Chapter 104

"I hope so." After accepting the contract, Duan Chengfeng carefully put it away, "I still have something to do, so I won't bother Mr. Qin, and I will leave!" Everything that needs to be discussed has been settled, and everyone that needs to be seen has also been met, he , and it's time to go.

"Mr. Duan, go slowly, don't send me off!" Qin Yilian always felt that he was at a disadvantage in every way when meeting Duan Chengfeng this time, which made him very upset who was always conceited!

This Duan Chengfeng is not easy, but he will not give up so easily!

Such an opponent is more challenging, isn't it?
Qin Yilian was suddenly looking forward to the match between him and Duan Chengfeng. Will it be him or Duan Chengfeng who will win the beauty in the end?

However, Qin Yilian is very confident in himself!
Ever since Qin Yilian confessed, Fan Xing has been avoiding him. Every day he goes to work with fear, stepping on his way to work, for fear of meeting Qin Yilian and being pestered by him again.

But to Fan Xing's surprise, Qin Yilian didn't come to look for her these days, which made Fan Xing feel relieved, thinking that Qin Yilian was really just a whim, she hid for a few days, and he was not interested anymore.

So Fan Xing has now returned to normal working status. After working for a few days, the weekend is coming soon. Fan Xing suddenly remembered that she has been pregnant for four months, and she will go for a maternity checkup this weekend.

On Saturday morning, Fan Xing made some simple and nutritious breakfast at home to fill his stomach first. Once again, he lamented that such a day is too inconvenient, and he is also considering hiring someone.

After the obstetric examination and class today, let's go to the home economics center to have a look!
After thinking about the countermeasures, Fan Xing was about to go out when he saw Duan Chengfeng waiting at her door. Fan Xing was stunned for half a second, closed his eyes, opened them again, and still saw Duan Chengfeng.

Uh... isn't it her hallucination?
Duan Chengfeng wore a light blue V-neck shirt today. The wide open neckline revealed his slightly thin collarbone. He was wearing a very casual outfit. The trousers were also light blue of the same color. This light blue made Duan Chengfeng look even more He is gentle and elegant, but the faintly exposed chest adds a sense of charm to him, arousing people's infinite reverie.

"You...why are you here?" I didn't turn my head around for a long time. If the person who appeared in front of Fan Xing at this moment was Qin Yilian, Fan Xing would definitely not be so surprised, but if the object is replaced by Duan Chengfeng, then it can be said that it is To hell with it in broad daylight.

Fan Xing clearly remembered that she had made it very clear that day, and based on her understanding of Duan Chengfeng over the years, it was impossible for Duan Chengfeng to be so stalking!
Shouldn't he have been so calm all the time, didn't care about anything, didn't pursue anything, didn't care about anything?
Shouldn't he automatically disappear from her sight after hearing what she said, and never appear again?

Shouldn't he be back to his own peaceful life?
It was inevitable that the two met before because of the contract they had negotiated a long time ago, but now...

Why did this person who would never appear in front of her appear again, and it seemed that he had been waiting at the door?
It's still so early, if she remembers correctly, Duan Zhai is at least two hours away from here, right?

She deliberately chose a community far away from Duan Zhai, just to keep the distance between the two of them, but what's going on now?

Fan Xing has no solution.

"Are you sure you've gone to the right place?" Shouldn't he be working overtime at the company now, or on a business trip, or coming home?How come here?

"That's right, Xiao Fan!" Seeing Fan Xing's rudimentary question with a little helplessness, Duan Chengfeng wanted to touch Fan Xing's hair habitually, but remembering their current awkward relationship, he had to stop My own hand, "The child is almost four months old. I think you have been very busy recently. I guess you don't have time to go to the maternity checkup. Today is Saturday. I will accompany you!" It's time for a maternity check-up. As a father-to-be, he has been kept in the dark and missed the first few months of his child's growth, which makes him very regretful.

These days he has been living next to Fan Xing, watching her come in and out every day, with a big belly, she has to get up early to go to work every day, and she can't eat well at home, so she always solves it outside. Not good for pregnant women.So these days, he handed over all the things in his hands to his subordinates as quickly as possible, rented a house opposite Fan Xing, and planned to take care of Fan Xing nearby!

Ever since he found out that Fan Xing was pregnant, Duan Chengfeng checked a lot of information, and of course he knew a lot at once. It was just the first time that Duan Chengfeng was a father-to-be, and Duan Chengfeng was still quite nervous. Moreover, he was in poor health when he was born, so he was very worried. Fan Xing's child will also be affected by him, so he also wants to take this opportunity to ask Fan Xing's doctor to see if the child is healthy.

"It's getting late, let's start early!" After hesitating for a while, Duan Chengfeng finally chose to hold Fan Xing's hand and take her away.

"..." Fan Xing wanted to refuse, but he felt the reassuring coolness in his hand, which made Fan Xing a little reluctant, but in the end, Fan Xing still pulled out his hand, "Mr. Duan, I will go by myself. Do you usually work?" Are you busy? I won't waste your time!" Already, I can't go back, Duan Chengfeng, why are you doing this?
For responsibility?
Still look at me poorly?
But I don't need any of these!
"Xiaofan, no matter what, the children in your womb are mine. As the father of the children, I care about them, right? Even though we are divorced, I can still care about them and love them!" See Seeing the stubbornness in Fan Xing's eyes, Duan Chengfeng knew that his future was going to be bumpy, but he was already mentally prepared when he made the decision. This time, let's treat it as him chasing Fan Xing!
Seven years ago, Fan Xing was always chasing him, this time, it's time for him to take the initiative!
"You were pregnant with a child and divorced me without saying a word. If we hadn't met again, would I never have known that you were pregnant with my child?" Sighing, Duan Chengfeng continued to persuade, "I have a child too." I will accompany you to the maternity check-up to see the child's condition, and I can rest assured that you can take it as the child's father and let me go with you, okay?" See Fan There was a little emotion in Xingxing's eyes, and Duan Chengfeng continued to work hard, "I also have a part in the child. I can rest assured that the child is healthy and safe. Are you so cruel that you don't want me to care about the child?"

"Then you see the child and leave!" It was indeed a bit selfish for her to do so. After all, Duan Chengfeng is the father of the child, so there is nothing wrong with letting him know the child's current situation.What's more, Yan Qin also said that a child needs a father, otherwise it will be incomplete. Although she has nothing to do with Duan Chengfeng, she can't deprive Duan Chengfeng and the child of their affection.

(End of this chapter)

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