Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 953: Prepare to Save People

Chapter 953: Prepare to Save People
"Senior Sister Yuan, don't worry."

Su Yi comforted him, and then said: "How many powerful people have the Sea Clan dispatched?"

Even if you want to save someone, you have to understand the situation first.

"There are more than a dozen people from the Sea Clan, and the strongest is a third-level Illusory Spiritual Realm warrior. In addition, there are a large number of sea monsters to assist." Yuan Siying said quickly.

"Sea monster?"

Su Yi's eyes suddenly lit up.

As the name suggests, sea monsters are a kind of monsters, and they can activate their abilities as long as they are touched.

In addition, if you feed it to the ancient earth core dragon, it can also help it improve its level.

As for the Sea Clan member of the third level of the Illusory Spiritual Realm, he didn't take it seriously at all.

With the strength of him and Mieshi Huoyangshu, they can kill him with ease.

What's more, there is Jin Hongxuan beside him.

Even if Jin Hongxuan has not fully recovered, there is still no problem in killing the third level of the Illusory Spirit Realm.

"Senior Sister Yuan, I'm just outside Sanqing City, so come and find me." After understanding the situation, Su Yi felt relieved.

"Okay, let's go out right away!" Yuan Siying was very excited.

Although Qixing Island is also a big sect, after the boundary channel was destroyed, all the powerful sects were trapped in Qianyu Island.

In Blue Star, no one can help them except Su Yi.


Su Yi nodded, and then hung up the phone.

Then he asked Jin Hongxuan, "Senior, how is your recovery?"

It stands to reason that with him and Mieshi Huoyangshu around, it would not be a big problem to save people.

But I am afraid that the Sea Clan will send out another strong man.

Just in case, I decided to bring Jin Hongxuan with me.

"It's almost recovered. Although it hasn't reached its peak state, it at least has the strength of the seventh level of the Illusory Spiritual Realm." Jin Hongxuan said after thinking for a while.

"Good!" Su Yi was overjoyed.

If Jin Hongxuan had this kind of strength, there would be no problem in going to save people this time.

"Su Yi, what's the matter?" Jin Hongxuan asked.

Su Yi then informed about the rescue of the two people on Qixing Island.

"No problem, I'll go with you." Jin Hongxuan immediately agreed.

Speaking of which, his relationship with Qianyu Island is not bad, and he has been to Qianyu Island as a guest.

Since Qianyu Island is in trouble, it is natural not to sit idly by.

"If you have seniors around, you will be more confident."

Su Yi smiled, and then ordered to the [Smart Chariot]: "No. 2, you send people to the forbidden area of ​​death first, and then come back to pick me up."


[Smart Chariot] agreed.

Later, Su Yi explained to Zhang Canyang and others, and got off the car with Jin Hongxuan.

[Smart Chariot] Soared into the sky, flew towards the forbidden area of ​​death, and disappeared from sight in an instant.

Also at this moment, an aircraft flew down to them.

Looking at its logo, it is the aircraft of Seven Star Island.

After the hatch of the aircraft was opened, Yuan Siying and Lin Shuyi walked down quickly.

When they saw Jin Hongxuan was there, both of them were stunned.

"Brother Jin, why are you with Su Yi?" Lin Shuyi regained her composure and asked strangely.

Isn't Jin Hongxuan in Yanyue City?Why did you appear here and still be with Su Yi?
"Something happened and I was forced to leave Yanyue City."

Jin Hongxuan smiled and did not explain too much.

"Senior Jin will go rescue people with us this time." Su Yi said suddenly.


Lin Shuyi and Yuan Siying were pleasantly surprised.

Jin Hongxuan has the reputation of a sword master, and is known as the No. 1 in the realm of the gods. With his help, saving people is not a problem at all.

(End of this chapter)

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