Chapter 112

"If you want to be with me, do you want to consider divorcing your husband and killing the child in your womb, so that you are innocent?" Although I feel that talking to such a woman is a waste of time , but Liu Tingting said so many things that embarrassed Fan Xing before, how could he just let her go?
"This..." At this point, Liu Tingting was a little hesitant. Her marriage to Zhang Yong was arranged by her parents, and her pregnancy was also requested by her parents. If there is a divorce, her parents will definitely object, and This piece of meat in her belly... Her parents have taken care of her and tolerated her more since they knew she was pregnant. Although many of her requests are unreasonable, her parents will still agree, so although Liu Tingting is not convinced , still won't get rid of the child, because she knows that the child is her trump card now, as long as there is a child, her future life can be more unscrupulous!

Therefore, although it is very hard to conceive a child, she is also worried about ruining her figure, but she decides to endure it, because she knows that having a child will make her life better in the future!
"Divorce is fine, but the child in my stomach is almost four months old. I can't bear to kill it. Anyway, I don't want you to raise the child. I will give it to my daddy and mommy when I'm born. He won't affect us. At worst, I'll give you another one in the future!" She wanted to get rid of that husband a long time ago, but she couldn't find a suitable one, so she kept hanging with Zhang Yong, and now she finally found a suitable one, so naturally Liu Tingting I can't wait to break up with Zhang Yong immediately!
But she didn't dare to get rid of the child's affairs easily, otherwise, with her father's personality, he would probably kick her out of the house!
Liu Tingting still has this understanding. She believes that as long as she doesn't kill the child, even if he and Zhang Yong want to divorce and marry the person in front of him, her father should not have any objections!
After all, Duan Chengfeng is better than Zhang Yong no matter what, Liu Tingting believes that her father is angry with her for a while at most, and she just needs to coax her after a while!
So what she has to do now is to make the person in front of her feel at ease with her, and she will find a way to solve the rest!
"But you asked me to divorce and my wife to kill the child, but you can't do the same yourself. Is it fair for you?" Seeing Liu Tingting's eagerness and struggle, Duan Chengfeng glanced at the girl by the door who had already stiffened. There was an inscrutable smile on the corner of his mouth, "Miss Liu, won't your family be ashamed and your parents embarrassed if you marry someone else with a child like this?"

"Don't worry, as long as you promise to be with me, then I will..." Liu Tingting thought of her husband Zhang Yong's uselessness, and remembered that Zhang Yong's parents forced her to marry such a useless person, and now she was provoked by Duan Chengfeng again. , Thinking of Duan Chengfeng's handsome face and noble temperament, she made up her mind instantly, "As long as you promise to be with me, then I will divorce my husband immediately and get rid of this piece of meat in my stomach immediately!" Anyway, she has found herself The one who wants it, that man should be kicked aside!

To be honest, she wanted to kick such a spineless man away a long time ago.

As for the child, the worst thing is to wait for her body to recuperate, and she will conceive another one immediately. I believe that with the genes of the man in front of me, their child will be the best, and her parents will definitely have nothing to say by then!

Thinking about it, Liu Tingting naturally let go boldly.

"Then I promise you now, shouldn't you also divorce your wife and let her kill the child?" Seeing Duan Shengfeng like that, Liu Tingting thought that Duan Chengfeng agreed to be with her, so after she agreed, Liu Tingting eagerly Made this request!

Hearing this, Duan Chengfeng frowned, as if he didn't know Liu Tingting, "Why should I divorce my wife? Why should I ask her to abort the child? Who are you to me, why do you ask me so?"

After finishing speaking, Duan Chengfeng stood up, walked to Fan Xing who was far away from the battlefield, and embraced Fan Xing, as if he was content with having this wife. That way, he was announcing Fan Xing's identity like the people in the house, and also expressed He had no intention of accepting Liu Tingting's proposal at all, and it seemed that what everyone saw just now was just an illusion!

Because from Duan Chengfeng's eyes, everyone read a look called "strangeness".

"Hey, why do you go back on your word? I have already agreed to your request, you should also agree to my request and leave your wife?!" Liu Tingting, who was left alone, was taken aback, and realized what Duan Chengfeng said. He hurried over to question Duan Chengfeng.

But Duan Chengfeng just raised his head and glanced at her indifferently, as if he didn't know her, "What did I promise you?" Did he say anything just now?

"You promised me that as long as I get divorced and kill the child, you will be our family's door-to-door son-in-law, you..." Confused by Duan Chengfeng's sudden change of attitude, Liu Tingting suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Why don't you talk too much?" After thinking for a long time, Liu Tingting just asked this sentence, because she didn't quite understand what Duan Chengfeng meant.

"Did I say anything?" Duan Chengfeng looked at Liu Tingting with a puzzled face, then turned to Fan Xing, "Honey, what did I promise her?" That way, as innocent as he could be, it seems like he just It's like never talking to Liu Tingting!
", you didn't promise her anything." Seeing Duan Chengfeng alone for the first time, Fan Xing was also surprised. She thought Duan Chengfeng would keep silent about such things, but she didn't expect Duan Chengfeng to let Liu Tingting alone People talk to themselves there, talk a lot, but pretend they don't know them!
For Liu Tingting, who has always been proud and savage, it is indeed a big blow to be so completely ignored!

To be honest, Fan Xing still cared a lot about what Liu Tingting said just now, but she just thought of the child in her stomach, so she tried not to care - she didn't expect that Liu Tingting would go crazy and hurt her child!

Now that Duan Chengfeng helped her vent her anger, she was naturally happy to watch the excitement.

"You, you guys!" Liu Tingting finally saw Fan Xing in Duan Chengfeng's arms, and she suddenly understood that she just directed and performed a double reed for others by herself, and she was acting affectionately there. !
Liu Tingting, who understood this, was so angry that she couldn't speak immediately, but she couldn't bear Duan Chengfeng, so she had to ask again, "Are you really not with me? Our Liu family is a big family in City A, you know how to offend me?" What will happen to you?" Temptation is not enough, then add a little more threat, anyway, it will be more interesting and challenging to tame such a man!

(End of this chapter)

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