Chapter 989 Opportunity
"I fought with you!"

Hong Yongjun let out a roar.

Duanmu Yingde didn't want to let him go, he definitely wouldn't sit still.

But he saw a gap above his head suddenly cracked, and then a red long knife rushed out of it, and suddenly slashed at the flying golden aura.

At this critical moment, Hong Yongjun used concrete objects impressively.

However, after all, he only has the first stage of the supernatural power, so it is not known whether he can block Duanmu Yingde's blow.

At this moment, all the people in the auction venue looked up into the air.

The next moment, the red long knife slashed heavily on Jin Lingqi.

After a short stalemate between the two sides, some small cracks slowly appeared on the body of the red long knife.

As time goes on, the cracks become longer and denser.

Finally, the red long knife let out a whine, and burst open with a bang.

The fragments shot out pierced the ceiling of the entire auction venue like a hornet's nest, and wisps of sunlight poured down through the hole.

Hong Yongjun opened his mouth and spat out a spray of blood, and his breath quickly became weak.

The figurative object was destroyed, and he had already been severely injured!

Da da da.
Hong Yongjun shook a few times, and backed up involuntarily. When he retreated to the No. [-] private room, he fell headlong and fainted on the spot.


Seeing Hong Yongjun's miserable state, Duanmu Yingde smiled contemptuously.

However, he was not in a hurry to kill Hong Yongjun, but turned his eyes to the rest of the private rooms, and said coldly: "Anyone who doesn't want to die, get out and hand in your things!"

After Duanmu Yingde's words fell, the No. 10 private room burst open, and then a figure rushed out, quickly fleeing towards the outside of the auction venue.

This person's body was filled with a layer of condensed gray air waves, and his aura was even more powerful to the extreme. He was clearly a warrior at the first level of the supernatural realm.

At the same time that room 10 exploded, one person rushed out from room 8 and room 2, and they rushed out of the auction venue together as if they had made an agreement.

Obviously, these three people have enmity with Duanmu Yingde.

After seeing Hong Yongjun's end, he would take the risk and choose to escape.

"The opportunity is here!"

Su Yi's eyes lit up.

This was the opportunity he had been waiting for.

Duanmu Yingde will definitely not allow these three people to escape, as long as he goes to hunt them down, he will have a chance.

"Hehe. Can you escape?"

With a sarcastic look on his face, Duanmu Yingde aimed at the two people who were fleeing in the private rooms No. 8 and No. 2, and punched them twice casually.

The two groups of golden light caught up with the two of them in an instant, beheading them easily!

Immediately afterwards, Duanmu Yingde took a step, leaped into the air, and quickly chased after the fleeing people in the 10 rooms.

At this moment, Su Yi dashed out of the private room.

He happened to see Hong Yongjun lying on the ground and the storage bag hanging from his waist.

There must be many treasures in the storage bag of a martial artist in the spiritual realm, which can be said to be priceless.

Su Yi tore it off without thinking.

At this moment, there was a sudden scream from behind.

"Su Yi, Xueshou Rentu is catching up!" [Smart Chariot] roared.

"Depend on!"

Su Yi's scalp exploded.

He didn't expect Duanmu Yingde to take care of that first-level martial artist in the supernatural realm so quickly.

However, it was too late to think about it at this time.

Su Yi cast [Liuyun Fengying], smashed the wall of the auction venue, and rushed out.

(End of this chapter)

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