Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 954 Rainbow Light 8 Stone Formation

Chapter 954

"Senior Sister Yuan, let's hurry up." Su Yi reminded.

Knowing that there are so many sea monsters, he couldn't wait.

"it is good."

Yuan Siying reacted and invited Su Yi and Jin Hongxuan to enter the aircraft.

Afterwards, Lin Shuyi drove the aircraft and flew towards the Yongxi Sea.

On the way, Su Yi asked Yuan Siying, "Senior Sister Yuan, sea monsters should be edible, right?"

Now is the time when there is a shortage of food. If the sea monster can be eaten, it can be stored as food.

"Yes, and the taste is very good, even more delicious than ordinary sea animals." Yuan Siying replied.

"Great." Su Yi was overjoyed.

Seeing Su Yi's excited expression, Yuan Siying was in a daze.

At this moment, she even felt that Su Yi was not here to save people, but more like hunting.

However, thinking of Jin Hongxuan by his side, isn't it similar to hunting?
Thinking of this, she was relieved.

Su Yi calmed down and asked about something serious, "Senior Sister Yuan, your two seniors from Seven Star Island were trapped on the island, and the Sea Clan didn't launch an attack?"

Among the Sea Clan, there are fighters of the third level of the Illusory Spiritual Realm. If they attack, how will the two people from Seven Star Island resist?
This is very strange.

Yuan Siying explained: "There is a small defensive formation on Seven Star Island, and the two elders rely on the formation to persist until now."

"so smart?"

Su Yi was a little moved.

Recently, he has also been exposed to some formations.

However, this is the first time I have heard of a formation that can resist the attack of the Illusory Spiritual Realm.

"Senior Sister Yuan, what's the name of that formation?" Su Yi asked.

If such a formation can be established in the rear base, it will undoubtedly greatly enhance the security of the rear base.

"It seems to be called the Hongguang Eight Stone Formation."

Yuan Siying thought for a while and said, "If you're interested, you can discuss it with Elder Niu Feibai. He built that formation."

"Seven Star Island still has this kind of talent?"

Su Yi's mind moved.

It would be great if the old cow was pulled to the forbidden area of ​​death.

However, the idea is good, but it is not realistic.

Niu Feibai is the elder of Seven Star Island, so he must be with the people of Seven Star Island.

I can only say wait for the opportunity.

In the back, Su Yi found a seat and sat down, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

Three hours later, Yuan Siying reminded: "Su Yi, we have entered the Yongxi Sea."

Su Yi opened his eyes and looked out of the aircraft.

But I saw that there was a vast ocean outside, but compared with the ocean in my impression, it was very different.

Generally speaking, the sea water is a kind of azure blue.

But the water in the Tidal Sea is light black, giving people a deep, terrifying and weird feeling.

"Is the sea water of Blue Star all like this?"

Su Yi looked back and asked strangely.

"No, that's what Yongxi Sea is like." Yuan Siying said.


Su Yi nodded, and then asked: "How long will it take to reach that island?"

"It won't take 10 minutes, let's prepare in advance." Yuan Siying reminded.

Su Yi suddenly regained his spirits.

I will be able to hunt sea monsters to extract their abilities soon. Thinking of this, I am a little excited.

After waiting patiently for a few minutes, the aircraft slowly flew over a huge island.

From the top down, the area of ​​the island is not under the source city.

This island is the seat of the Seven Star Island sect.

(End of this chapter)

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