Chapter 121

Therefore, Fan Xing didn't notice Duan Chengfeng's words "I don't give others the right to be happy". Until later, when Fan Xing knew everything, she regretted that she had been so stupid and misunderstood Duan Chengfeng like that, and even suspected that Duan Chengfeng was right. her love!

"But I don't know, Lan Xin has someone who loves her even more. That man loves Lan Xin too much. He thinks that Lan Xin loves me, so he did something too much. So Lan Xin left later. I didn't come back. I thought about it after that, and I realized that I have no feelings for Lan Xin, and my special feeling for her is only because she has the shadow of my mother on her body. "

Duan Chengfeng didn't explain why Lan Xin left, nor did he say that Lan Xin blocked a shot for him, because this guilt had been with him for ten years, and he didn't want Fan Xing to suffer the same guilt as him.

Fan Xing is the sunshine, as long as she is happy and happy!
Let him recite those dark sides, let him bear them!
So, there are some things, as long as he knows!

It's just that Duan Chengfeng didn't expect that because of his concealment, Fan Xing's trust in what he said was greatly reduced!
Dust-laden memories were opened, and Duan Chengfeng thought of that girl with a beautiful heart, and that bloody night, when Lan Xin blocked a fatal shot for him, Duan Chengfeng still has lingering fears!

At that time, he felt guilty and uneasy because Lan Xin gave his young and healthy life for him, but now, he is very glad that he survived, met Fan Xing, and had a child of his own!
Duan Chengfeng is very contradictory, and also wonders if he is too selfish, so he has always felt guilty, thinking that he is shameless and evil!
So, subconsciously, Duan Chengfeng didn't want Fan Xing to know his dark side!
Lan Xin confessed to him that day covered in blood, but he did not answer, because although he was confused about his feelings for Lan Xin, at that moment, he clearly understood that he could not respond to Lan Xin's confession, because he Know it's cheating!
Because at that moment, he understood that he was only a kind of appreciation for Lan Xin, and also a kind of longing for Lan Xin.

Who made him miss his mother too much?
"Xiaofan, I am just a sustenance for Lan Xin. I don't understand why you think I love her all the time. Can you tell me why?" This is something Duan Chengfeng has never understood. Almost all of his servants have been changed, and Duan Chengfeng really can't figure out who would do that to destroy Fan Xing's trust in him?
"I heard from others!" She couldn't tell him that it was because you called the wrong name on the day of your wedding, right?
After hearing Duan Chengfeng's explanation, Fan Xing understood that Duan Chengfeng's difference to that woman named Lan Xin was not love, but Fan Xing still minded!
If you don't care so much, why do you think of yourself as her?
In fact, I still care about it in my heart, right?
After all, that person is different in Duan Chengfeng's heart!

Remembering that he was not the first woman to walk into Duan Chengfeng's heart, Fan Xing felt very uncomfortable.

Why, that woman means so much to Duan Chengfeng, is it just because that woman has the shadow of Duan Chengfeng's mother?
Even so, shouldn't they still be in love with each other until now? !
Isn't it ten years already?

How do you remember it so clearly?
Fan Xing didn't believe that Duan Chengfeng didn't have any other thoughts about Lan Xin, otherwise why did Duan Chengfeng's eyes have so much guilt and sadness when talking about Lan Xin?

So, in the final analysis, it was because Duan didn't fully confess, which caused Fan Xing's trust in Duan Chengfeng's words to be greatly reduced. As a result, Fan Xing still didn't pull out the thorn in his heart, and it also caused them to continue to have many disasters.

So, Xiao Shengzi, children's shoes, you really shouldn't be dishonest!

"Who is that?" Who would tell Fan Xing these rumors?

Duan Chengfeng really wanted to find out that person and ask him clearly, to see how many obstacles that person had set up between him and Fan Xing!
As a result, he thought that Fan Xing would become more and more unhappy after marrying him, and thought that he could no longer make Fan Xing happy, so he was ready to let it go!
It also caused Fan Xing to always mistakenly think that he loved someone else, so he was always sad and depressed by himself!
Who is going to do this and destroy his and Fan Xing's happiness? !
"I forgot." The man was clearly in the sky, right in front of his eyes, but Fan Xing couldn't say that Duan Chengfeng called him the wrong name, could he?

"Think about it again!" He had to find out that person, if it wasn't for that person, then maybe he wouldn't have gotten into trouble with Fan Xing to the point where he is today!

At least he will treat Fan Xing like he did before marriage, although he still doesn't say love, but he will take good care of Fan Xing and make Fan Xing happy instead of letting him go because Fan Xing is unhappy like now!
"I really forgot, okay, I'm tired from walking, I have to go back to wash and sleep!" Fan Xing didn't want to slap Duan Chengfeng in the face in front of Duan Chengfeng and embarrass Duan Chengfeng. Entanglement also makes no sense.

So, here we go!

All night Fanxing was thinking about what Duan Chengfeng said, she knew that Duan Chengfeng was explaining his relationship with Lan Xin to her, and also showing her that he had no love for Lan Xin, and even mentioned his mother who died young for the first time!

Duan Chengfeng explained to her for the first time, explaining his heart to her, it stands to reason that Fan Xing should be happy, but Fan Xing just feels uncomfortable!

Since Lan Xin is very important to Duan Chengfeng, why hasn't Lan Xin appeared again in these years?Where did she go?And what did the person who likes Lanxin do?
Why didn't Duan Chengfeng say these things?

Or was it because he couldn't open up to her?
What exactly is going on?

Why did Duan Shengfeng have happiness, remorse, guilt and sadness in his eyes when he mentioned Lanxin?
Is that just because Lan Xin is like his mother?
This is too incredible!

If he didn't really care, how could Duan Chengfeng still have so many complicated emotions when he thought of Lan Xin ten years later?

If you really don't care, why would Duan Chengfeng murmur a name that doesn't belong to him on the wedding night?

Don't care like this, really, don't you care?
So deeply engraved in my heart, how can I not care?
Fan Xing didn't understand, what Duan Chengfeng said and his reaction didn't match at all, how could she believe it?

Pregnant women are more emotional, and Fan Xing has too many uncertainties about Duan Chengfeng, so Fan Xing is full of doubts about Duan Chengfeng's words.

After thinking depressedly for a long time, Fan Xing finally decided to close his eyes, sleep, and don't think about the rest!
(End of this chapter)

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