Chapter 113

"Why should I be with you?" Looking at Liu Tingting with some doubts, Duan Chengfeng turned to look at Fan Xing affectionately, "My wife is prettier than you, has more temperament than you, has more connotation than you, and is pregnant with me." My child, how could I not want my wife for you?" Duan Shengfeng looked at Liu Tingting with a look of "you are an idiot", and felt very contemptuous of Liu Tingting being so overconfident.

"Okay, then you just wait for your company to go bankrupt!" Liu Tingting felt that she was being played like a monkey, and threatened on the spot that she would let Duan Chengfeng see what would happen if she offended her!

"Then I'll wait and see, wife, let's go sit and ignore this idiot woman." After saying this, Duan Chengfeng hugged Fan Xing and moved away from Liu Tingting, and seemed to remember something, and said to Liu Tingting with a smile, "By the way, our company My name is Cheng Rui, and I'm looking forward to seeing how your Liu family can make me go bankrupt!"

After finishing speaking, the people in the room instantly petrified.

Cheng Rui, isn't that the name of Duan's company's branch in City A?

Then this man...

sky!Liu Tingting is dead this time!

But a certain person didn't see the sympathy of the people around him, and said proudly, "Okay, you wait!" Liu Tingting usually only knows about eating, drinking and having fun, and knows nothing about things in the mall, and doesn't care at all.Of course, it was precisely because of this that Liu Tingting's parents let her marry Zhang Yong, because although Zhang Yong was honest, he was really capable, and he was good to their daughter, and Liu Tingting's parents also felt relieved to hand over their daughter to him.Besides, after finding a son-in-law at the door, the future manager of the company will also be settled, so why not do it?

Liu Tingting stood there like a proud peacock, she was already fantasizing about Duan Shengfeng being cornered and finally having to beg her for forgiveness.But this fantasy was abruptly interrupted by Zhang Yong.

"Don't you think it's not embarrassing enough? Do you know that the Liu family will be ruined because of you?!" Zhang Yong looked at Liu Tingting with a sad face, with a look of hatred.

He just saw that his wife performed a self-talking oboe in front of so many people, and she was still smug like a proud peacock.

But who would have thought that Liu Tingting has always been justifying herself, talking and answering herself, and people didn't take her seriously at all!

He was at the door just now, but seeing the disdain and ridicule in the eyes of many people, he just looked at his wife like a clown!
However, what can he say, what can he do, how can he have the courage to stand up for those cruel words she said?

"Let's go home, there is no class today." What are they still doing here, waiting for others to see the joke?What he wants to think about now is to go back and figure out a good countermeasure, how to deal with Duan's suppression, otherwise Liu's will really be ruined!
How could that man belong to the Duan family?That's something they can't afford!
It's not that Zhang Yong didn't want to ask Duan Shengfeng to do his best, but he heard everything Liu Tingting said. He wanted to go back and persuade Liu Tingting to eat well-cooked steak because she was pregnant, and it's not good to eat raw.

But he never wanted to hear those words that made him feel ashamed!He is also a husband, so he naturally understands Duan Chengfeng's feelings, so he knows that even if he asks, it will be useless!

Now he can only think of a way to remedy it!

"Mr. Duan, Tingting is usually spoiled by us. She speaks without thinking. I hope you will forgive me! I will come to the door to apologize some other day!" It is impossible to ask Duan Chengfeng to forgive her. Zhang Yong only hopes that he can reduce it a little. Duan Chengfeng's anger!

But Duan Chengfeng still embraced Fan Xing and ignored Zhang Yong at all.

"President Duan, you..." Zhang Yong wanted to say something, but Liu Tingting couldn't understand Zhang Yong's pug-like appearance, so she interrupted him in time.

"Shut up, I'll tell you, I'll ask Daddy to help me vent my anger when I go back, and let this person take a good look at what will happen to Liu Tingting who offends me! Also, you coward, I can't take it anymore! Let me tell you I'll divorce you when I go back, and we'll have nothing to do with you from now on!" Liu Tingting was already fantasizing about Duan Shengfeng going bankrupt and begging her, so naturally she wouldn't let Zhang Yong ruin her plan!
But she also took this opportunity to send this man away, so that when Duan Chengfeng turns around, she can be with Duan Chengfeng without any scruples!
"Get lost, I don't want to see you!" Liu Tingting now wished that Zhang Yong would never appear in front of her again. This man was her shame, a shame she never wanted to mention in her life!

Zhang Yong was treated like a donkey with good intentions. He was angry when he heard Liu Tingting's words today, but now he was told to go away by Liu Tingting's ignorance. Thinking of my grievances and my sacrifices, I immediately became angry, and no longer caring that this was a public place, I swung my palm and gave Liu Tingting a solid slap in the face!

With a sound of "Slap!", the room was so quiet that a needle could be heard dropped.

When Liu Tingting was beaten, her temper also became irritable, and she scolded Zhang Yong, "Why did you hit me?" Out of breath, he quickly slapped back.

With a sound of "Slap!", Zhang Yong's flushed face became even redder. Zhang Yong stared at his eyes angrily, and slapped him again. With a sound of "Slap!", Liu Tingting's face became even redder.

Looking at Zhang Yong like this, Liu Tingting suddenly felt fear in her heart, but she was so proud that she would never show weakness. She raised her hand, and Liu Tingting wanted to fight again, but Zhang Yong caught Liu Tingting's hand and raised another One hand hit Liu Tingting's other face, and her handsome face was almost purple with anger, "You motherless woman, watch me wake you up!" Zhang Yong was really chilled this time, and worked hard After four years, he thought that he would follow Liu Tingting in everything, let her in everything, pamper her, accommodate her, and he would see his goodness and fall in love with him. He still believes in these ideas to this day!
But he didn't expect that when he came back carefully to persuade her not to eat the undercooked steak, what he heard at the door was her words of abandoning herself and her child without hesitation for the sake of a man she just met!

Such a cold-blooded and ruthless woman, he was blind before, that's why he treats her like a treasure!

For her sake, as his only son, he did not hesitate to fall out with his family, became her family's door-to-door son-in-law, and endured the ridicule and white eyes of others!

For her sake, he willingly endured some harsh demands from her parents, and worked hard to do every job well, just to make her look good, make her parents value him, and entrust her to him with peace of mind!

(End of this chapter)

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