Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 995 I'm going to start beating you

Chapter 995 I'm going to start beating you
Su Yi continued: "Do you know why I told you this?"

"tell me the story."

Duanmu Yingde was indeed curious.

Logically speaking, wouldn't it be possible for Su Yi to take advantage of the fact that he kept the secret and launched an attack by surprise?
"the reason is simple."

Su Yi said slowly, "Because in the forbidden area of ​​death, I am an invincible existence! So I plan to teach you a lesson in an upright and clean manner!"

Duanmu Yingde opened his mouth, "."

He never thought that Su Yi would give such a reason.

It is true that not being able to use aura would greatly weaken his strength.

However, he is not a pure spiritual cultivator, but also a strength cultivator.

Moreover, he has also practiced a very strong secret method of body training, and his combat power must not be underestimated.

On the other hand, Su Yi, who is just a small martial artist in the Gathering Soul Realm, dares to speak nonsense, is simply ridiculous!
"Boy, you are bragging too much! Do you think that if I don't use spiritual energy, it's just for nothing?" Duanmu Yingde sneered.

Su Yi said confidently: "In the forbidden area of ​​death, no matter who it is, it is free in front of me! So don't have any doubts."

"Ha ha!"

Duanmu Yingde smiled instead of anger: "The old man has been in the Xuantian Continent for hundreds of years, and even the strong in the real spirit realm can't kill me. Do you think you can?"

"You still don't believe in my strength!"

Su Yi sighed softly, and then reminded: "Get ready, I'm going to start beating you!"

It's meaningless to continue rambling on, it's better to see the truth on the fist!

"Boy, let the horse come here! The old man wants to see how much you weigh!"

Duanmu Yingde laughed wildly and shook his arms violently.

With the sound of cracking, the clothes on both arms were shattered, revealing two thick and muscular arms.

"The muscle lines are still like that. It's very suitable for coolies."

Su Yi snorted softly and walked forward slowly.

When the distance was less than five steps, he accelerated in vain, and appeared in front of Duanmu Yingde in an instant, and punched out.

This punch did not use the [Tiger Tiangang Fist], but the force of the punch still reached the level of 12000 kilograms, which is as powerful as a bamboo!

Sensing the ferocity of the punch, Duanmu Yingde shrank his pupils slightly, then gritted his teeth, and punched out the same punch.

A loud bang!
The two fists collided without fancy, and the violent force raged, making the clothes of the two rustle.

This punch is instant.

Su Yi's figure shook slightly, and soon returned to normal.

On the other hand, Duanmu Yingde staggered and took several steps back before stopping.

After one blow, it is clear at a glance which is stronger and which is worse.

"Is there any strength left?"

Su Yi's fluttering eyes landed on Duanmu Yingde's body, and he chuckled lightly.

Through the blow just now, he has already judged that Duanmu Yingde's strength value is almost close to the level of 10000 kilograms, which is already very strong.

In the forbidden area of ​​death, apart from him, only the girl can suppress him.

Duanmu Yingde breathed a sigh of relief, his face became gloomy, and he sneered: "Boy, the strength value of more than 1 kilograms, is this what you rely on?"

Although he was suppressed by Su Yi's punch, he was not afraid at all.

Because, he still has a powerful hole card that he hasn't used yet.

"Looking at your appearance, you should still be dissatisfied?"

Su Yi murmured thoughtfully, and a teasing smile abruptly crossed the corner of his mouth, "I like to teach you tough talkers a lesson! It doesn't matter if you don't accept it, I will beat you until you are convinced!"

(End of this chapter)

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