Chapter 108

No!Such a top-notch handsome guy, wouldn't have found a master so early, right?And this one in front of me?

The nympho girl is messed up in the wind...

No way?They thought that Fan Xing was the mistress of a rich man or a high-ranking official!Otherwise, why did you spend so much money to attend class, but never have anyone to accompany you?

Seeing this, Duan Chengfeng vaguely guessed something in his heart, and his heart felt sad, but soon, Duan Chengfeng, with his signature smile that he liked very much recently, pulled Fan Xing over, embraced Fan Xing's shoulders, and proved it with actions. The nympho guessed, "Miss, this is my wife! Of course I came with her! Is there any problem?" It seems that Fan Xing has been here before, isn't it? ? ?

Guessing the general cause and effect, Duan Chengfeng's eyes darkened, and his dark pupils suddenly fell into a black vortex, but no matter how turbulent his heart was, his surface was still calm and calm, and there was even a smile on his face. Light smile, protracted.

Fan Xing looked at Duan Chengfeng with a little worry. When he saw Duan Chengfeng's smile, Fan Xing suddenly felt a little guilty—his smiles were rare at first, but they seemed to be more recently, but such a deep smile, you can't see that. This is the first time for the real emotion in the smile!
Did she do it wrong?

She, hurt him?
But since they have separated, they should keep their distance, right?

After thinking about it, Fan Xing still felt that his decision was not wrong, so he continued to keep silent.

"Really?" But the nympho's reaction was much more excited than Fan Xing's. The nympho girl's impression of Fan Xing was suddenly overturned, and the nympho girl couldn't accept it for a while, "Isn't it possible? She's not... ..." Did the nymphomaniac want to say that she wasn't someone else's mistress?How can there be a husband?And he is also a handsome husband who makes everyone angry!

But seeing Duan Chengfeng's warning eyes, the nympho girl changed her words tactfully and changed the topic, "Hey, since it's Mrs. Fan, there's no need to wait until two months later. Mrs. Fan has already signed up, you can go The class is on! The class is about to start, you can go in and wait!" The nymphomaniac's attitude towards Fan Xing made a 180-degree turn, which made Fan Xing very uncomfortable.

"You can go in and have a rest first, the doctor for class is coming soon, I won't keep you waiting!" After finishing speaking, the nymphomaniac led Duan Chengfeng and Fan Xing into the classroom, "Wait a minute, I will give Pour a glass of juice." After speaking, he walked away wisely.

From the looks of it, there is still a problem with this couple. Otherwise, why didn't the husband know that his wife had signed up for this class, so why would he have to do it himself?
But she is really curious, what is the relationship between the two people, is the pregnant woman really a mistress?
But looking at the performance of that handsome guy, he doesn't look like it!
Despite her curiosity, the nympho girl still did her own thing responsibly.

Some things are beyond her control.

Looking at the famous brand on that man's body, it can be seen that it is very valuable. He must be someone she can't afford!
As soon as the nymphomaniac left, both Fan Xing and Duan Chengfeng fell into silence at the same time.

Duan Chengfeng didn't speak because Fan Xing didn't tell him that she had signed up here, and even tried to prevent him from signing up. Does that mean that she didn't intend to let him accompany him from the beginning?

Duan Shengfeng didn't know what to do with such an obvious refusal.

He was not a person who liked to stalk and stalk, and in this life, nothing really caught his eyes and made him care.

Fan Xing was an accident, so even if he knew that Fan Xing would always resist him from now on and would not let him get closer, he might not give him any chance, but Duan Chengfeng made up his mind that no matter how Fan Xing reacted, he would always Work hard, let Fan Xing see his determination, see his care and love.

Therefore, even if he is said to be a stalker, he doesn't mind, as long as he can get Fan Xing back by doing so, then he is willing to do anything!

He originally thought that if she tried to get close to Fan Xing again, she might refuse directly, or say something that made him uncomfortable, or embarrass him in front of him... But he didn't expect that Fan Xing Xing's heart has been resisting all the time, without giving him the slightest chance to get close, even though Fan Xing didn't say anything, her silent actions have already shown that she doesn't want to have anything to do with him anymore!
After understanding this point, Duan Chengfeng finally understood that the reason why Fan Xing agreed to accompany her to the obstetric examination today was to make him give up completely, and he would not make this excuse to approach her again in the future, right?

He originally thought that although Fan Xing would not forgive him for the time being, at least for the sake of the child, Fan Xing would not resist him too much so far, but he did not expect that he had been locked out of his heart by Fan Xing, and no matter how he left, he would not be able to resist him. Open the lock, can not go in.

Suddenly, Duan Chengfeng felt that Fan Xing was so far away from him, so far away that he suddenly felt unreachable.

Is this his retribution?He used to give Fan Xing the same feeling, right?

He was always chasing after him, but he would never be able to touch the corner of that person's clothes, just like what he felt at the moment, obviously that person was standing in front of him, but Duan Chengfeng knew from those strange eyes and indifferent attitude, In Xing's eyes and heart, there is no place for him anymore.

"Are you really letting go and never accepting me again?" In the silent classroom, Duan Chengfeng's deep voice suddenly came, and in that voice, there was a smell called sadness floating around.

"What should be said, I have already said it, I thought you understood." Didn't she say it very clearly that day?Why even ask?

Then, there was silence again, after a long, long time...

"I, I understand." The intoxicating voice was a little hoarse, and from the heaviness of the voice, it could be seen that the speaker was very sad.

"Just understand." If you understand, don't pester me any more. It's not good for us.

Next, continue to be silent, just a few minutes later...

"Hehe, I kept you waiting for a long time. The class is about to start. Why are you standing here? Come, have a glass of orange juice and choose a seat. The doctor who will be teaching the class will come soon." The nympho girl interrupted the air The dead silence in the middle, but the nymphomaniac also felt something strange, so she hurried away after she finished speaking, "You guys drink first, the doctor will be here soon." The atmosphere is too weird, she should leave quickly!

"It's time for class, let's go!" Fan Xing took a sip of the juice, and said lightly, without a trace of emotion in his tone, as if he was facing a stranger.

(End of this chapter)

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