Chapter 975

Su Yi was a little confused.

He has never been in contact with Kong Zen, why did the other party invite him to join?

"Senior, are you serious?" Su Yi asked.

Gu Wenxin nodded, "You don't have to be surprised, we wanted to invite you to join because we learned about your alchemy talent."

According to what they learned, Su Yi seemed to have only been learning alchemy for about a month.

However, he has already become a great alchemist, and he is also able to refine such difficult pills as Shouyuan Pill.

What is even more commendable is that the success rate is still very high.

As an elixir sect, the Kong Zen Sect naturally didn't want to miss out on alchemy talents like Su Yi.

"I see."

Su Yi suddenly realized.

However, even if the other party is full of sincerity, he will not choose to join.

Because he has already joined the Qingyun Sword Sect, and is still a true disciple, and he will also be the head of the Qingyun Sword Sect in the future, so he cannot change the establishment.

"Senior, thank you for your kindness, this junior cannot join the Kong Zen sect." Su Yi declined.


Gu Wenxin was a little puzzled.

Su Yi's attainments in alchemy are rare in the world, so if he joins the Kong Zen sect, he can show his skills to the fullest.

Only the Kong Zen sect can make Su Yi's alchemy skills shine.

"Because this junior has already joined Qingyun Sword Sect." Su Yi explained with a smile.

"Have you joined Qingyun Sword Sect?"

Gu Wenxin was slightly disappointed, but quickly thought of something, and said, "Su Yi, you should know about the destruction of the boundary channel, right? Almost all the strongmen of Qingyun Sword Sect are trapped in Qianyu Island. Now Qingyun The Sword Sect is dead in name only. Staying in the Qingyun Sword Sect will not be of any help to you."

"Senior doesn't know something."

Su Yi smiled and said: "I have been established as a true disciple of Qingyun Sword Sect, how can I betray the sect? If it were you, you wouldn't do it, would you?"

"Qingyun Sword Sect really paid for it." Gu Wen clicked his tongue in his heart.

If Su Yi was an ordinary disciple of Qingyun Sword Sect, it would be fine to leave Qingyun Sword Sect.

But true disciples can't do it. True disciples are the future successors of the master.

If this quits casually, it will definitely be criticized.

"It seems that our Kong Zen sect has no destiny for you." Gu Wenxin sighed deeply with a desolate expression on his face.

Su Yi is definitely a rare alchemy genius, and it is definitely a huge loss for the Kong Zen Sect to fail to include him in the sect.

"Senior, although I can't join the Kong Zen sect, if you need help, just ask." Su Yi said.

After all, the Kong Zen sect is the number one elixir sect, and it is a good choice to have a good relationship with this kind of force.

"Okay." Gu Wenxin said happily.

Similarly, he also hopes to have a good relationship with Su Yi.

Su Yi thought for a while, and then asked: "Senior, I heard that your Kong Zen sect can refine Yunbao Pill?"

"Rainbow Pill is the top healing holy medicine, no matter in Xuantian Continent or Blue Star, only our Kong Zen Sect can refine it." Gu Wenxin said proudly.

Su Yi thought about it, "Senior, do you have a Rainbow Pill on you? I want to exchange some with you."

The Rainbow Pill is a life-saving thing at a critical moment, even if you pay some price, it is necessary to exchange a few.

"Su Yi, I do have the Rainbow Pill. But you should know the value of the Rainbow Pill. What do you plan to exchange for it?" Gu Wenxin asked with a smile.

"Shouyuan Pill!" Su Yi said straight.

(End of this chapter)

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