel and operated it for a while.

It actually dug out the pool directly.

There is still quite a lot of chaotic spiritual liquid in the pool, and it must be too late to bottle it with mineral water.

It would be easier to just dig it out.

This kind of operation was used at that time in the Yuankong Ancient Realm when they robbed the time spirit liquid, so it can be said that they are familiar with it.

"Human, you are too deceitful!"

At this moment, Mieshi Huoyangshu came up close, and when he saw that Su Yi had dug out the entire pool full of chaotic liquid, he was completely furious.

Su Yi snatched the holy tree of the elves before, and then took the chaotic liquid as his own.

This is no different from a robber, is it a human thing?

Under the angry eyes of the Mieshi Huoyang Tree, Su Yi majesticly collected the chaotic spiritual liquid into the [Qiankun Ring], then waved at the Shimie Huoyang Tree, spread his wings, and soared.

"Ah! Human, I must kill you!"

Seeing Su Yi's action, Mieshi Huoyangshu was about to explode in anger, and roared crazily.

"You can catch up with me."

Su Yi made a provocative sound and flew straight in one direction.

He didn't fly in the direction of the portal because he was worried that Mieshi Huoyangshu would see his purpose.

Once the Mieshi Huoyang Tree guards the portal, it will be very difficult to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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