Chapter 118

Kissing and kissing, Duan Chengfeng felt the person in his arms quiet down, Duan Chengfeng looked at Fan Xing's sleeping state speechlessly, and smiled dotingly, "Sleep, Xiaofan, from now on, I will love you well , won’t let you get hurt again! This time, please trust me, okay?”

Duan Chengfeng hugged Fan Xing carefully, put Fan Xing on the bed, wet the veil again, wiped off the tears on Fan Xing's face and the oil stains on his mouth, and finally put a light feather like light on Fan Xing's forehead. Kiss, "Go to sleep, after you wake up, everything will be fine!" Twisting the quilt for Fan Xing, Duan Chengfeng gently cleaned up all the rice bowls on the table, and then gently sat back on the side of the bed, quietly Looking at Fan Xing's sleeping face.

The long fluttering eyelashes cast a small shadow on the eyes, and the small mouth showed a happy smile. It seemed that he was having a good dream. The short hair was loose, making Fan Xing's mischievous and cute appearance even more.

Looking carefully at Fan Xing, Duan Chengfeng smiled contentedly.

Now she has returned to the previous happiness, although she will still be sad, but at least, Fan Xing is real now, and she will not hide her true emotions like in the past five years!
After confirming this point, Duan Chengfeng was also relieved, as usual, he would always take advantage of Fan Xing's sleep to quietly look at Fan Xing's sleeping face alone, looking at the person who had been engraved by him long ago with pity. A woman with a bone marrow.

"Xiao Fan, can you forgive me? Forgive me for hurting you so deeply, forgive me for the wrong decisions I made in the past?" Thinking of Fan Xing's injury, Duan Chengfeng touched his chest, and he could feel a dull pain there.

Will this pain go away?
Fan Xing, will you forgive him?
On this day, Fan Xing always felt that he was on the edge of dream and reality, but the picture was so happy and warm that Fan Xing subconsciously chose that he was in a dream.

She remembered that Duan Chengfeng in the dream was so gentle and gentle to her, even Fan Xing vaguely heard Duan Chengfeng say that he loved her, so this time, Fan Xing slept so happily, so happily.

Upon waking up, Fan Xing sat up, stretched, and suddenly felt that the fatigue of the day had dissipated a lot. Looking at the alarm clock beside the bed, Fan Xing couldn't react at once.

Five... It's five o'clock...

She remembered that it was twelve o'clock when she came back, and now it's five o'clock, so didn't she sleep for five hours without having lunch? !

How is this possible? !
Although she ate something after the obstetric examination, pregnant women have to eat less and more meals. How could she sleep until this time without eating lunch? !

Moreover, her stomach is not even hungry!

Fan Xing felt very strange about this point, she clearly remembered that she had a good appetite these days, and she had to eat some small snacks after a while every day, otherwise her stomach would growl, but why did she sleep all afternoon today without being hungry? !
Vaguely remembering what she did in her own sleepwalking, Fan Xing found it unbelievable.

Could it be that what you eat while sleepwalking is real?

impossible? !
Fan Xing walked out of the room with doubts, washed his face, remembered that she planned to finish the obstetric examination today, and went to the home economics center after class to ask a babysitter to take care of her, but Duan Chengfeng made such a fuss, Fan Xing forgot.

Sighing, Fan Xing had no choice but to change his clothes and prepare to go out to eat something. He would go to the Home Economics Center tomorrow to hire a babysitter. Today he just made do with it. She hasn't eaten for so long. Although she is not hungry now, It was getting late, so she hurried to find a better restaurant to eat!

Opening the door, the opposite door also opened at the same time. Fan Xing only saw Duan Chengfeng holding a plate of dishes in his hand, opening the door with one hand, and looking at him with a gentle face.

"You, you, you... why are you here?" Fan Xing really didn't understand why Duan Chengfeng came out of the door next door to her. Fan Xing clearly remembered that the old couple lived next door to her. Why, how could it be? Suddenly turned into Duan Shengfeng? !
"I rented this place, so I naturally want to live here." Looking at Fan Xing's surprised eyes, Duan Chengfeng smiled, and went straight to Fan Xing, "I was about to ask you to eat, but I didn't expect you to get up by yourself , Hehe, that’s fine, wash up and eat, you’ve slept all afternoon, you should be hungry.” After speaking, like an old acquaintance, he opened Fanxing’s door, walked past Fanxing into the house, put the dishes Put it on the table, then walked back to the room he rented, and after a while, two more dishes were brought... After going back and forth like this, Duan Chengfeng had already moved all the dishes to Fan Xing's living room!
"Okay, Xiao Fan, go wash up! Eat after washing!" Duan Chengfeng finished his work, looked at Fan Xing who was standing next to him with a surprised face, smiled, walked over and pulled Fan Xing to the bathroom, "People who are pregnant with children, it's time to learn to take good care of themselves!" While talking, Duan Chengfeng put Fan Xing's hands under the faucet and helped Fan Xing wash his hands. After washing, Duan Chengfeng was about to wash Fan Xing's face with a facekerchief , Fan Xingban turned his face straight, and said indifferently, "I'll do it myself!"

Duan Chengfeng didn't force it, handed the handkerchief to Fan Xing, and stood aside quietly waiting for her to fix it.

Fan Xing washed his face, walked back to the living room expressionlessly, sat on the sofa, and asked without a trace of emotion, "Where are the grandparents who live next door to me?" Although he didn't have much contact with the old man next door, Fan Xing Xing also had a few face-to-face meetings, and now thinking about it, Fan Xing felt strange.

No wonder, she hasn't seen any movement next door these days, and she hasn't seen the old couple next door who always get up early and do morning exercises. She was also surprised at the time and thought about asking about it in two days.

It's just that she was a little overwhelmed by Qin Yilian's affairs these days, so she forgot about it for a while.

But she didn't expect that the person living next door had changed long ago!

Looking at Fan Xing's strange eyes, Duan Chengfeng felt a bit of bitterness in his heart. The Fan Xing who cried and laughed in front of him before is the most real side of Fan Xing, right?She puts on a mask to herself now, so she doesn't let herself get close, right?
Duan Chengfeng hid the sadness in his heart, walked over and sat beside Fan Xing, and as soon as he sat down, Fan Xing sat on the other side.

With a bitter smile, Duan Chengfeng wasn't annoyed, but he didn't sit next to Fan Xing again, "I bought a new house for that old couple, and they've already moved in."

"Then how many days have you lived here?" Moved?When did she move away, why didn't she know?
"Almost a week." He has been watching Fan Xing in the dark for a week, and every midnight he would go into Fan Xing's room with the key given by Mrs. Zheng to see if Fan Xing is sleeping well. I also relieved my lovesickness!
"..." Listening to Duan Chengfeng's answer, Fan Xing recalled the previous dream, and seeing Duan Chengfeng right in front of him, felt more and more strange.

(End of this chapter)

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