Chapter 970 Angry

The appearance of the red snail octopus has attracted the attention of many people.

Since it was the first time to see a sea monster, and it was still such a big one, everyone was amazed.

Seeing the surprised expressions of the people around him, Su Yi couldn't help but laugh.

He also has a 100-meter-long Yanqian Chijia whale that has not been taken out. If it is taken out, how will the people present feel?

"Su Yi, even if you plan to eat this ugly sea monster, your taste is getting stronger and stronger." Ling Nianyao stepped forward and said neither salty nor bland.

"If you don't pinch me, you will die?"

Su Yi snorted softly: "When the time comes, make it, don't eat it!"

He vaguely remembered that Ling Nianyao was also a foodie, and he still didn't believe that Ling Nianyao would not be greedy when the red snail octopus was made.

Ling Nianyao had contempt in her eyes, and said with a sneer, "Don't worry, even if I starve to death, I won't take a bite."

"Have backbone!"

Su Yi smiled lightly and ignored it.

Lu Cheng at the side glanced at Ling Nianyao and touched Cao Qinglang's arm, "Who is this little girl? How dare you talk to Su Yi like that."

Cao Qinglang pondered for two seconds, then said thoughtfully: "Her name is Ling Nianyao, she is an elf tribe, she has a lot of admiration for Su Yi, and she wants to get close to Su Yi all day long. However, Su Yi is not a bird at all. she!"

He was taken away by Ling Nianyao in Sanqing City last time, and he still has a hard time thinking about it, so he wanted to take this opportunity to retaliate.

Lu Cheng opened his mouth, "Su Yi, awesome!"

They are all single dogs. On the other hand, Su Yi not only has a beautiful fiancee, but also is favored by beauties from other races.

Hugging left and right, it's so enviable!
Ling Nianyao's entire face suddenly darkened.

Cao Qinglang's voice was not loud, but it was heard clearly in her ears.

It's okay to be ridiculed by Su Yi and [Smart Chariot] on weekdays. Even someone like Cao Qinglang dares to make fun of her. Is she really an elf saint?
"Fatty man! Can you give me another try?"

Ling Nianyao stared at Cao Qinglang stubbornly, with a layer of murderous aura rippling all over her body.

"Broken with embarrassment?"

Cao Qinglang shrank her neck, "It's just a joke, why do you take it seriously?"

Ling Nianyao said angrily: "There will be another time, see if I don't deal with you!"

"Don't dare."

Cao Qinglang clicked her tongue.

"Why is she a violent woman again? Could it be that Su Yi just likes this?" Lu Cheng muttered.

He remembered clearly that Gu Yiting also had a fiery temper.

There was also a scandal with Su Yi.

As a result, Lu Cheng's imagination began to flow.

Not far away, Su Lin's face was a bit ugly, and she reminded Su Yi in a cold tone: "Brother, don't forget that you are a family member. Even if sister-in-law is not by your side, you can't do anything wrong."

Su Yi felt that his head was a little big, and said angrily: "Don't listen to Lao Cao's nonsense, I have nothing to do with Ling Nianyao."

"is it?"

Su Lin took a look at Su Yi and murmured, "Then I can rest assured."

"You cook first, I'll go and see the progress of the rear base."

Su Yi didn't want to stay in this place of right and wrong for long, so he said hello and left.

Later, he found Jing Jiaxiang, and the two entered the cobblestone together.

A passage about three meters high and two meters wide was dug in the center of the cobblestone. On both sides of the passage, a shiny stone was placed every five meters.

Under the bright light, there is no darkness in the passage.

(End of this chapter)

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