Chapter 988

Just when everyone had different thoughts, Duanmu Yingde chuckled, "It seems that everyone has no objection to my proposal. In that case, you can start handing in things."

After saying that, he released a huge coercion, covering the entire auction venue, and then sneered: "In addition, the old man reminds everyone, don't play tricks on me, anyone who dares to hide things privately, or If you take advantage of the chaos and escape, don't blame the old man for being merciless!"

Hearing this, the entire auction venue was silent.

Before Duanmu Yingde said these words, some people did have this idea, but now, no one dares to have this idea.

"Now start handing in things, line up one by one, starting from the hall first." Duanmu Yingde stood on the high platform and gave orders.

Those people in the front row of the auction venue looked at each other, walked up to the high platform with a look of fear, and quickly handed things like the spirit crystal on their bodies to Duanmu Yingde.

Duanmu Yingde also kept his promise this time, and did not kill anyone.After getting the items, ask these people to wait aside.

Seeing this, the rest of the people breathed a sigh of relief.

Speaking of it, as long as they can save their lives, they are also acceptable to hand over things.

Therefore, no one dared to resist, and they all lined up to hand over things honestly.

"Su Yi, what should we do?" [Smart Chariot] asked worriedly.

After the people in the lobby on the first floor handed in their things, it was the private room on the second floor next, so what choice should Su Yi make.

"Wait first." Su Yi gritted his teeth and said.

The people in the private room on the second floor are all strong, can they be willing to be manipulated by Duanmu Yingde?

And once the two sides start fighting, he will have a chance.

All said, now is not the time to act rashly, we must wait for the opportunity.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and half an hour later, everyone in the lobby on the first floor had all handed in their things, and they stood aside and waited neatly.

"That's right, you're all acquainted!"

Duanmu Yingde narrowed his eyes and glanced over the crowd, then turned his eyes and landed on the private room on the second floor, hehe smiled, "Now it's your turn."


After the door of private room No. 1 was opened, an old man in gray robe walked out from it. This person faced Duanmu Yingde and said slowly: "Brother Duanmu, if I hand over my things, can you let me go?"

"So it's Hong Yongjun from Fenye Palace!"

Duanmu Yingde took a look at the gray-robed old man, and his face suddenly sank, "If the old man remembers well, when many forces surrounded and suppressed me more than ten years ago, there were people from Burning Field Palace, right?"

Hong Yongjun's complexion changed, and he smiled embarrassingly, "Brother Duanmu, it's better to get rid of enemies than to tie them up. As long as you let me go, we will definitely give you enough rewards from Fenye Palace!"

Duanmu Yingde smiled sullenly, "Don't bother, when I completely eradicate your Fenye Palace, won't you be able to get whatever you want?"

"You really don't intend to let me go?" Hong Yongjun's expression turned extremely ugly.

"How can there be so much nonsense!"

Duanmu Yingde became a little impatient, and punched Hong Yongjun far away.

Suddenly, a group of golden spirit gas came out from the fist, exuding bright golden light, like a small sun.

"too frightening!"

The entire auction venue was plunged into extreme panic.

Everyone was shocked by the terrifying power contained in the golden aura.

It was also the first time for Su Yi to see a martial artist in the divine realm make a move, and his heart beat violently.

(End of this chapter)

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