Chapter 119

No wonder she felt that dream was so real, and she was still not hungry. Could it be that dream was real?

Frightened by this realization, Fan Xing remembered that he seemed to have confessed his love to Duan Chengfeng in his dream, and said a lot of things, even, even... Kissed him on his own initiative! did she do those things?
So shameful, so shameless, so...

Thinking of the things she did with her heart in her dream, Fan Xing wished she could find a hole in the ground and go in now—she would have no face to see anyone again.

"Then, have you been to my house just now?" Although the dream was very real, nothing in the house seemed to have any trace of that dream, so Fan Xing asked with an attitude of reluctance.

But as soon as he asked, Fan Xing wanted to have his own tongue!

What is she going to prove?
Does that have anything to do with not being real?

If Duan Chengfeng said she was here, what should she do?
Said it was a dream, can't it be true?

Or was that just a joke? !
If Duan Chengfeng said she hadn't been here, wouldn't she be pretending to be affectionate?
Fan Xing is very depressed...

Why was she so confused for a moment, unable to distinguish reality from dreams?
Is it because that's what she always wanted, so she can't help it?

Fan Xing was regretting her behavior, and even more regretting that she had asked. She had expected Duan Chengfeng to say no, but things in the world are always unexpected.

"I came here just now, and we had lunch together!" Duan Chengfeng had a gentle smile on his face. Although he knew Fan Xing was struggling, since he knew that Fan Xing still loved him, he had to make Fan Xing face up to this problem. , "I also heard your confession and your inner entanglement, Xiaofan, since you still love me, then give me another chance, okay? Just trust me again, believe that I will give you happiness!"

What he needs most is the opportunity Fan Xing gave him.

If Fan Xing has been resisting in his heart, then his future will be full of thorns.

Although he doesn't care about the difficulties encountered on this road of chasing his wife, he doesn't want Fan Xing to deny him a chance to care about Fan Xing because of his resistance!

"Trust me again and give me another chance, okay? This time I will show you my sincerity and determination, okay?" Duan Chengfeng looked at Fan Xing with a heart full of anxiety, and the eyes in those dark pupils For the first time, there was uneasiness and fear. With Duan Chengfeng like this, Fan Xing didn't know what to do.

"Duan Chengfeng, I..." The originally resolute heart became a little hesitant after seeing Duan Chengfeng's pupils full of anxiety and regret. Fan Xing thought of Duan Chengfeng's performance today, thought of Duan Chengfeng's change, and remembered his gaffe before Fan Xing's confession and Duan Chengfeng's gentle and considerate treatment, Fan Xing suddenly didn't know what to do.

Should she trust him once?

When Fan Xing was hesitating, he suddenly thought of Duan Chengfeng's doting on another woman, Duan Chengfeng's indifference to him, and his fear of losing his child that day, and he suddenly woke up.

Fan Xing tried his best to make his heart cold and strong, and he glanced at Duan Chengfeng lightly, as if he was looking at a stranger, without the warmth before, "Do you think we can go back? Duan Chengfeng?"

The cold words, without a trace of emotion, pierced into Duan Chengfeng's heart like a sharp sword. Duan Chengfeng could even hear the sharp pain of his heart being pierced!
Although he had been prepared for a long time, when Duan Chengfeng heard Fan Xing say that, he still felt extremely heartbroken, and his already pale face became even paler.

Duan Chengfeng worked hard to calm his restless heartbeat, clenched his hands, closed his thin lips, and his dark pupils were full of regret and heartache!

It's just that he kept his head down, not letting Fan Xing see his abnormal expression, nor let Fan Xing see his fragility!

It took about a few minutes for Duan Chengfeng to calm down his restless emotions. He raised his head, looked at Fan Xing calmly, and gave Fan Xing that eternally indifferent smile, but there was warmth in that smile. No matter how far away there is, and the pain in his heart is well hidden by him, at least Fan Xing can't see anything unusual!

"Xiaofan, I don't care what you think, and I don't care how firmly you reject me. But I believe that as long as I work hard, we can go back! So please don't keep resisting me, don't give me a chance, okay Is it?" The eyes looking at Fan Xing are full of Fan Xing's shadow, and there is also the persistence that belongs to Duan Chengfeng in those eyes!

He won't give up easily!

"Duan Chengfeng, I've already said what I should say. As for what you do, I don't care, and I don't want to. I just hope you don't bother me anymore!" Fan Xing didn't understand, she had already refused so much , I made it so clear, why doesn't Duan Chengfeng seem to understand this time?

"I won't cause you any trouble, but I want to take care of you and the child, can I?" As long as Fan Xing doesn't refuse his concern, he can take his time.

He, don't worry.

"Can you take care of me?" She glanced at Duan Chengfeng suspiciously, Fan Xing had reservations, "You are pampered at home, how can you take care of me? Can you do laundry, cook, and clean?" With Duan Chengfeng for seven years In [-], Fan Xing never saw Duan Chengfeng doing housework at all, so Fan Xing guessed that Duan Chengfeng was just a pampered young master. Apart from work, he had a good brain, and he probably didn't know anything else!
"I'm studying, don't worry, I will take good care of you and the baby!" He has been learning how to take good care of a pregnant woman these days. He has read a lot of materials and practiced a lot. He did it slowly, but it could still be done well, "Okay, let's not talk about it, let's talk about the dishes are cold, let's eat first!"

After Duan Chengfeng finished speaking, he walked up to Fan Xing, trying to help Fan Xing up, but Fan Xing avoided it and got up by himself.

"I'll do it myself!" After finishing speaking, Fan Xing walked to the table, looked at the same dish that had a reasonable combination of meat and vegetables, and cast a strange glance at Duan Chengfeng, "You made this?"

Just now she watched Duan Chengfeng coming from the opposite side with a bowl. If it was takeaway, it wouldn't look like that - this dish looks very home-cooked, very different from takeaway!
"Well, try it!" He has tasted every dish, although the taste is still very ordinary, but it is barely passable, and he can be qualified for the work of Fanxing's nutritional meal!
But he just learned how to cook, so he has to work harder!

Fan Xing looked at Duan Chengfeng in disbelief. She wanted to refuse at first, but when she thought of the baby in her stomach, she thought that it would not be good to go out to eat anyway. If Duan Chengfeng did this, then she could criticize and say It's not delicious, so Duan Chengfeng has no reason to "take care" of her.

(End of this chapter)

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