Chapter 952 Trapped

The corner of Su Yi's mouth twitched, and with a sudden force, all the vines wrapped around his legs collapsed with a bang.

"Brother, are the ground vines I made okay?" The Elven Sacred Tree asked expectantly.

"not bad."

Su Yi affirmed.

After verification, he made a judgment. The ground vines are very tough and relatively strong. It is not a problem to restrain the tenth-level body-hardening realm warriors.

Moreover, it also has certain attack capabilities.

Especially the characteristic of concealment, if it is used to set up traps and shady people, it can even have an unexpected effect.

In short, I am quite satisfied with the newly developed ability of the holy tree of the elves.

"Little bald head, as you become stronger, can you create more types of demon plants?" Su Yi tentatively asked.

"A total of a dozen kinds can be made."

For example, the holy tree of the elves, "the demon plant with ground thorns, the defensive demon plant, and the illusion demon plant."

The holy tree of the elves said a lot, and Su Yi's eyes became brighter and brighter.

I originally thought that the holy tree of the elves could only produce demon plants, but I never thought that there are so many types.

If all of them can be produced, they can form a powerful army.

At this moment, Su Yi somewhat understood why the holy tree of the elves was called the holy object of the elves. It turned out that it was capable of making different kinds of demon plants!
"Little bald head, I will give you priority when I get the time liquid in the future." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Thank you, brother!" The elf holy tree looked excited.

"Okay, you can rest."

Su Yi greeted and closed [Lin Lang Jie].

The holy tree of the elves took one big brother at a time, which made his scalp tingle.

Then, he looked at the Martial Artist Forum again, and didn't start to rest until late at night.

The next morning.

The sunlight poured down through the clouds and shone on the ground, reflecting a different kind of light.

Su Yi got out of the car, took a greedy breath of fresh air, and became much more energetic.

"Su Yi, when are we going to leave?" [Smart Chariot] urged.

"Look, you're in a hurry." Su Yi laughed dumbfounded.

He knew [Smart Chariot] was anxious to see the red chariot.

Su Yi slowly got into the car, and was about to order the [Smart Chariot] to take off when his cell phone rang suddenly.

Seeing that the caller was Yuan Siying, he quickly connected it.

"Su Yi, have you arrived at the forbidden area of ​​death?" Yuan Siying asked.

"No, I'm still outside Sanqing City, and I'm planning to leave."

Su Yi replied, and then asked: "Senior Sister Yuan, what's the matter?"

"Su Yi, I would like to ask you for a favor." Yuan Siying said with some embarrassment.

"Just say anything." Su Yi didn't care much.

When dealing with friends, he has never said anything else, and he will definitely help if he can help.

"The two elders of our Seven Star Island are trapped on an island in the surging sea. I hope you can help rescue them." Yuan Siying briefly explained the reason.


Su Yi frowned.

According to the news he learned last night, there are still two elders staying in Yongxi Sea on Seven Star Island, but these two are both warriors of the second level of the Illusory Spiritual Realm, and their strength is abnormally strong, so they don't even have a chance to escape?

"Is it trapped by the Sea Clan?" Su Yi guessed.

The tidal sea opened up the boundary channel connecting the sea clan, and a large number of sea clan people poured in, basically it was the sea clan who did it.

"It's them!" Yuan Siying said through gritted teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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