Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 994 Please enter the urn

Chapter 994 Please enter the urn
"No. 2, continue to slow down and let that old thing catch up." Su Yi ordered.

Although he has already reached the forbidden area of ​​death, it is uncertain whether Duanmu Yingde will follow him into it.

Let the [Smart Chariot] behave a little weaker, maybe Duanmu Yingde will be fooled.

"Crazy! Really crazy!"

[Smart Chariot] Unable to understand, he gritted his teeth and slowed down the speed.

With this speed reduction, Duanmu Yingde pursued even more ferociously.

The distance between the two is constantly getting closer.

200 m.

150 meter.
When the distance was 100 meters, [Smart Chariot] went straight into the forbidden area of ​​death.

Duanmu Yingde, who was chasing after him, might not know the situation in the forbidden area of ​​death, or he didn't want to let Su Yi go, so he also rushed in.

"Finally fooled!"

Seeing this, Su Yi laughed out loud.

"Su Yi, what are you laughing at?" [Smart Chariot] was still in a daze.

"When I get here, it's my home field. Do you think that old thing will be my opponent?" Su Yi said with a smile.

Spiritual energy cannot be used in the forbidden area of ​​death, regardless of whether you are in the realm of the gods or the realm of the real spirit, it is a dragon coiling up, or a tiger lying down!
Because here, he is an invincible existence!

"I see!"

[Smart Chariot] When I realized it, I immediately became excited.

It wasn't until now that he understood Su Yi's purpose. Su Yi was inviting you into the urn, and took the opportunity to kill Duanmu Yingde!
"Su Yi, you still have a lot of ideas, why didn't I think of this?" [Smart Chariot] said in admiration.

The previous situation was extremely dangerous.

If it were someone else, they would only think about running away.

But instead of panicking, Su Yi took the opportunity to seduce Duanmu Yingde.

This is absolutely beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"It's definitely unexpected with your IQ." Su Yi said thoughtfully.

Smart Chariot: "."

Just so despised?
"No. 2, let's go down." Su Yi reminded.

At present, they have penetrated into the forbidden area of ​​death several kilometers away, even if Duanmu Yingde wanted to escape, he could not escape.

After being hunted down for so long, I have already held back my anger, and it is time to fight back.

After the [Smart Chariot] landed, Su Yi slowly walked out of it.

When Duanmu Yingde's aircraft approached, it also landed.


The moment the cabin door opened, Duanmu Yingde strode forward, glanced at Su Yi with squinted eyes, and laughed loudly, "Boy, why don't you run away? Can you run out of my palm?"

"It turns out that there are idiots in the supernatural realm!" [Smart Chariot] sighed with emotion.

Su Yi is so confident, he must have something to rely on, and he can see it personally.

Duanmu Yingde is still so self-righteous, what is it if he is not a fool?
Su Yi smiled, "You don't know where this is, do you?"


Duanmu Yingde looked around, and said indifferently: "The miasma is densely distributed nearby, which is indeed a bit weird, but it won't affect me in any way."

The corner of Su Yi's mouth twitched, "You only know one thing but not the other. This place is called the Forbidden Land of Death. Apart from the dense miasma, the most weird thing is that you can't use aura."

"Can't use aura?"

Duanmu Yingde frowned slightly, tried it, but he couldn't use the aura.

However, he didn't panic at all, and said calmly, "It's interesting that there is such a place in Lan Xing."

Since escaping into Blue Star, he has been in retreat to heal his wounds, and he has only been out of it in recent days, so he is not clear about some strange forbidden areas of Blue Star

(End of this chapter)

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