Chapter 111

"Liu's daughter, isn't it?" Duan Chengfeng's icy cold words came from Duan Chengfeng's mouth. That pure voice, with captivating magic power, coupled with the warm smile on Duan Chengfeng's face, suddenly made everyone in the room Everyone felt that they had entered the Asura Hell, and everyone felt a sudden chill. They almost held their breath and dared not speak. Even those who planned to watch the fun put away their interests and dared not laugh anymore.

After hearing what Duan Shengfeng said, Liu Tingting mistook it for Tian Lai, and for a moment forgot how to react!
"If I heard you right, you said just now that you are the daughter of the Liu family, right?" Seeing that Liu Tingting hadn't reacted for a long time, Duan Shengfeng reminded him again with "good intentions", with a trademark faint smile on his face, just That smile became darker and darker and colder.

"Yes, this handsome guy, who are you? I am Liu Tingting, the daughter of the Liu family. Our Liu family has several listed companies in City A, and we are considered a famous family in City A. I like you very much. We can date and see! "After all, Liu Tingting has received a Western education, and her behavior is very open!"In addition, she is used to running amok at home, and few people dare to provoke her outside, so Liu Tingting naturally does not know how to speak, she only knows that she has a crush on Duan Chengfeng at a glance, and she likes a man like Duan Chengfeng!
With perfect facial features, a noble temperament, and an aura of indifference all over his body, this kind of man is a real man, not that idiot in her family at all!
Such a man is worthy of her, Liu Tingting!

"We can have a date first. If it's suitable, you can be our family's door-to-door son-in-law. I have only one daughter in my family. Naturally, I won't treat you badly! If you have the ability, I will ask my father to give you a good job, but You must spare time to accompany me every day!" Liu Tingting likes to be accompanied by others, and Zhang Yong often comes back late because of work, which is also one of the reasons why Liu Tingting is dissatisfied!
"Don't worry, being the son-in-law of our Liu family will never treat you badly. How about it, do you think it's okay?" Taking a chair, Liu Tingting sat in front of Duan Chengfeng and looked closely at it, although she still couldn't see clearly. But Liu Tingting can basically see Duan Chengfeng's facial features and appearance clearly. After looking at it, Liu Tingting immediately feels that Duan Chengfeng is even more handsome!
How can there be such a handsome man in this world, this is tailor-made for her, Liu Tingting!Why not let her meet him sooner, and make her be eaten tofu by an ugly man for four years! (After watching Duan Shengfeng, Liu Tingting felt that the good-looking Zhang Yong could be attributed to the ranks of ugly men-because in comparison, the two are definitely not on the same level!)

Duan Chengfeng leaned back on the chair, put some distance between himself and Liu Tingting, crossed his hands, and still looked at Liu Tingting with a smile on his face, "What if I can't tell you?" It was the first time Duan Chengfeng saw such a woman. This world really has such a superb existence!
"What's wrong with marrying into our Liu family, who eats hot food and drinks spicy food. If you satisfy me, I can also make you a manager. This is a piece of cake for others. You can Don't be too greedy! As long as you are with me, I promise you, if you do well and treat me well, I will ask my daddy to hand over the company to you in the future. Of course, you must have the ability, Now you promise to be with me first, and you can talk about everything in the future!" Liu Tingting was used to being pampered at home since she was a child, and everyone she met after she got married was still polite to her. Few would dare to provoke her, so Liu Tingting expected that Duan Shengfeng was at most just the boss of a small company, and would definitely be attracted by her offer!
"By the way, before you promise me, I want you and your wife to break up quickly, or I won't accept it!" Liu Tingting didn't know the relationship between Duan Chengfeng and Fan Xing, and she didn't think about it at all.

She didn't wear glasses today, and she had to look very close to see things clearly, so she didn't pay much attention, thinking that Duan Chengfeng was just the husband of a pregnant woman who came to class here.

Liu Tingting never thought that the husbands of these pregnant women have been here before. Duan Chengfeng is obviously the first time here, so it cannot be the husband of other pregnant women, but her mind is simple, and she is now fascinated by Duan Chengfeng. With all his heart on Duan Chengfeng, why do he still think about so much?

"Our Liu family also has a clean family background. If you want to be with me, you have to divorce your wife and ask her to kill the child. If you want a child, as long as you make me happy, maybe I will be happy for a while. I'll give birth to you if I'm happy, don't worry too much, there will still be a baby in the future!" Liu Tingting thought that Duan Chengfeng's reticence was an acquiesce, so she kept asking, completely forgetting that she also has a husband, and also forgot She still has her husband's child in her belly!
"Oh, is it?" The more Duan Chengfeng listened, the colder his smile became, and his tone became less peaceful, and he gradually became indifferent. Everyone around him saw and felt it. Secretly wiped Liu Tingting's sweat.

You are going to die, don't drag them into the water in the future, they have cooperated with the Liu family, although they don't know the man in front of them, but looking at him, he must be a man not to be messed with!If he offends him, if he gets angry and opposes Mrs. Liu, what will they do if they cooperate with Mrs. Liu?

However, everyone was worried, but they didn't understand what Duan Chengfeng was singing.So I dare not come out and say something.

"Of course, my daddy and mommy love me the most. It's fine if I let you inherit the Liu family, so you just have to treat me well and make me happy. I will do my best to help you and make your wish come true. !" Men, how many of them have no ambitions?Isn't the coward in her family also full of ambitions in his career?The man in front of me is so good, so naturally he is the same!

Liu Tingting thought that she was in very good condition, and no one would refuse to have Liu's big fat in front of her, so when Liu Tingting heard what Duan Chengfeng said, it was naturally because Duan Chengfeng agreed.

"But if you want to be with me, you have to break everything from the past. I don't want our son-in-law to have those stains, you know?" Thinking that Duan Shengfeng had already agreed, Liu Tingting felt that there are some things that need to be explained clearly. of!

"You asked me to cut off everything before, what about you? Aren't you also pregnant with someone else's child and married someone else?" There was a sarcasm in the smile on the corner of his mouth, it was the first time Duan Chengfeng saw such a thick-skinned follower The woman who was like a city wall was very speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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