Chapter 107

"Miss, may I still apply for class now?" Duan Chengfeng's originally good mood became calm because of the nymphomaniac in front of him, and his originally polite and gentle tone suddenly became indifferent and alienated.

"Ah? This handsome guy, what did you say?" The nymphomaniac didn't realize it for a long time. She thought it was the sound of nature when she heard Duan Chengfeng's gentle voice, but Duan Chengfeng's tone suddenly turned cold, and the nympho girl slowly recovered. Come on, "Oh, do you want to register for the Mommy course? But I'm sorry, the training quota for this session is already full." Although the nympho girl wanted to say that it was not full, she also knew that it was full, and she liked it She is a nympho, but she still has a little sense.

"If I want to sign up, when will there be places available?" It was said on the Internet that the expectant mother courses in this family are very popular, but Duan Chengfeng did not expect that the places are already full.

Duan Chengfeng sighed secretly for his mistake - if he had known earlier, he should have asked his assistant to make a good relationship and book one in advance!It's just that he was too anxious and didn't think of it for a while!
"Uh, I've been registered in advance for the last two months. If you want to register, you'll be able to do so in two months, but you can make a reservation now!" , Hey, why is there no quota?If there is still a place, she can also see the top handsome guy for free!

"Then set it in two months!" Although he can't go to class for these two months, he can watch the tutorials online and come back in two months.

"That's good, handsome guy, fill out this form first!" The nymphomaniac originally thought that Duan Chengfeng would not come to their nursery because of time constraints, but she didn't expect... Hehe, it's great to be able to watch handsome guys for free in the future!
Duan Chengfeng was about to take the form and fill in the information, when Fan Xing finally couldn't stand it and stopped him, "It's going to be two months, it's too troublesome, let's forget it!" This hospital is entrusted by Zhang Shuqi's father. Fan Xing didn't expect Duan Chengfeng to bring her to this family.

The courses of this company are indeed the best, but the fees are also very expensive, and a course costs thousands of dollars!

Although Fan Xing knew that Duan Chengfeng was not short of that little money, it would be shameful to waste it, and she didn't need to waste money in the same place!

"Miss, we don't want to sign up anymore. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Fan Xing smiled and said sorry, Fan Xing gave the nymphomaniac a sorry smile, and was about to drag Duan Chengfeng away.

Anyway, she signed up, and she will come back later!

All that needs to be done now is to send Duan Shengfeng away first!

"Hey, my lady, wait, don't go!" But how could the nymphomaniac fly away when she saw the business she got?If it was normal, she might dismiss him, but today he is a first-class handsome guy, so even looking at him in the future will be a kind of enjoyment!Naturally, she wouldn't let Duan Chengfeng leave so easily!

"Sir, madam, our baby care hut is the best baby care hospital in this city. The baby nurse doctors we employ are all famous at home and abroad. There is no hospital in the whole city A with more Good service! Although there are still two months to wait, I can assure you that the wait is definitely worth it!" With a professional spirit, the nymphomaniac has been trying to persuade Fan Xing and Duan Chengfeng, her eyes sticking to Duan Chengfeng's She didn't leave her face for a second, and Fan Xing and the nympho girl beside Duan Chengfeng didn't pay attention at all!
"Xiaofan, what he said is right, it doesn't matter if you wait, why don't we make a reservation first, I checked it on the Internet, and it's really good here." Duan Chengfeng didn't know why, Fan Xing suddenly interrupted him, this is not good for the baby, for her Great, don't you want to take this class just because you don't want to be with him?

Duan Chengfeng's mind suddenly felt sad. Now, is she really unwilling to stay with him for one more second?

Thinking of Fan Xing's resistance today, of the alienation and guard in Fan Xing's eyes, Duan Chengfeng felt bitter, astringent, stuffy, and very uncomfortable in his heart.

"Xiaofan, if you don't want me to accompany you to class, then I won't accompany you. I will enroll in a class by myself and won't disturb you." Duan Chengfeng is already very happy to be able to accompany Fan Xing to the obstetric examination today. In such a hurry, Fan Xing should not be forced to be too tight, otherwise it will have the opposite effect.

He just wants to spend more time with her and take care of her. Isn't that okay?
In the past, he was indeed wrong, but now he is redeeming, isn't he?
All he needs is a chance!

Is even this a luxury?

Have they really, really gone too far?
Is it so far away that he can no longer keep up with her and can no longer approach her?
However, no matter how far she has gone, he is trying to catch up now and will never give up!

"Help the two of us enroll in separate classes." Since Fan Xing doesn't want to attend the expectant mother class with him, then each of us enrolls in one, and he and she go "separately" and "separately". Anyway, they are in the same classroom. It doesn't matter!
"This..." The nymphomaniac is a bit embarrassed. The father-to-be has never taken the class alone. This course is taught by the father-to-be and the mother-to-be. Two people study together, so that it will be effective. They are like this...

The nymphomaniac looked at Duan Chengfeng hesitantly, saw the indifference on Duan Chengfeng's face, and knew that it was useless to talk to Duan Chengfeng, so she turned her attention to Fan Xing who was beside Duan Chengfeng. …

" is it you?" The nymphomaniac knew Fan Xing, because Fan Xing was the only one who participated alone in this mommy-to-be class!

Fan Xing's own elegant temperament, pretty facial features, and usually with a faint smile, no matter what others discuss about her later, she will not mind it indifferently, so that the people attending this class and the person in charge are very fond of Fan Xing. Has a deep impression!
So the nymphomaniac still remembers Fan Xing, and they usually discussed Fan Xing many times later, and everyone is guessing that such a beautiful and delicate woman with a big belly pays a high tuition fee to attend this expectant mother course, Every time I sat silently in the corner and listened to the doctor's class, and then left silently alone... But I have been here for more than a month, and I haven't seen the father-to-be from the beginning to the end!

Therefore, the people in the hospital, and some expectant mothers who came to the course will naturally have many speculations, from various aspects, and most of them are very bad rumors.

So, Duan Chengfeng had all the nympho girl's attention just now, and now she sees Fan Xing, and she suddenly feels incredible!

"You you you... he he he...?" Looking at Fan Xing and then at Duan Chengfeng, the nymphomaniac had a very exciting idea, but she still couldn't believe it, "You two came together? Do you want to be together?" Go to class? What is your relationship?" Wouldn't it be what she thought?

(End of this chapter)

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