Chapter 116

She knows that the people who take her classes are either rich or expensive, and expectant fathers are busy with their careers, and many of them neglect to take care of expectant mothers, so her classes require couples to attend together.

It was an accident for Fan Xing to come alone, but looking at the woman who always sat in the corner and the sadness in her eyes from time to time, the doctor knew that Fan Xing was a person with a story, and he also watched It can be seen that Fan Xing cherishes the child in her belly, so she broke up and let Fan Xing participate alone!
Looking at the couple in front of him now, the doctor couldn't tell what it was like.

Talented and beautiful, two people are so suitable when standing together, but the man's eyes are full of pampering, but the woman's eyes are indifferent.

It seems that this young couple has a big problem!
"During the pregnancy, what the mother-to-be needs most is the support from the father-to-be. The father-to-be will take good care of the mother-to-be during pregnancy, which is very important for the mother-to-be's physical and mental health and the good development of the fetus. It has a very good effect, so I hope that no matter how busy the expectant father is, he will try his best to take time to take care of and accompany the expectant mother! The fetus is actually very sensitive and has a certain reaction to the outside world, so I hope that the expectant father and the expectant mother Let’s create a good environment for the fetus to grow together.” Watching the fathers-to-be giving massages to the mothers-to-be, the doctor continued talking, and walked over to correct some irregular movements of the father-to-be. One class just passed .

"Okay, that's all for today's class, see you next week!" After teaching massage, the doctor also ended the class.

Many expectant fathers were visibly relieved, as if they had completed a difficult task, and some were secretly happy that they could finally be liberated!

Only Duan Chengfeng listened to the class carefully, practiced carefully, then carefully helped Fan Xing put on his shoes, helped Fan Xing get up, and thanked the doctor gratefully, "Thank you doctor today." Follow Fan Xing to leave.

Duan Chengfeng's cautious appearance made many mothers-to-be envious. After Duan Chengfeng left, everyone talked about it.

A: How could you have imagined that the legendary president of Duan's company would be so young and promising, and also so handsome!She is so considerate, I am so envious of that woman!
B: Yes, I thought she was... Hey, how could I have imagined that she was Duan Chengfeng's wife. Duan Chengfeng rarely appears in public, so it's no wonder she always comes alone!
C: I didn't expect Duan Shengfeng to be so handsome, so gentle and considerate, and treat his wife so well, hey, I'm so envious!
D: Husband, look at her husband, then at you, talk about it, talk about it, you have to learn from him no matter what!

A: Yes, yes, husband, look, how considerate he is, you usually say that you don’t have time even if I want you to spend more time with me, hey, I...

The topic suddenly shifted to their own husbands, making these husbands very speechless.

E: Wife, am I not doing well?I come with you every time, this is his first time here!

F: Wife, I'm usually busy with work, you can't be so narrow-minded, you have to be considerate of me!

A; Yes, you are busy, you are a small company, look at Duan, if you are at that level, then I will not ask you to come with me every time, but do you have the ability?

The scuffle continues...

But Duan Chengfeng and Fan Xing, who had already left, could no longer hear them.

"I asked you to accompany me to the maternity check-up, and you also accompanied me to the expectant mother class, and now you have sent me back, so you should retire after all your achievements, shall you go?" Finally, Fan Xing came home after surviving. Can't wait to rush Duan Shengfeng away!

What happened to Duan Chengfeng today?Why has his personality changed so much that he is not like the usual him at all?
Duan Chengfeng like this made Fan Xing feel very uneasy, as if something was about to come out, but Fan Xing still suppressed that thought forcefully!

"Now we have nothing to do with each other. Don't bother me again. We're over. It's impossible! So I hope we won't meet in private again. It's the best for you and me!" Duan Chengfeng usually doesn't care much about anything, and he doesn't do things in such a high-profile way like today. Fan Xing finds Duan Chengfeng like this very strange, but she can't figure out what is so strange about it!So I had no choice but to keep a distance from Duan Chengfeng!
"Okay, I'm tired, I want to go back and rest, you can do it yourself!" Before Duan Chengfeng could say anything, Fan Xing turned and left!

She let Duan Chengfeng follow her today, so close to her, hugging her, this is a bad phenomenon for Fan Xing!

In the past, Duan Chengfeng would never force her to do anything, but now, it seems that Duan Chengfeng would no longer pay attention to her resistance!
Such a domineering and powerful Duan Chengfeng suddenly made Fan Xing very uncomfortable!

Fan Xing always feels vaguely that Duan Chengfeng has changed, but as for why, Fan Xing doesn't understand!

"Then you have a good rest, I will ask you to eat later!" Seeing that it was already noon, Duan Chengfeng also felt that it was time to cook, and hearing Fan Xing saying that he was tired, he naturally would not pester him anymore.

In the past few days, he asked Mrs. Lin to teach him how to cook. He also studied many recipes for pregnant women. Nutritious meals should be fine!

Just let her sleep for a while, and call her after he has finished cooking!
"En, bye!" Seeing that Duan Chengfeng let her go easily this time, Fan Xing was naturally excited for a while, didn't pay attention to Duan Chengfeng's words, directly said goodbye and entered the door, closing the door without looking back.

But after closing the door, Fan Xing stood quietly at the door, feeling that something was missing in his heart, but he couldn't say it.

"Don't think about it, go to bed!" After getting up so early today, Fan Xing was already sleepy after encountering these things, so after a while, Fan Xing fell asleep.

In a daze, Fan Xing smelled the tempting aroma of vegetables, and the glutton in his stomach was awakened. Fan Xing woke up half awake, and walked to the living room in his kawaii pajamas. Dishes with tempting aromas make you even more hungry.

Walking over, I saw on the table a fried shrimp with leeks, oyster porridge, fried tofu with spinach, and a bowl of steamed eggs... The meat and vegetables are in order, and they are very suitable for pregnant women's nutrition.

Fan Xing has just woken up, her mind is still not clear-headed, and her stomach is clamoring for hunger, so she didn't pay attention to why there is so much food in her home, and it looks good.

Maybe sleepwalking?

(End of this chapter)

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