Chapter 115

But now that the play is over and she has "revenge", naturally there is no need to be hugged by Duan Chengfeng anymore.

"Aren't you very happy just now? Why do you want me to let go now?" Although the scene of Liu Tingting and Zhang Yong's confrontation just now was very exciting, Duan Chengfeng was not interested, so his heart was on Fan Xing, naturally It was because of Fan Xing's gloating expression of "revenge for a small revenge".

Seeing Fan Xing like this, Duan Chengfeng is very happy, because Fan Xing is still the original Fan Xing, who dares to love, dare to hate, revenges every hatred, and will never hide his truest emotions.

It seems that she is recovering well, and this really happy Fan Xing is what he wants to see!

Duan Chengfeng didn't want to see Fan Xing who buried everything in his heart in Duan Zhai and always showed sadness. Such Fan Xing made him feel guilty and even more guilty—he would think that it was him who ruined that Happy Elf.

"After using it, naturally I have to kick it away!" Fan Xing thought it would be difficult to break free from Duan Chengfeng's arms, but this time Duan Chengfeng let Fan Xing leave easily. Such a gap made Fan Xing feel very uncomfortable, but immediately Thinking of something, Fan Xing also shook off this uncomfortable emotion, and stopped thinking about it.

"Doctor come to class soon. Let's choose a seat and sit down. I have a lot to learn for the first time in class!" With a smile, he pulled Fan Xing to sit in a more conspicuous position. Although Duan Chengfeng was usually low-key, he didn't He likes to show off, but he doesn't want Fan Xing to be wronged, and he doesn't want anyone to say anything about Fan Xing behind Fan Xing.

So this time Duan Chengfeng planned to be uncharacteristically, and to be more high-profile, so that everyone can see his relationship with Fan Xing. Then, in the future, the scene just now will naturally not happen again!
Seeing the two protagonists sit down, the rest of the people also sat down one after another. A few bolder ones sat near Fan Xing, trying to establish a relationship with Duan Shengfeng, so that they could cooperate with Duan Shi in the future!
But Duan Chengfeng's indifferent aura and that "don't disturb me" expression made many people shut their mouths knowingly.

This time, after waiting for a long time, the doctor in class came, and saw the doctor trotting into the classroom holding a pile of books, panting a bit, "Hehe, I'm sorry, the car is blocked on the road, so I kept everyone waiting! Late I’m sorry for wasting everyone’s time for 10 minutes, I’ll give you an extra half hour of class today! To show compensation!” Although I know that those present are not short of this little money, many people’s time is very precious Yes, the doctor is also a very responsible person, so he took the initiative to increase the time, "Okay, there is not much time, let's start class now!"

After putting the books away, the doctor started to start the class, "I have been in the class for more than a month, and I have said everything that needs to be said. What we are going to learn today is what the expectant father should say after the mother-to-be enters four months. what……"

"After four months of pregnancy, the expectant mother's belly has gradually grown, and the symptoms of morning sickness and anorexia in the early pregnancy have also been reduced a lot. During this period, the baby will start to move, so the expectant father can put down his hands during this period. Heavy work, communicate more with the fetus, enhance the relationship with the fetus, let the fetus feel the relationship with him from the outside world, so that the fetus will respond more actively... 4 months pregnant, the state of the fetus has been relatively stable, at this time Some simple exercises for mothers-to-be are good for both the baby and the mother-to-be. It is best for the father-to-be to exercise with the mother so that she can take care of her at any time."

The doctor spoke very slowly and in detail, and he helped everyone notice many details, "As the body of the expectant mother gradually becomes heavier, the heavy body increases the burden on the leg muscles, so the expectant mother will have cramps, Pain and other phenomena, at this time, the father-to-be needs to take care of it. It is best to massage the legs of the mother-to-be or raise her feet before going to bed, so that the mother-to-be can have a good quality sleep. Many mothers-to-be will feel Low back pain, but don’t worry too much, the mother-to-be will recover naturally after giving birth, of course, the father-to-be can also help the mother-to-be with a massage to reduce the discomfort of the mother-to-be.”


"During this period, the discomfort of the mother-to-be may make the mother-to-be feel bad. Fathers-to-be must understand and take care of the emotions of the mother-to-be patiently, and of course take good care of the mother-to-be's body as much as possible." After briefly talking about the situation, the doctor took out the film, "Let me show you a video of how the father-to-be massages the mother-to-be. The father-to-be should study hard, and I will find someone to demonstrate later!"

10 minute later.

"Okay, after watching the video, is there any expectant father who wants to be a demonstration?" Lian Lian looked at the expectant parents sitting on the stool with a smile, and the doctor looked at those three or four-month-old bellies with loving eyes. .

Fan Xing knew that Duan Chengfeng would definitely not do this, and she was happy to watch the excitement, but...

"Can I?" Looking at the doctor with a smile, Duan Chengfeng showed the signature smile he has been used to recently.

"Of course, mother and father-to-be, please come to the front, so that everyone can see clearly!" Everyone who came to the class knew the doctor. As soon as she entered the door, she saw Duan Chengfeng sitting next to Fan Xing, and she was also stunned for half a second. Come to yourself.

Although she would not doubt Fan Xing's identity like others, she did not expect Fan Xing's husband to be such a powerful person.

The doctor dared to say that after knowing so many people, she had never seen a few people like Duan Shengfeng who could not take their eyes off even if they sat there without saying a word.

Like Fan Xing, she thought that a person of Duan Chengfeng's status would disdain to do this, but she didn't expect the other party to propose it!
The doctor saw that Duan Chengfeng was watching seriously just now, and he was more patient than any expectant father present. Subconsciously, the doctor also thought that Duan Chengfeng was the most suitable, but she was afraid that Duan Chengfeng would refuse if she brought it up, but she didn't expect that Duan Chengfeng would take the initiative. suggest!
The doctor is naturally very happy!
Duan Chengfeng pulled the unwilling Fan Xing to the front row, let Fan Xing sit on the prepared mat, took off Fan Xing's shoes, and carefully followed the movements in the film, starting with Fan Xing's right leg, starting from the ankle Perform a spiral massage on the knee, and then switch to the left foot. After finishing the massage carefully, Duan Chengfeng raised his head and asked the doctor, "Is this okay?" , feeling a little nervous.

"This gentleman has done a good job. Next, the mothers-to-be will sit on the prepared cushions, and the fathers-to-be will start to massage the mothers-to-be according to the gentleman's demonstration and the requirements in the video!" Appreciative Looking at Duan Chengfeng, the doctor was very satisfied with the careful man in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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