Chapter 117

Well, yes, sleepwalking!

Thinking of the sleepwalking experiences he had several times, Fan Xing didn't think too much, just sat on the edge of the table, picked up the oyster porridge first, Fan Xing took a sip, um, it was tender and delicious.

After finishing the porridge, Fan Xing still wanted to eat, but he didn't see the bowl for the rice, so he felt a little discouraged.

Why are there only vegetables, porridge, and rice?

Just as he was feeling annoyed, a bowl of rice immediately responded to what Fan Xing was thinking, and appeared in front of Fan Xing. Just as Fan Xing was about to pick it up, Duan Chengfeng put Wan a little further away, "Xiao Fan, you just got up and washed your face. Have you washed your hands yet?" Seeing that Fan Xing's eyes were still a little hazy, Duan Chengfeng's mind fluttered, but he finally restrained himself, "Wait a minute."

How come it's been so long and still can't change?

They are all pregnant, so you should pay attention to eating, why do you just eat without doing anything?
Helplessly smiled, "Wait, don't eat yet!" Duan Chengfeng knew that Fan Xing's head would become a little dull when he fell asleep, and he didn't wake up all of a sudden. Seeing Fan Xing's current state of being completely out of state, Duan Chengfeng guessed that Fan Xing was still "sleepwalking".

Thinking of Fan Xing's two experiences of sleepwalking before, Duan Chengfeng smiled happily, went to the bathroom, dried the handkerchief, then returned to the living room, gently wiped Fan Xing's face, and then wiped his hands , and then handed the rice to Fan Xing, "Okay, you can eat." After finishing speaking, he took the handkerchief back to wash and dry it, and then returned to his seat, watching Fan Xing eating happily , Duan Chengfeng also smiled all over his face.

"Come on, eat some spinach. The child is four months old, and his bones and important organs are developing. He needs to eat more eggs, carrots, spinach, kelp, and milk. I have done all of these today. I will take a break later, and I will give it to you later." Pour a glass of milk." Carefully handing all the vegetables to Fan Xing, Duan Chengfeng didn't eat much by himself, most of them were taking care of Fan Xing.

For Duan Chengfeng's gentleness, Fan Xing showed him a happy smile from time to time, and sometimes helped Duan Chengfeng pick up some food, which surprised Duan Chengfeng.

Fan Xing, what's the matter?
Why are you so gentle with him all of a sudden?

Isn't she still sleepwalking?

Duan Chengfeng guessed right, Fan Xing is still not very clear-headed now, she just saw these dishes on the table and thought she was sleepwalking.

During sleepwalking, she also saw the man she had always loved but had let go, and he also saw him tenderly serving her vegetables, talking to her tenderly, and smiling at her tenderly... Such a warm picture , is what she has been fantasizing about all these years.

But that person has never been so tender to him without distance!
Fan Xing felt that her sleepwalking was so real and made her feel so happy.

The person who was always chasing after him is finally so close to her now, she can truly feel his care and love, and can truly feel his sincere kindness to her, which makes Fan Xing suddenly feel very happy!

So although this sleepwalking is very real, Fan Xing can no longer tell whether it is a dream or reality.

If this is a dream, let her prolong this dream a little bit. Who told her to miss the warmth that person gave her even if she let go?
Therefore, although Fan Xing felt that all this was very real, between dream and reality, Fan Xing still chose that it was a dream, because such a warm Duan Chengfeng really made her unable to let go, and she was afraid that if this was reality, , then in a blink of an eye, all happiness will disappear in smoke!

Because in reality, it is impossible for Duan Shengfeng to do this, but in reality, it is impossible for them...

Thinking of this, Fan Xing cried again, and the tears rolled down the corners of his eyes. Fan Xing looked at Duan Chengfeng with tears in his eyes, with a happy smile on his face, "Feng, if you are always so close to me, let me feel it Your pity, your love, then we will not come to this point?" Is it because she is pregnant?That's why you're so emotional?cry easily?
"Feng, do you know that I really, really love you, but why can't you love me?" Stretching out his hand, Fan Xing traced Duan Chengfeng's facial features bit by bit. The lines are exquisite and perfect, just like the typical golden section, every stroke strives for perfection.

Describing Duan Chengfeng's slightly cold facial features bit by bit, Fan Xing seemed to be talking to himself, "If you love me, will we be happy? Our children will not have a father? But why, I After working so hard for so long, you just can’t love me a little bit? I don’t want much, just a little bit! But why, just a little bit, can’t you give it to me?” The little hand came to Duan Chengfeng’s and squeezed Fan Xing smiled with happiness on his thin lips, "But what you did today made me so happy. If you always treat me like this, it would be great!"

After finishing speaking, Fan Xing moved closer to Duan Chengfeng bit by bit, and kissed Duan Chengfeng's thin lips with pink lips, feeling the coolness on his lips, Fan Xing moved away a little, and frowned, "Why, your lips , is it always so cold? Why is your body temperature always so low? But don't worry, I will warm you!" After finishing speaking,
During the light kiss, Duan Chengfeng could feel that his heart was full of pity, and when he felt Fan Xing's injury, his heart also ached, very painful, very painful!

Why has he been obsessed with his body, worrying that he can't give Fan Xing happiness, so he always keeps a distance from Fan Xing, making Fan Xing so painful?
Why didn't he think that his indifferent treatment of Fan Xing would be the greatest harm to Fan Xing? !

He really is a jerk!
I have never understood what Fan Xing wants, and I have always thought that perfection is Fan Xing's happiness!
How wrong he was!

But now that he understands, can he get back the heart that was hurt because of loving him?

Full of regret in his heart, Duan Chengfeng gently kissed Fan Xing, hoping that his kiss could convey his love and comfort.

In the room, the room was immediately filled with warmth, and the two loved ones kissed each other heartily, trying to give each other warmth and love.

(End of this chapter)

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