Chapter 120

Thinking of this, Fan Xing silently took the bowl that Duan Chengfeng handed over, and began to eat slowly. After taking the first bite, he felt very surprised, and gave Duan Chengfeng a strange look, "You really know how to cook?" It's not bad, how is it possible?

Don't blame Fan Xing for not believing it. After all, Fan Xing hasn't seen Duan Chengfeng cook in seven years. Duan Chengfeng's temperament makes it difficult to connect him with the kitchen. Now that he sees the food in front of him and eats it himself, Fan Xing Still can't think of and can't match Duan Shengfeng with the kitchen.

"I didn't know it before, I just learned it." In order to take good care of Fan Xing, Duan Chengfeng probably spends his time in the kitchen these days. Although the dishes he cooks are edible, Duan Chengfeng is not very satisfied, so he still has to work hard.

"Is it delicious?" Duan Chengfeng was afraid that the dishes he made would not suit Fan Xing's taste.

"It's...not bad." Although Fan Xing wanted to say it was delicious, she still chose to say "not bad" against her will.

This person, who has just learned it, can do this level. If he does it a few more times, can he be comparable to a chef?

Because of Fan Xing's honesty, what she wanted to criticize was killed when she ate Duan Chengfeng's own dishes and looked at Duan Chengfeng's hopeful eyes.

"Then eat a little more, but you can't eat too much. If you eat too much, your stomach will feel uncomfortable. Have a snack later, you know?" Seeing that Fan Xing still likes it, Duan Chengfeng is also relieved.

Fan Xing was attracted by food, and he didn't refuse, and ate a lot.

After eating, Duan Chengfeng packed up his things, and then he went to Fan Xing, "Let's go for a walk, let's go for a walk!" He still remembered the doctor's order that pregnant women should exercise more.

"No, I'm tired and I need to rest." Even if I want to go out, I don't want to go out with you!

"Let's go, you slept all afternoon, it's time to go out for half an hour, and you'll be back in half an hour!" Before he finished speaking, Duan Chengfeng pulled Fan Xing up, supported Fan Xing and went out.

Although he knew that Fan Xing was pregnant and needed to rest, but falling asleep all the time was not a problem!
"I'm just a pregnant woman, not old, weak, sick, or disabled. You don't need to help me, I'll walk by myself!" It seemed that he couldn't hide, so Fan Xing had no choice but to accept his fate and go out.

Oh, forget it, she's going for a walk anyway!

go Go!

It's not bad to spend another half hour with him!

"Xiaofan, I'm not a scourge, you don't have to be so guarded against me, don't worry, I won't force you to do anything, and I won't force you to accept me, I will wait slowly, let you slowly see my determination Accept me slowly!" Seeing the defense in Fan Xing's eyes, although Duan Chengfeng felt bitter in his heart, he knew it was his own fault, so he accepted it.

"..." Although Fan Xing knows that Duan Chengfeng is a persistent person, but hearing what Duan Chengfeng said now, seeing Duan Chengfeng so disregarding his own opposition, not caring about his own indifference, and still taking care of her facelessly, Fan Xing really can't understand Duan Chengfeng is gone.

"Since you have already let go of me, why do you want to turn back? You don't look like someone who will regret it! Besides, haven't you always been unable to forget that person? Why are you still pestering me? "That person has always been the knot in Fan Xing's heart, and it is also Fan Xing's nightmare all the time, she really wants to know what kind of woman can make Duan Chengfeng fall in love with her for so many years!
"Xiao Fan, the reason why I let you go is because I'm afraid I can't give you happiness, I..." He really wanted to tell Fan Xing his own difficulties, but Duan Chengfeng didn't want to use his body as a reason to hurt Fan Xing , let alone make Fan Xing worry about him.

"Want to hear me tell a story?" That woman was the first woman besides Mrs. Lin and his mother to walk into his heart, but like Lan Xin and Mrs. Lin, in Duan Chengfeng's heart, they were just relatives!

"It's fine if you don't want to say it, it's your sad thing, just pretend I didn't say it!" That woman is Fan Xing's knot, as long as he thinks of the name Duan Chengfeng called on his wedding night, Fan Xing can feel that he has already The scarred wound was torn open again bloody.

Therefore, Fanxing tortoise retracted into his shell again.

"Sad, sad, that should be a thing of the past, it's okay to tell you!" Thinking of that woman named Lan Xin, although ten years have passed, Duan Chengfeng can still feel his guilt.

Although he never wanted to bring up that memory, Duan Chengfeng knew that if he didn't explain this matter clearly, Fan Xing would always have a knot in his heart. With that lump, it would be very difficult for Fan Xing to forgive him!
"Or...forget it!" Fan Xingwugui didn't want to listen, because she was afraid of hearing about Duan Chengfeng's love for another woman!
"It's okay, Xiaofan, in fact, I should have told you earlier that I have always felt guilty, and I was also afraid of letting you know her existence, afraid that you would know my bad side and destroy your image in my mind, so I I have been hiding it all the time, and I will tell you everything while taking a walk now!"

As Duan Chengfeng spoke, he fell into memories.

"When I was 20 years old, I came to City A to start Duan's new market in China. At that time, I just came to this mysterious country, the hometown of my mother Sun Tiantian. At that time, I was always alone. I don’t have any friends around me. But by chance, I met Lan Xin. Her gentleness, kindness, and understanding made me, who had always been alone, want to get closer, because I saw in her The shadow of mother Sun Tiantian."

"Lan Xin is different from other girls who tried to get close to me. She is very gentle, caring, and doesn't talk too much, so after knowing each other for a while, we became good friends. I didn't know Lan Xin's heart was right What kind of relationship do I have, I just treat her as a confidant, she proposed to go to my house, and I took her too, because she is the first real friend in my life, I cherish this friendship very much, and I am ignorant Between ignorance and understanding, I always feel that I treat Lan Xin differently from other girls."

When Duan Chengfeng said this, Fan Xing's face darkened, and the sour taste in his stomach rose sharply, making Fan Xing very uncomfortable.

"At that time, I got along with the opposite sex for the first time, and I didn't understand what it was. I thought it was the ignorant love in my youth, but I knew that I didn't have the right to give others happiness, so I only put Lan Xin Just as friends."

Fan Xing has been obsessed with the topic of Lan Xin being different to Duan Chengfeng. She knows she shouldn't care about it, but she just can't ignore it. She regrets bringing up this topic now—why bother? !

(End of this chapter)

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