Chapter 106

"That's fine, then I'll make an order for you to go for a detailed examination. Don't worry too much, it should be fine!" Taking out a few forms, Dr. Zhang wrote down the requirements for the examination, and handed them to Duan Chengfeng after writing, " Go ahead, I'll wait for the result."

"Thank you." Duan Chengfeng took the form carefully, smiled gratefully at the doctor, then helped Fan Xing up, and took her for an examination.

Fan Xing originally wanted to resist Duan Chengfeng's careful care, but although Duan Chengfeng was gentle, he didn't give her a chance to resist, so he directly helped her up and went to check.

For every inspection, Duan Chengfeng asked to be with Fan Xing and help Fan Xing go through the procedures by himself. Although Fan Xing was very resistant, he couldn't say anything in front of the doctor, so he had to silently accept Duan Chengfeng's advice. take care of.

Fan Xing regretted letting Duan Chengfeng follow him today, seeing the clear eyes of the doctors hovering among them, listening to the doctors' teasing words, and the envious and jealous voices of other pregnant women, Fan Xing wished to find him right away. Drill into a hole in the ground, let's see what's out of sight!

Fan Xing has been immersed in regret and helplessness, and he didn't notice Duan Chengfeng's nervousness when he watched her undergo the examination!
The jet-black pupils were always glowing with nervousness, and Duan Chengfeng kept clenching his palms tightly, for fear of hearing bad news from the doctor!
In fact, Duan Chengfeng asked the doctor to examine Fan Xing today, which is really contradictory!
What if, let's say, the child was still as handicapped as he was?
To persuade Fan Xing to kill the child, or let Fan Xing give birth to this child?
If Fan Xing is persuaded to kill the child, will she hate herself?

But if they give birth to children, they will be the same as themselves in the future, without freedom, childhood, and happiness, so what should they do?
Duan Chengfeng has personal experience of these things, so he doesn't want his child to suffer the same thing as him, he only hopes that his child can be healthy and happy!Instead of always being restrained like him, you can't be swayed by your emotions!

Therefore, during Fanxing's series of checkups, Duan Chengfeng lived in anxiety. He was very afraid, afraid of hearing the news that the child was unhealthy, because he had already started to look forward to the child, and he did not want the child to have any mistakes or any misfortunes. !
But fortunately...

"According to the inspection data, the child is very healthy. The parents-to-be are doing well. I believe that after six months, they will be a very cute and healthy pair of children." Looking at the list in his hand, Doctor Zhang smiled at Fan Xing and Duan Chengfeng. Daoxi, "At this time next month, remember to come for an obstetric examination." After Dr. Zhang finished speaking, he wrote down some records, gave Fan Xing the photos of the B-ultrasound, and finally asked with concern, "Xing Xing, the most important thing is , or maintain a happy body and mind, you know?" The mood swings of pregnant women have a bad influence on children. She can see that there is little interaction between the parents-to-be. Try to accompany the mother-to-be as much as possible, and interact with the baby more, so that the baby can feel the love of the parents, which is better for the fetus!"

"I know, thank you, Dr. Zhang." Fan Xing nodded after receiving the photo from Dr. Zhang, "Then I'll come back next month."

Duan Chengfeng also smiled gratefully at Dr. Zhang, "Don't worry, Dr. Zhang, I will take good care of Xiaofan!" He will always take care of her, and he will never let go of her hand for the rest of his life!Whether she likes it or not!
"Just remember the time. Go get busy. It's a rare weekend. Have fun with your husband and relax." If you have any problems, you should solve them. Even an outsider like her feels anxious.


Knowing that the baby is healthy, Duan Chengfeng also let go of his heart a lot. He also asked Reid before, and Reid also said that it was because his mother, Sun Tiantian, was emotionally unstable in the early stages of pregnancy, because she was fighting with his father. , so the state is not very good, and the appetite is not good, which caused Sun Tiantian to be in poor health and not well nursed, so he will be like this after he was born.

But Fan Xing is in good health. He himself doesn't smoke, drink alcohol, or eat irritating food, so their child should be healthy. It's just that Duan Chengfeng hasn't seen the specific data, and he has no idea.

Now that he knows, he is naturally relieved!

"Xiaofan, you have been checking for more than an hour. You must be hungry, right? Let's go eat something first, and then we will register for a mommy class. After all, it is the first time to be a mom and dad. There are many things that we need. Study." Although Duan Chengfeng checked a lot of information on the Internet and consulted Ruide, but Duan Chengfeng has no practical experience, which made him a little worried, he was afraid that he could not take care of Fanxing well.

Duan Shengfeng found out on the Internet that expectant mothers can participate in courses, and expectant parents can go to the class to study, so he made this proposal.

"This... no need, I usually have to go to work, and I finally have a weekend, I'd better take a rest!" Although she has already signed up, she doesn't want to go to class with Duan Chengfeng!

Today she promised Duan Chengfeng to accompany her to the prenatal checkup, in order to let Duan Chengfeng feel at ease, and she will not bother her again in the future.It's just the things that happened later that made Fan Xing feel so regretful. Seeing the green eyes of the doctors and nurses in the hospital, Fan Xing could feel a lot of envy, jealousy and hatred, which made her very uncomfortable. Comfortable.

Therefore, she would rather continue to endure other people's strange eyes later than let Duan Chengfeng accompany her!

However, Duan Chengfeng didn't give Fan Xing any room to resist, "It doesn't take much time to go to class. I checked it on the Internet. Classes every weekend, one hour at a time, won't be too tiring. Let's go! "As he said, he carefully hugged Fan Xing to pick up the car, then took Fan Xing to eat some bread to fill his stomach, and drove to the most famous expectant mother class in City A.

And Fan Xing wanted to refuse Duan Chengfeng's intimacy, but helplessly, Duan Chengfeng didn't seem to give her any chance to refuse today, so Fan Xing had to let it go, crying again in his heart: why both of them like to bully her, a pregnant woman!
When they arrived at the nursery, Duan Chengfeng dragged Fan Xing to sign up, "Excuse me, can I still enroll in the mommy course?" The warm voice like a clear spring, coupled with Duan Chengfeng's polite words and decent attitude, is so cool and handsome. His figure shocked the woman at the door into a celestial shock, only to see that woman staring straight at Duan Chengfeng with a pair of nympho eyes, eyes shining with fiery passion.

Frowning, Duan Chengfeng was once again troubled by how others reacted to him. He knew that he would encounter this kind of situation wherever he went, and was often surrounded by people, so he didn't like to appear in public places very much. One of the reasons for being in front of the media!

(End of this chapter)

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