Chapter 122

He slept like this until dawn, and Fan Xing still woke up the next day with a scented meal.

After waking up, he saw Duan Chengfeng busy there again.

Seeing Duan Chengfeng who is so considerate, Fan Xing couldn't tell what it was like in her heart, so she simply chased him away, "Duan Chengfeng, you don't have to do this for me, I just hire a nanny myself, I'll go today, your company Are you bankrupt? Are you so free?" Come on, why take care of me?We are over, how can you embarrass me by doing this?

Duan Chengfeng didn't know why Fan Xing suddenly became indifferent to him again, but he knew that the pregnant woman had a very temper and was uncertain, so Duan Chengfeng only regarded Fan Xing's behavior as a pregnancy reaction, "You get up, wash your face and mouth first, and then you will be ready soon." You can have breakfast."

"I said I don't want you to take care of me, you can go, I will take good care of myself!" For some reason, now that Fan Xing sees Duan Chengfeng's gentle demeanor, she suddenly feels better Annoying, I don't want to see Duan Chengfeng!
Duan Chengfeng frowned when he heard Fan Xing's bad tone, and put down the busy things in his hands, "Xiao Fan, although the pregnant woman is emotionally unstable, you still have to control it as much as possible. If you are too emotional, it will affect the child!"

Duan Chengfeng doesn't know what's going on, it stands to reason that he explained Lan Xin's matter clearly yesterday, Fan Xing's knot has been untied, she should not have been thinking about that matter so much, how could he predict that? completely different?
Why does Fan Xing seem to have eaten explosives, and his temper is very unreasonable?
"I get emotional easily when I see you, so you go, I'll be fine if you go!" Fan Xing didn't know what was wrong with her, she knew that Duan Chengfeng was explaining to her yesterday, and she began to believe Duan Chengfeng She just thought of Duan Chengfeng's expression when he talked about Lan Xin, she was so damn caring, so damn jealous!

Yes, she was very jealous, jealous of the woman who was recognized by Duan Chengfeng!
Jealous of why Duan Chengfeng cared so much about Lan Xin, even Lan Shu cared about him!
But why is he always so indifferent to himself and doesn't let her get close?
Could it be that she is that bad, does Duan Chengfeng just look down on her?

What is Duan Chengfeng thinking about himself?If Duan Shengfeng didn't love Lan Xin, would he love himself?

So even a gentle person can't enter his heart, so what about himself?
What is she in Duan Chengfeng's heart?

Suddenly thinking of this, Fan Xing became inexplicably irritable, and suddenly became very impatient with Duan Chengfeng, and spoke very aggressively. She saw Duan Chengfeng started to work on her breakfast again, Fan Xing walked over and pulled Duan Chengfeng out of the door, "Bang" Close the door with a bang.

"You go, I don't need your concern!" I don't need you to care so responsibly, and I don't want to have anything to do with you so vaguely!

So, here we go!

Accepting your care so ambiguously, I will feel uneasy, feel hesitant, and my heart that has finally let go will start to move around!
I can't allow myself any chance of regretting it!

Don't dare to turn yourself back!

So, I can only drive you away like this!

After closing the door, Fan Xing looked at the breakfast carefully prepared by Duan Chengfeng on the table, remembered something, walked to the door, opened the door and saw Duan Chengfeng standing there with annoyed expression on his face.

Fan Xing stretched out his hand, "I don't ask how you have the key to my house, but please return it to me now, this is my house, and I don't want any outsiders to disturb it!" I don't want to let myself have any chance of regretting my heart!

"Xiao Fan..." Duan Chengfeng always felt that Fan Xing was a little baffled when he woke up, but he still patiently explained to Fan Xing, "I did this to take care of you conveniently, I..." Before I finished speaking, Fan Xing interrupt.

"No matter what your reason is, give it to me!" He kept stretching out his hand, and Fan Xing vowed not to give up until he reached his goal.

"Xiao Fan..." Duan Chengfeng couldn't understand Fan Xing suddenly becoming so unfamiliar and unreasonable, but after thinking about it, he decided to follow Fan Xing and not make her angry, "Then I will give you the key." , call me if you need something, and eat breakfast, you know?"

Hesitating to take out the key in his pocket, Duan Chengfeng handed it to Fan Xing.

"In order to avoid waste, I will eat breakfast today, but don't make it for me in the future, because I won't eat it if you do it in the future!"

This is not what Fan Xing wants to see!
It's not good to feel like we're still together even though we've been separated!
Fan Xing quickly took the key, and closed the door with a "bang", blocking Duan Chengfeng's concern for her, and also blocking the slight hesitation in his heart.

Walking into the living room, looking at the nutritious breakfast prepared by Duan Chengfeng, I thought of Duan Chengfeng's dusty and distant temperament. In order to cook and learn to cook for himself, he put down his body and took care of himself indifferently, and followed her in everything, even though She just drove her away, Duan Chengfeng just smiled and didn't blame her... Thinking of Fan Xing, I can't tell what it feels like, anyway, I just feel uncomfortable!
Fan Xing seemed to be angry with herself and Duan Chengfeng, she knew in her heart that Duan Chengfeng was explaining his relationship with Lan Xin, but Fan Xing felt very uncomfortable in her heart, and she didn't know what was wrong with her, why she was so damned He cared about Duan Chengfeng's expression when he talked about Lan Xin, and he cared so much about what Duan Chengfeng really thought of her!
Why is she still not good at learning?
Duan Chengfeng can't even look down on such a gentle Lan Xin, so what is there for Duan Chengfeng to miss her?
Thinking of this, Fan Xing couldn't understand why Duan Chengfeng agreed to be with her back then, why he married her...

Therefore, Fan Xing got into a corner and couldn't get out, so he had to drive Duan Chengfeng away, so that she wouldn't soften her heart again!
A little depressed after breakfast, Fan Xing didn't bother to clean up. After eating, he went straight to the studio he had prepared, took out the blueprints and started designing, and his mood changed from being uneasy at first to calm.

After a while, Fan Xing drew several blueprints. Fan Xing looked at it and felt very satisfied, so he began to choose fabrics for cutting.

When he was in college, Fan Xing has been practicing handwork. Although he hasn’t designed any more in these years, but being a wife is too long and boring. Naturally, Fan Xing often continues to practice his own skills—hand-sewing clothes.

Fan Xing can feel that every time she sews clothes, no matter how irritable and depressed she is, when she calms down to sew, her heart will gradually return to calm.

(End of this chapter)

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