Chapter 102

Fan Xing is the one he chose, so naturally he won't bury Fan Xing just because of his selfishness!
"Mr. Qin is very considerate. I will participate in the clothing meeting half a month later. However, I believe in Mr. Qin's vision. I have been lucky enough to see Shiny's design. If she is in charge of this brand, I naturally have no objections." , If Mr. Qin has no problem, we can have a detailed discussion today. Mr. Qin and I have contacted several times, and this cooperation is almost done. We will make a decision today so that Mr. Qin can start working!"

In fact, he invested in this brand for the sake of Fan Xing.

After the divorce, he spends every day thinking about it. Even if he increases his workload every day, he will still think of Fan Xing in the spare time, and wonder if she will return to the original happy and happy woman after leaving him. Will it be so happy from now on?

Thinking about it, thinking of the dream that Fan Xing once talked about, the dream that has been shelved since he married him, Duan Chengfeng felt very guilty, so he approached Qin Yilian, and wanted to use Fengshang to open up a brand new brand.

That brand, as Fanxing hoped, will not be mass-produced. Every piece of clothing is a limited edition, and only a part will be produced. The store will focus on warmth, so that customers who buy it can feel relaxed and happy, and the clothes will not be very Expensive, but there must be a value worthy of the clothes themselves...

Therefore, the premise that Duan Chengfeng is responsible for all the investment is that Duan is responsible for sales and market development, Fengshang only needs to provide design and clothing, and Duan is responsible for the rest.As for the account split, it is [-]% to [-]%, [-]% to Fengshang, and [-]% to Duan's. For Fengshang, this is a business that can make money without losing money, because Fengshang will not bear any investment risks!
So before Qin Yilian met Fan Xing, he was very much looking forward to this cooperation!Although I have some regrets now, overall, Qin Yilian is still looking forward to working with Duan Chengfeng!
"Shiny, I am looking forward to our cooperation. I hope you can take full responsibility for this brand. If you have any ideas, feel free to mention them. As long as it is good for the brand, I will think about it!" It's good to let him manage it now. Duan Chengfeng is very happy that the brand will come from Fan Xing in the end. In that way, he won't have any regrets because the designer is someone else!

"Mr. Duan, I'm just a newcomer. Do you want to see my performance before making a decision?" Qin Yilian roughly talked about this brand, which coincided with her thoughts. Now he knows that the investor is Duan Chengfeng, Fan Xing's There was a strange feeling in her heart, but Fan Xing knew that Duan Chengfeng didn't care about her, so naturally she wouldn't narcissistically think that this cooperation has something to do with her, she just needs to do her part right now!

However, Fan Xing also knew that if she agreed, then she and Duan Chengfeng would definitely be involved in work in the future. Such a situation was not what she wanted to see, so Fan Xing wanted to refuse.

"Shiny, I believe in my own vision, and I also believe in Mr. Qin's judgment. I have seen your work, and I think you are really suitable. But you don't accept it, is it because you don't have confidence in your design and feel that you can't Competent for the creation of a new brand?" Duan Chengfeng naturally knows Fan Xing's temperament very well after seven years of acquaintance, such a persistent person, especially when it comes to her favorite design, she can't stand the doubts of others!Therefore, Duan Chengfeng knew what he wanted to say, and Fan Xing would accept it without hesitation!
"Of course I believe in my design, I believe that I have the ability to do this job, and I have the ability to do it well!" Sure enough, when it comes to design, Fan Xing is full of confidence and fighting spirit, just as Duan Shengfeng expected.

Costume design has always been Fan Xing's dream. Although it has been shelved for several years, Fan Xing has never given up. It's just that his mood was too chaotic and complicated to calm down to design.

Now it's hard to start again, Fan Xing naturally cherishes every opportunity!

"Since you believe in yourself, I also believe in Fengshang. I believe in you. This cooperation is settled. I believe that if you are the designer of a new brand, the clothes you design will be excellent. Mr. Qin, you also recognize me Yes, isn’t it?” When Duan Chengfeng was talking to Fan Xing, the differences between the two always couldn’t get in the way of other people, so Qin Yilian kept chilling there, and Duan Chengfeng naturally felt it, but just now, he deliberately ignored it. That's all.

Who made Qin Yilian say such ambiguous words to Fan Xing just now? Even though Duan Chengfeng believed in Fan Xing, that didn't mean he didn't mind listening to such provocative words!
He is used to hiding his emotions, but he also knew that if there was any emotion on his face at that time, it was exactly what Qin Yilian wanted to see, so Duan Chengfeng didn't say anything, just waiting for the opportunity to take revenge.

Just now, it was just to teach Qin Yilian a small lesson, to let him know that no one can get in between himself and Fan Xing.

Just, even if it is to repay Qin Yilian's provocation!
He, Duan Chengfeng, is not easy to mess with!

"Shiny is indeed very talented in design!" Admitting sullenly, Qin Yilian felt very uncomfortable seeing Duan Chengfeng let Fan Xing agree easily. This incident caused Fan Xing and Duan Chengfeng to have too much contact, because it would make him feel uneasy!
Duan Chengfeng was too incomprehensible for him. Even if he deliberately said those ambiguous words just now, Duan Chengfeng didn't react at all, so Qin Yilian was really a little unsure about this opponent!

"Since Boss Qin also said so, then Shiny, don't refuse any more, I am looking forward to our cooperation!" Once again showing Fan Xing his invincible smile, Duan Chengfeng seems to be in a particularly good mood today, always laughing.

"Okay, I will work hard and not let you down!" This brand is so in line with his own philosophy, Fan Xing naturally hopes that he can participate, and Duan Chengfeng said that if she refuses, it means that she Without the confidence to design good clothes, how could she admit defeat!
Therefore, even knowing that the two of them will be involved in this matter in the future, Fan Xing still believes in Duan Chengfeng's character. Fan Xing believes that she has made it clear before that Duan Chengfeng will definitely not come to her again.And from Duan Chengfeng's attitude today, it can be seen that he is doing business, so Fan Xing is also relieved and accepts it frankly.

(End of this chapter)

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