Chapter 114

For her, he worked tirelessly, just to make her life better, richer, and more worry-free!
For her sake, he lived a life of relying on other people's faces, carefully maintaining his meager position in her family!

For her sake, he has been enduring her savage willfulness, enduring everything about her, and satisfying her even unreasonable demands as much as possible, just for her to see his goodness and fall in love with him one day!

However, he had done so much for her, but in the end he only got the news that she was so cruel that she wanted to divorce him and kill their child!She didn't even care about her kindness, so she trampled on his concern!
Since she trampled on his love so much, why should he cherish her?

Well, he leaves!

Anyway, it doesn't make sense now!

Since she doesn't even cherish his kindness, why should he be so guilty? !

"Pat, pat, pat!" Zhang Yong slapped Liu Tingting several times in a row, venting out all his anger, annoyance, hatred, and unwillingness. After slapping and slapping, Zhang Yong became addicted to slapping Liu Tingting because he Really angry!
Enduring the burning pain on her face, Liu Tingting was stunned to see Zhang Yong being so aggressive to her for the first time.She struggled vigorously, but Zhang Yong was so strong that Liu Tingting couldn't break free. After a while, Liu Tingting's face was red and swollen from the beating, and those who were watching the theater couldn't bear it.

But thinking of Liu Tingting's usual arrogance and domineering, and Duan Shengfeng's identity, no one came out to rescue him.

"You, you, hit me, me, me, me... woo woo woo...I want to tell Daddy, Mommy, I want to divorce you! woo woo..." Liu Tingting was treated so rudely for the first time. Terrified, she said these words subconsciously, she just wanted to run away from Zhang Yong now, because Zhang Yong is so scary now!
"I'll hit you. How have you treated me these years? I have devoted my heart and soul to you. I wish I could give you all the best things in the world, but what about you? You just trampled on my sacrifices and trampled on me like this. Love? I know I'm a high climber, but all these years, you said how much I have paid in your family. Without me, your father would have such a good helper, and Liu's development would be so fast? But, your parents Look down on me, and you also look down on me, okay, I’m a dog in your family, I’m wrong now, okay! You said you want a divorce, okay! Let’s divorce now!” After Zhang Yong finished speaking, he dragged Liu Tingting gone.

"Leaving is leaving, whoever is afraid of whom, I tell you, I will sue you for domestic violence, even if you get divorced, you don't want to get a penny from my Liu family!" It was the first time Liu Tingting was treated like that, and she was almost pissed off.

"You let go!"

"I'll go by myself! Don't tease me!"

"You, you, you... Let me tell you, if you treat me like this, my daddy and mommy won't let you go!"

" stomach hurts...ah!"

Following Liu Tingting's cry of pain, which was also mixed with Zhang Yong's nervous cry, the eyes of the people in the house were full of sympathy, and their eyes were full of fear when they looked at Duan Chengfeng.

Doing so is too cruel.

However, when they heard the news a few days later that the Liu family had suffered huge losses and was on the verge of bankruptcy, and had to rely on the support of their son-in-law, everyone secretly rejoiced for their wise behavior that day: fortunately they didn't come out to say anything, otherwise They will be the same end!

Watching the couple's performance with cold eyes, Duan Chengfeng still hugged Fan Xing. In that indifferent expression, there was only pampering for Fan Xing, but in that pampering, there were emotions of distress, regret and anger!

Yes, he felt sorry for Fan Xing, who came to class alone, but still silently endured the cynicism of others!
He regretted, regretted not accompanying Fan Xing earlier, and let her bear so many gossips alone!

He was angry, angry that Fan Xing, who was so kind and simple, would suffer these criticisms because of himself!

Duan Chengfeng couldn't even imagine how serious the insult Fan Xing had endured during this period of time!That's all he saw today, what about the previous ones?What will it be like?
How could Fan Xing, who was so pure and innocent in the past, bear these unfounded rumors?
It's his fault. If he had known this, he shouldn't have let go of her hand so cowardly and let her suffer all this silently!
He originally hoped that she would be happy. He originally hoped that after she left him, she would return to the innocent and happy Fan Xing she was before.

He let go, not because he wanted to see her like this!

It's not that I want to see her being bullied and misunderstood!

"Xing Xing, are you punishing me for what happened to you? Punish my cowardice, punish me for not being brave? Punish me for being indifferent? Punish me for avoiding you and not letting you get close?" Duan Chengfeng asked this sentence in his heart In other words, a pair of dark eyes just kept looking at Fan Xing quietly, looking at Fan Xing's face that was obviously avoiding him, and looking at Fan Xing's figure facing him sideways, Duan Chengfeng's eyes were full of guilt. and regret.

He was really wrong.

He thought he was kind to Fan Xing, but he was not necessarily kind to her!
Now he finally began to understand what Fan Xing said that day. All along, what Fan Xing wanted was his love, and Fan Xing didn't care about the rest!
It's him, worrying too much, thinking too much...

From now on, he will never...

It's just that woman... Duan Shengfeng remembered what Liu Tingting said to Fan Xing, so he deliberately embarrassed Liu Tingting and deliberately let Liu Tingting's husband Zhang Yong hear Liu Tingting's words!
Fortunately, Liu Tingting and her husband lived up to his expectations and put on such a good show for everyone!
But Duan Chengfeng felt that it was not enough!

Didn't that woman always rely on Liu Shi, so she doesn't take anyone seriously?Didn't she always take her husband seriously and look down on him?

Then the Liu family he wanted her to rely on couldn't let her rely on him, and made the husband she looked down upon become the one she had no choice but to rely on!
Thinking of this, Duan Chengfeng felt a little better in his heart, the coldness around him gradually dissipated, he hugged Fan Xing lightly, feeling the soft body in his arms, Duan Chengfeng's lonely heart suddenly felt full and extremely happy.

"The play is over, let me go!" Fan Xing was dissatisfied with what Liu Tingting said to her, but he thought of the child in his belly, so he didn't mind, but just now seeing Liu Tingting in such a miserable state, her sexy face almost turned red Pig head, although Fan Xing feels that her thoughts are very inappropriate, but she does have the pleasure of revenge!

That's why Duan Chengfeng hugged her just now and she didn't struggle, because she knew that Duan Chengfeng did it on purpose just now, to anger Liu Tingting on purpose, so she cooperated with Duan Chengfeng - if someone helped her vent her anger, she was naturally willing to accept it!
(End of this chapter)

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