Chapter 105

Forget it, let him take a look, and he will give up after seeing it.

"Thank you, Xiao Fan." Duan Chengfeng knew that Fan Xing would definitely agree to it if he understood it with affection and reason, so Fan Xing's answer was within his expectation, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.


Fan Xing was lying on the bed, quietly looking at the two little children in the B-ultrasound, watching their occasional body movements, Fan Xing could feel his heart beating hard!
She was so nervous, so excited, so excited!
Fan Xing tried his best to hold his breath, lying there firmly, not daring to move, looking at the B-ultrasound without blinking, for fear that if he was not careful, he would startle those two lovely children, frighten them, and I am afraid that I will miss every little movement of the child in the blink of an eye!

So, she didn't dare to move at all!
Those are her children. They are still so young, but they already have a basic shape. The two children are so dependent on each other, just like close friends.

When they grow up in the future, they will definitely be very good brothers or sisters, right?
Fan Xing suddenly felt that her hard work in the past four months was nothing at all, and the troubles and depression before were nothing, because after she saw those two lovely children, all the troubles and all the sadness disappeared. The rest is all about the happiness and touch after seeing the child, which lasts for a long time!
Although Duan Chengfeng who was sitting on the side was calm on the surface, he had already felt that his heart was starting to unsteady, and he was very excited inside. He held his hand tightly to prevent himself from being too excited!
He originally thought that in this life, he would walk through it silently and die alone.However, he never thought that he would meet Fan Xing and even have two children!
Yes, the two children, when he heard what Dr. Zhang said, he was so excited that he almost wanted to hug Fan Xing and kiss her to express his inner excitement!
Finally, he will no longer be lonely. He will have a wife and two such lovely children in the future. In his life, he will finally no longer be so lonely and miserable.

Although he knew that Fan Xing would not forgive him so quickly, but he would work hard and let Fan Xing see his determination!
Dr. Zhang saw the couple so excited, and his emotions were infected, so it was just a routine examination, and the doctor became more talkative, "Xing Xing, look, this is the child's hand, and this is the child's hand." Little feet, there is the child's head... The child is four months old, and the internal organs have basically grown and almost formed, look at these two children, how cute!" Although it was only a blurry piece, the doctor knew , in the hearts of the parents-to-be, the child is very cute.

"The mother-to-be is doing very well, and the child is developing normally and healthy now, but because you are pregnant with twins, the uterus of the twins will grow faster and more obviously than that of the singleton, especially after the 24th week of pregnancy. During the third trimester of pregnancy, it is easy to have symptoms of compression such as palpitation, shortness of breath, edema of the lower limbs, and varicose veins, so you should pay attention to avoid fatigue during the third trimester of pregnancy." Dr. Zhang's instructions, all stars follow, so Dr. Zhang is not good worried.

"Then thank you, Doctor Zhang, can I take the B-ultrasound photo home?" Fan Xing was so happy to see the baby who had formed for the first time, and she really wanted to keep the photo as a souvenir.

Now she suddenly has an idea to prepare a diary to record every moment of the baby's growth!
"This will definitely be given to you!" With a clear smile, Dr. Zhang looked at the father-to-be who hadn't said anything. Dr. Zhang also felt very curious. She originally thought that Fan Xing had an accidental pregnancy and was abandoned, but this time Seeing such a handsome Duan Chengfeng, Dr. Ren Zhang still almost lacked concentration after living for so many years. He was fascinated by Duan Chengfeng's perfect appearance, and it took him a long time to react.

Although Duan Chengfeng didn't have any special reaction just now, but Duan Chengfeng was standing behind her, Dr. Zhang naturally felt the instability of Duan Chengfeng's breathing, so he also guessed that Duan Chengfeng still seemed to care about Fan Xing and the child in her belly Yes, but I don't know why, the child is four months old, and it's the first time he accompanied Fan Xing to the prenatal checkup?Is it because work is too busy?or something else?
However, every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite. She is just a doctor, and the rest is beyond her control. She can only work hard to be a doctor.However, by the way, it is still possible to help, "Pregnant women should maintain a comfortable mood, pay attention to nutrition and rest, and expectant fathers should also spend more time with pregnant women. You can talk to your baby more, so that your baby can feel The care and love of parents. This is conducive to increasing the communication between the baby and the parents, and it is also good for the baby’s development. Now that the baby is four months old, B-ultrasound can already feel the baby’s fetal movement, but pregnant women need to feel it. It will take a few days, but it varies from person to person, communicate with the baby more, and the baby will naturally respond!"

"Doctor, I checked the information, and the heart of the four-month-old fetus is already very active, and the heart sound can be heard with ultrasound, right?" He wondered if his child would be born with a deficiency like him.

"Well, yes, in the middle of pregnancy, you can check whether the baby is deformed or not, and whether the function is not complete, so that the parents-to-be can make psychological preparations and make decisions. I originally planned to have Xing Xing give the child a comprehensive examination. Dad mentioned it, and we will check the fetus well today." In fact, Dr. Zhang felt that the checkup was unnecessary. During these few prenatal checkups, the baby in Fan Xing's stomach was very stable, and the B-ultrasound showed that it was also healthy, but in order to Just in case, it's better to check.

"By the way, the baby's gender can be checked now. Do expectant parents want to know the baby's gender?" Some parents have some prejudice against their sons and daughters, so they always ask the hospital to tell the gender so that they can make a decision.Dr. Zhang usually disapproves of this kind of practice of these parents, so she will not advise parents to check the sex of the fetus unless the parents raise it.

However, looking at the parents-to-be in front of him, Dr. Zhang suddenly wanted to know their expressions when they found out whether the child was a boy or a girl, because Dr. Zhang could see that the parents-to-be in front of them were very open-minded and always cautious about their children. , I certainly don't care if it's a man or a woman.

"No need, Doctor Zhang. I just want to know if the child is healthy or not. The rest is unnecessary. I don't know the gender. I can think about whether it's male or female. If I know, then I won't be surprised when the time comes. Already." Fan Xing had long ago decided not to check the gender of the baby, she likes both boys and girls, so she wanted to keep it in suspense and let herself have a surprise when the time comes!

(End of this chapter)

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