Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 923 It's because I'm too strong

Chapter 923 It's because I'm too strong
Muran, Zhang Canyang thought of something, and his expression became complicated.

Isn't the time beast in front of him the same time dirt beast in Yuankong Ancient Realm?
At that time, what they analyzed was that the Time Dirt Beast went to hunt down the Demon Man.

Why did it appear beside Su Yi?Became Su Yi's pet?
Zhang Canyang felt that his brain was not enough, and he couldn't figure out what was going on.

He wanted to ask, but he also knew that now was not the time to ask.

I can only temporarily suppress my doubts in my heart.

Suddenly, [Smart Chariot] reminded: "Su Yi, that fire dragon has found us, and it will come after us soon."

Hearing this, everyone suddenly became tense.

"If you dare to come, this is its burial place!"

Su Yi snorted coldly, opened the [Linlang Ring] and summoned the World-Mietin Fire Yang Tree.

"What a powerful Yaozhi!"

Looking at the tall figure of Mieshi Huoyang Tree and the berserk aura emanating from it, Zhang Canyang and others were stunned.

At this moment, they also understood why Su Yi chose to be hard steel with Huolong, and he should rely on this demon plant.

However, just as they had this idea, they suddenly felt another terrifying aura.

"What's the situation? Could it be that Su Yi still has a helper?"

Everyone looked in the direction of the source of the breath, and when they saw a five-foot-tall white giant ape, they were stunned.

If this white giant ape was Su Yi's pet, they might not be so surprised.

The point is not.

Because the body of this giant ape is clearly covered with a layer of golden scales, this is a remarkable sign of Su Yi's use of the body forging secret technique!

Obviously, Su Yi used another body forging secret technique to incarnate into a giant ape.

"Su Yi has been promoted to the ninth level of Soul Gathering Realm!"

Sensing the change in Su Yi's breath, Jin Hongxuan's mouth opened wide.

If I remember correctly, last time at Jiang's house, Su Yicai was at the third level of Soul Gathering Realm.

Promoted to the ninth level of Gathering Soul Realm in less than a month?

Moreover, he also practiced such a powerful body-building secret technique!

Could it be that the talent of more than 20 stars is really against the sky to such a degree?

Rao Yijin Hongxuan was so well-informed that he felt a little unbelievable at this moment.


Suddenly, there was a violent tremor around the cave, accompanied by a loud noise, but a huge fiery red dragon head rushed in, roaring with teeth and claws.

Suddenly, a hot temperature filled the entire cave.


Su Yi roared.

Without saying a word, the Mieshi Huoyang Tree shot out two branches that were burning with blazing fire, and immediately entangled the dragon's head.


The fire dragon let out an angry roar, and when it was preparing to fight back, a tiger's howl suddenly sounded in the cave.

It was Su Yi who rushed forward, holding a huge fist shining with colorful lights, and hit the dragon's head hard.

There was a bang, but the entire faucet was shattered.

"It's so easy to kill?"

After discovering that the breath of the fire dragon had completely disappeared, Su Yi was stunned.

Is the fire dragon too weak?

Or is he too strong?
Su Yi pondered for a while, and he was sure that it was because he was too strong.

Using [Seven Transformations of Insects] and [Tiger Tiangang Fist], the force of one punch has reached a terrifying 34000 kilograms, and with the assistance of Chaos Spiritual Qi, even concrete objects can be smashed.

It's nothing to kill the fire dragon with one punch.

Just after the fire dragon was wiped out, the cave fell into silence.

Jin Hongxuan and the others were completely stunned.

Until now, they didn't realize what a terrifying existence Su Yi was.

The Ninth Level of the Gathering Soul Realm killed the Second Level of the Illusory Spiritual Realm with one punch, and it was still in a crushing way. Su Yi's strength was beyond imagination!

(End of this chapter)

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