Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 924 You're Overwhelmed

Chapter 924 You're Overwhelmed

Su Yi put away the [Seven Changes of Insects], and just took a breath, at this moment, Nannan excitedly ran to his side, and then opened her mouth and sucked violently at the place where the fire dragon shattered.

However, all the fire aura turned into by the broken fire dragon was sucked into the nannie's belly like a long whale sucking water.

"Big Brother, I'm so sleepy."

After Nannan absorbed it, her stomach swelled like a watermelon, her eyelids also began to lift, and she fell into a drowsy state.

Seeing this, Su Yi was not surprised but pleased, and quickly included his daughter in [Langya Ring].

He remembered clearly that this happened the last time my daughter absorbed the time power of the time dirt beast.

After waking up, his strength soared a lot.

And this time absorbing the fire aura of the fire dragon must be preparing for promotion.

Thinking of this, a smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

Originally, I thought that being chased by the fire dragon was a troublesome thing, but I never thought that I would get a big deal.

"Su Yi, did you use spiritual energy just now?"

Jin Hongxuan recovered from the shock and made a sound of testing.

Just now, he clearly felt an aura of destruction.

It is somewhat similar to aura fluctuations, but it is also very different.

Out of curiosity, I have this question.

The others were also very interested, Qi Qi looked at Su Yi.

"It's the result of spiritual energy fusion."

Su Yi said with a smile: "I have condensed the ten spirits, and I have fused the ten spirits together, which is called the energy of chaos. Another way of saying it is called the power of destruction!"

The matter of condensing the top ten spirits will be known sooner or later, there is no need to hide it.

"Gathering ten spirits?"

Jin Hongxuan and the others almost dropped their jaws.

Martial artists who can condense three souls are rare, and it is simply impossible to condense ten souls.

I never thought about it, but it happened to Su Yi.

What is the talent of heaven, it is vividly reflected in Su Yi.

Throughout the ages, perhaps the only one who could stand shoulder to shoulder with Su Yi was Su Chen, the legendary strongest human being.

"Let's take some time to rest."

Su Yi greeted, put away the spiritual pets and the Mieshi Huoyang Tree, and then sat down on the ground.

It's still not safe to stay here, and you have to leave as soon as possible.

Not long after Su Yi sat down, Zhang Canyang came up to him.

"Brother Zhang, what's the matter?" Su Yi asked.

Zhang Canyang asked with a smile: "Su Yi, your Time Dirt Beast isn't the one from Yuankong Ancient Realm, is it?"

Su Yi: "."

After such a long time, Zhang Canyang still remembers this?
If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have brought out the time dirt beast just now.

"No, I tamed this time dirt beast elsewhere." Su Yi lied.

His image in the minds of Zhang Canyang and others is selfless and great. If this is the truth, Zhang Canyang must be able to think that he has swallowed the time spirit liquid and the fruit of Shouxi all by himself?
Didn't his image collapse then?

Therefore, this matter must be rotten in the stomach, and it must not be known to outsiders.


Zhang Canyang said thoughtfully: "I just feel a little like it."

"The time and dirt beasts all look alike, you may be delusional." Su Yi said with a smile.

"more or less."

Zhang Canyang nodded and stopped asking questions.

Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and began to close his eyes to rest.

Suddenly, [Smart Chariot] reminded: "Su Yi, the people in Wugong Mountain have started to dig down."

(End of this chapter)

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