Chapter 974

"No. 2, how many people are there?" Su Yi asked.

In the forbidden area of ​​death, he is tantamount to an invincible existence.But just in case, it's better to ask.

"There is only one person, and he is a martial artist at the tenth level of the Illusory Spiritual Realm." [Smart Chariot] said indifferently.

The tenth-level fighters of the Illusory Spiritual Realm are considered top-notch experts outside, but in the forbidden area of ​​death, especially in front of Su Yi, they are all younger brothers.

"only one person?"

Su Yi was stunned instead.

The other party should know that spiritual energy cannot be used in the forbidden area of ​​death, so why dare to go deep alone?

Is it because the artist is bold or has other reliance?
When Su Yi was thinking, [Smart Chariot] reminded: "Su Yi, we have already caught up, and the other party has already spotted us, what should we do?"

"Let's go down first," Su Yi ordered.

Before you figure out the origin of the other party, it is better not to do anything.

[Smart Chariot] After landing, the opponent's aircraft also landed on the ground.

Su Yi glanced out and walked straight out.

At the same time, the hatch of that aircraft opened at the same time, and an old man with a ruddy complexion and gray hair walked out of it.

The two sides looked at each other, and the gray old man spoke first, "Are you Su Yi?"


Su Yi lightly said, "Do you know me?"

He could be sure that this was the first time he met the other party, so why did the other party recognize him at a glance?

"It's the first time we've met, but I've seen quite a few portraits of you." The grizzled old man chuckled.


Su Yi became more and more confused.

Who made a portrait of himself?What is the purpose?
The grey-white old man continued: "And your recent reputation can be described as thunderous, almost to the point of being a household name."

Su Yi frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Can your excellency speak more clearly?"

The gray old man said, "A few days ago, you violently killed five Illusory Spirit Realm warriors in Yuan City. Then you made a big fuss in Yanyue City, and rescued the members of the Zhang family under the nose of a God Realm warrior. Then there was a massacre in Wind Wing City, everything was extremely loud, and it has already spread in Blue Star."

Hearing this, Su Yi fell silent.

When killing people in Yuancheng and Fengyicheng, their whereabouts were exposed, and it is understandable to spread the word.

But when saving people in Yanyue City, it was very secretive, how did others know?
Seeing that Su Yi was silent, the gray old man spoke again, "Another reminder, Wugong Mountain has united with many sects to surround and kill you, your current situation is very dangerous, it is best not to leave the forbidden area of ​​death easily. "

"Your Excellency came here to tell me about this?" Su Yi asked strangely.

"It's not just about this."

The gray old man chuckled, and then introduced himself, "The old man asks the heart, and he comes from the Kong Zen sect."

"Empty Zen?"

Su Yi pondered for a moment, always feeling that the name was a little familiar.

After thinking about it, I quickly remembered it.

When they met Bai Yuxuan for the first time, the two had a fight.

After Bai Yuxuan was injured by him, he took a Rainbow Pill and quickly recovered from his injuries.

And learned that Rainbow Pill is a holy medicine for healing that is even more effective than Yunling Pill.

And Yun Baodan is from the Kong Zen sect.

"It turned out to be the predecessor of Kong Zen."

Su Yi said with a smile: "Senior, why did you come to me?"

Gu Wenxin said straight to the point: "Su Yi, we want to invite you to join Kong Zen!"

(End of this chapter)

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