Chapter 925 Escape
"The ghost doesn't go away!"

Su Yi was a little bored.

Originally planning to take a break, now can only change his mind.

Later, he planted some explosive fruits around the hole, and then began to dig.

When digging hundreds of meters, there was a sudden explosion behind him.

Needless to say, it must be caused by people from Wugong Mountain who dug into the hole and touched the fruit of the explosion.

There were two explosions in a row, which may have caused a lot of damage to Wugong Mountain, so they stopped sending people to dig.

However, they still did not leave. Instead, they sent more people on the ground, and expanded the scope of the search.

Su Yi was in no hurry about this.

He still doesn't believe it, can people in Wugong Mountain see it for a lifetime?

Furthermore, as long as you keep digging, you will be able to escape the monitoring range of Wugong Mountain sooner or later.

Even, if there is enough time, he is confident that he can dig through Blue Star.

Of course, he would not be idle doing such meaningless things.

From behind, Su Yi dug all the way out of Yanyue City.

If you are tired, eat some fruit and take a rest.

Wait until you regain your strength and move on.

Before I knew it, three days had passed.

After Su Yi's non-stop excavation day and night, a [-]-kilometer tunnel was dug directly underground.

It is a miracle that such a long tunnel can be dug in three days.

If the people in Wugong Mountain knew that Su Yi had this ability, they would have given up a long time ago.

When he got here, Su Yi stopped digging.

According to the news from [Smart Chariot], there is no Wugong Mountain eyeliner around.

As long as you break through the ground from here, you can escape quickly.

However, just in case, Su Yi decided to take a good rest for a day and wait until his condition is full before leaving.

"Senior, how is your injury?"

During the break, Su Yi asked Jin Hongxuan.

A few days ago, he gave Jin Hongxuan a Yunling Pill.

After Jin Hongxuan took it, his complexion improved obviously, but it's not known exactly how he recovered.

"In another three to five days, he will basically recover." Jin Hongxuan said.

"That's good." Su Yi was overjoyed.

Jin Hongxuan is a martial artist at the tenth level of the Illusory Spiritual Realm, and has the name of a sword master.

Once recovered to the peak, there will be no opponents under the state of supernatural power.

Go to Wind Wing City to save people later, there will be no problem.

After resting for a day, Su Yi decided to leave.

First, let the [Smart Chariot] check it out. After making sure that there is no one around, it quickly digs up.

When it came to the ground, the 【Smart Chariot】transformed into an aircraft form, carrying everyone away quickly.

The people from Wugong Mountain were still in control outside Yanyue City, but even if they wanted to break their heads, they would never have thought that Su Yi had dug a distance of [-] kilometers.

It was even more unexpected that Su Yi and the others had escaped unharmed from under their noses.

Half a day later, [Smart Chariot] appeared near Wind Wing City.

"No. 2, first find a hidden place to fall down." Su Yi ordered.

We will start to save people later, but before saving, we must first determine the number of strong people in Windwing City.

In addition, we need to find out where Wen Haomiao and Mao Jiazhi are being held.

However, [Smart Chariot] has never seen these two people.To find them, other methods are needed.


[Smart chariot] fell into a small forest and hid.

(End of this chapter)

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