Chapter 103

However, Fan Xing didn't expect that Duan Chengfeng was just asking her to put down her guard temporarily and accept this job, so she acted in a business-like manner.

Afterwards, Duan Chengfeng will become more and more entangled with Fan Xing. It doesn't matter what Ren Fanxing says, Fan Xing will regret it when the time comes, regretting that she didn't know Duan Chengfeng from the beginning!I didn't realize that Duan Chengfeng also had such a stalking side!
"Okay, I've said everything I need to say, Shiny, go down and get busy!" Qin Yilian really couldn't stand Duan Chengfeng and Fan Xing staying in the same room, so although he really wanted to see Fan Xing, that's not enough. It's just that there is no super big light bulb like Duan Chengfeng, so he can only call Fan Xing away!

"Then, Mr. Duan, Mr. Qin, I'll go down first." Greeted politely, Fan Xing left without looking back, leaving Qin Yilian and Duan Chengfeng quietly "fighting".

Suddenly there was a weird atmosphere in the air, and Duan Chengfeng kept smiling lightly at Qin Yilian's frozen face, but the smile was not as pure and sincere as it was when facing Fan Xing just now, That smile didn't reach his eyes, and Duan Chengfeng's whole body also began to exude an indifference that rejected people thousands of miles away.

Qin Yilian looked at Duan Chengfeng with a frosty face, his whole body began to exude air-conditioning, his arrogance was clearly evident, and there was a smell called "Qin Yilian's vinegar smell" in the air, which made Qin Yilian Lian felt very uncomfortable.Especially looking at Duan Chengfeng's calm look, Qin Yilian wanted to punch him, but in the end, Qin Yilian held back.

The two people just sat across from each other, looking at each other all the time, the ice in Qin Yilian's eyes gradually turned into flames, and began to become hot, but Duan Chengfeng still smiled lightly, which made Qin Yi Lian was even more annoyed.

"President Duan, we, come, okay, okay, talk, talk, this time, let's work together!" After saying each word, Qin Yilian bit each word very hard, as if It's like venting something.

"Okay, this is the contract I asked the secretary to draw up. Mr. Qin will see if you have any other conditions that you need to add. If not, just sign your name!" Compared to Qin Yilian, Duan Chengfeng was very obvious. A lot calmer.As soon as Qin Yilian finished speaking, Duan Chengfeng took out the cooperation proposal that he had prepared a long time ago and handed it to Qin Yilian. Then he didn't say a word, and quietly watched Qin Yilian read the contract.

This person is too arrogant and domineering. From the previous point of view, he seems to have different thoughts on Fan Xing. Fan Xing is always a person who is afraid of trouble, but now that she has just calmed down, it is impossible for her to accept a relationship so quickly. So even though he heard what Qin Yilian said on purpose just now, Duan Chengfeng didn't have any special reaction!

But this is not to say that he feels very good in his heart, it's just that he is used to hiding it and won't show it.

Looking at Fan Xing's reaction when he first entered the office, he seemed to have resentment towards Qin Yilian, but it was not easy to flare up. From this, it can be seen that Fan Xing should be a little distressed by Qin Yilian now.

Fan Xing's friends are all in this company, so it's easy to be caught inside. If Qin Yilian is smart enough, Fan Xing will be in trouble in the future... While Qin Yilian was looking at the gap in the contract, Duan Chengfeng carefully analyzed Fan Xing With Qin Yilian's current situation, he could see the anger in Fan Xing's eyes from Fan Xing's eyes just now, but he dared not speak out, probably because Qin Yilian caught something, so it's not easy to explode!

Duan Chengfeng knew that Qin Yilian had made things difficult for Fan Xing, so he deliberately made Qin Yilian feel uncomfortable just now. He just wanted to provoke Qin Yilian's anger, but he just made him dare not speak out—who told him to make Fan Xing feel uncomfortable? Xing is still so entangled in pregnancy!

"Boss Qin, have you finished reading? If you have any additional requests, feel free to ask." This person's thoughts on Fan Xing are not pure. It seems that something happened during his absence, but he will not let those happened.

Fan Xing and the child in her womb can only be guarded by him!

The man in front of him is his potential enemy, he must deal with it carefully!
"You want Shiny to take full responsibility for this brand?" After reading the contract, Qin Yilian was very surprised. He didn't understand why Duan Chengfeng didn't seem to care, but Fan Xing was in charge of all the brand this time?How to put it, this is also a big project and a big investment. Although Fan Xing is talented, he is just a newcomer. It is fine to let her do the design, but is it too much to let her be in charge of everything?

"Well, Mr. Qin, don't worry, I won't let Fengshang suffer, and our Duan family will guarantee Fengshang's interests." This brand was originally created to give myself a sustenance to miss. Fan Xing.

In fact, if possible, Duan Chengfeng originally wanted to put this brand under the name of Fan Xing, but he was afraid that Fan Xing would have a rebellious mentality, so he had to give up temporarily.However, he has already asked his secretary to open an account for Fanxing, planning to transfer all the profits of this brand to Fanxing's account in the future, and he has already asked the lawyer to draw up an agreement. This brand is actually already owned by Fanxing. It's just that Fan Xing doesn't know yet.

"If Mr. Duan is at ease, then I naturally have no opinion." Fengshang didn't take any risks in this cooperation. The reason why Qin Yilian asked that question just now was also out of rational considerations.

He likes Fan Xing, but he will not easily hand over all the responsibility for a new brand to her because of Fan Xing. After all, Fan Xing is inexperienced, so it is too risky to do so, which is not what a successful businessman should consider.

Moreover, all the planning, naming, and design...all have full authority to be handled by one person. Such a brand is too personal and not suitable for the long-term development of the brand, because individuals have limitations no matter what!

Therefore, Qin Yilian did not agree with Duan Chengfeng's decision, but since Duan Chengfeng insisted, he did not express his opinion - anyway, it was stated in the contract that Duan was responsible for most of the decisions, and Fengshang only provided design and technology at most. It's just support, since Duan Shengfeng wants to do that, he just supports it!

"If Mr. Qin has no objection, then sign it!" What Qin Yilian wanted to say, Duan Chengfeng understood, but this brand belongs to Fanxing, so naturally she needs to make all the decisions. This is what he has the ability to do for Fanxing. Yes, he will naturally satisfy her!
Nodding his head, Qin Yilian picked up the pen and signed his name on the two contracts one after another. The cooperation with Duan's was finally finalized.

After signing the contract, Qin Yilian handed a copy to Duan Chengfeng, "I hope we can have a happy cooperation!"

(End of this chapter)

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