Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 971 Construction Progress

Chapter 971 Construction Progress

At this moment, there are still some barbarians in the passage who are repairing and polishing, dealing with some details.

Su Yi discovered that Guan Hua was here by accident, and asked, "Senior, why are you here?"

Guan Hua smiled, "In addition to alchemy and weapon refining, I am also more interested in construction. This is where we will live in the future. Anyway, I have nothing to do, can I do it?"

"Thank you for your hard work, senior."

Su Yi nodded, then exchanged pleasantries with Guan Hua, and continued to walk down the passage with Jing Jiaxiang.

After walking about 1000 meters, the front suddenly became clear.

Su Yi glanced intently, but saw a huge hollow, and the light inside was shining like daytime.

"Old man, is this the place where the Demon Planting Tower is placed?" Su Yi asked.

Jing Jiaxiang introduced: "The hollow in front is located in the center of the cobblestone, and it is the most suitable place to place the Demon Planting Tower."

Su Yi stepped forward, turned around in the hollow, and then swept towards the sides of the hollow.

There are stone stairs dug out on both sides leading to the top, and there are banging sounds from time to time, and it seems that someone is digging a hole.

"Old man, what are you going to dig on these two stone stairs?" Su Yi asked curiously.

Jing Jiaxiang stretched out his hand and pointed to the left side, "The excavation above is a residential area, which is a place to sleep and rest."

"What about the right side?" Su Yi asked.

"There are more buildings on the right side, including canteens, entertainment rooms, bathing halls, etc." Jing Jiaxiang said with a smile.

"It's very thoughtful."

Su Yi nodded.

Life would be too monotonous if there was only one place to live.

A short time is okay, but a long time will make people feel boring.

With entertainment rooms and other places, this problem can be solved.

"So what are you going to build around the cobblestone?" Su Yi asked.

The area of ​​cobblestones is very huge. If only the center is excavated and the periphery is not moved, it will be a bit wasteful.

Jing Jiaxiang thought for a while and said: "We plan to dig a circular passage on the outside, and dig some small holes between the circular passage and the outer wall. These holes can not only observe the situation outside, but also be used to shoot arrows or throw spears. In this way, even if you are besieged, you will have the ability to fight back."


Su Yi's eyes lit up.

The pebble itself is like a turtle shell, which is very defensive.With these extra holes, it is like the machine gun ports on the bunker, with the ability to kill, no matter who comes to attack, it will not be easy.

Of course, in this way, the amount of work will also increase a lot.

It is impossible to build it in the short term.

"Old man, City Lord Luo will arrange manpower tomorrow, and they will follow your command when the time comes," Su Yi said.

It is definitely not enough to just count on the barbarians to excavate, and more people must be sent.

"It's really a little tight recently, it would be best if we can arrange someone to come." Jing Jiaxiang said with a smile.

With a mountain-breaking shovel in hand, one person can easily excavate, but the excavated stones still need to be carried by hand, which is also a big project.

Behind, Su Yi and Jing Jiaxiang walked around for a while before leaving the cobblestone.

As soon as I walked out of the cobblestones, I could smell the smell of meat from a distance.

Needless to say, Huo Tiancheng must have grilled the red snail octopus.

Su Yi was also a little hungry, so he walked forward quickly.

However, when she suddenly saw that Ling Nianyao was sitting and chewing on a piece of octopus tentacles, and was still eating with relish, she was a little stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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